by Zyraen
This mod introduces a variety of Hidden Kits that are obtainable by Dual-Classing at level 12, from either a Fighter, Mage, or Cleric. The amount of XP required to achieve the Hidden Kit is considerable, but so are the advantages gained.
Apart from a few standard advantages and disadvantages within the Kit itself, most notably present in ALL the Hidden Kits is the ability to Increase your INACTIVE Class by one level every time you level up. This advantage grants players the enjoyment of being able to level up what is effectively a Mult-Class Character at about the rate of a Single-Class Character.
The concept was first applied in the Reaver and brought "live" in this mod. The full breakdown of Hidden Kits is as follows.
Spell Steel - Fighter -> Mage
Sylvan Warden - Fighter -> Druid
Shadow Blade - Fighter -> Thief
Eldritch Phantom - Mage -> Thief
Prelate - Fighter -> Cleric
Archmage - Cleric -> Mage
Sylvan Justicar - Cleric -> Ranger
Hidden Kits for Bioware NPCs
One drawback of almost all Kit mods is that they generally affect ONLY the custom made Character, typically, the PC. To this end, Components have been included that modify up to TWELVE Bioware Characters and make them Eligible for the Hidden Kits made available, 1 component for EACH Character. To have them take effect you have to start a NEW GAME after installing the components you wish to install.
Jaheira the Sylvan Warden
Yoshimo the Shadow Blade
Korgan the Shadow Blade
Jan the Eldritch Phantom
Imoen the Eldritch Phantom (after Spellhold)
Anomen the Prelate
Viconia the Prelate
Mazzy the Prelate, w/ Modified Items
Aerie the Archmage
Minsc the Sylvan Justicar
Valygar the Sylvan Justicar, w/ Modified Items
Sarevok the Spell Steel
Note however - they have been made ELIGIBLE but they do NOT start with the Kits. In some sense, compared to the Player it is much easier for them to obtain the Kit if the only requirement is to hit a certain Level or XP, so to that end, for EACH and EVERY NPC there are TWO requirements for them to receive the Hidden Kit.
1) have more than 1 Million XP in their Active Class
2) Complete a Particular Portion of a Particular (Default Bioware) Quest
If you complete the Quest BEFORE the NPC has the 1 Million XP, the NPC will make a Remark just as if the NPC gained it, but NPC will henceforth NEVER be able to obtain the Kit.
Complete Readme - http://www.geocities...readmehidek.txt
Download -;showfile=623
If the Bandwidth is maxed out, feel free to PM me to request for the File if you are interested in being a Beta Tester

With enough Beta Testers and few serious Bugs, I should be doing a v1.00 Release proper in about 1 month's time.
Edited by Zyraen, 15 April 2008 - 08:53 PM.