Page 1Kadaj X:Ah,
very nice shot of the priest there. I like how everything angles up with the chapel. Very complementary to the shot!
leeonheart:What a
lucky vampire. And being an Orc to boot! That's definitely a twist. Good work! I really like the darkened tone the screens set with the dramatic red color.
Andaius:Now I know
that can't be all the female companions you have. Just the personal guard if I remember right?
Soul_Slayer:Wow! I really
love how things are coming along with that store of yours! Those textures are very unique to me, and give quite a different tone to that model. I can't wait to see how things turn out with it.
Another character faceplant success. Who's face will you come up with next? Personally, someone I thought would be pretty cool to see in Oblivion would either be Danny Cooksey, or Robert Patrick (T-1000). Though, Danny would be harder since there's no good pictures I've seen of him floating around.
Chiglet:Aubret's back? Yay! And kicking ass too. Shame about the emperor though. He'll sleep it off.
Page 2Chiglet:Very interesting
outfit she's wearing there. I like the color's of it. Not something you see very often.
Soul_Slayer: Very nice shots you have there.
Glad to see Jasmine being sexy and glad that you got that whole swords problem worked out. Although technically speaking, you did have a wide purple lightsaber for awhile.
Kadaj X: I love the presense of
this shot. Gives off a thoughtful tone, or even a sense of loneliness. And besides that, it's quite a nice scenic shot too.
DFSL: Your tempting me,
you really are. 
No matter how many times I see those streaks, I never get tired of her. Keep up the good work!
Gooch:Beautiful shot here. Is that color from a lighting enchantment? Something that's always bothered me about those lighting enchantments is why of all colors the Devs choose they choose light green? I'm surprised noone has thought of changing those colors to just grey-white. Or maybe I haven't encounted that mod yet. Anyway, keep shooting those great shots.
how she looks. Nice exotic feel to her, that you've captured quite well.
leeonheart:Don't tell me your
going to be making face texture transplats too! This keeps up nearly ever celebrity's face will be available for play in Oblivion.
Darziak:Well, even if it's an old shot
it's still nice to share. Especially with that Mog in the lead. Take as much time as you need with the break to rejuvenate. Then you could rejoin the scene with plenty of vigor.
Arnold. Forced to walk through snow. He'll be fine though. Probably had plenty of experience on the Alps for a little bit of snow to affect him much.
Treetop Smoker:Very
nice shot here. She's looking quite dangerous with those 2 blades. And not to mention powerful and sexy. Keep it the good work!
JazzJR:Oh? Is that a
new friend I see there? Possibly a new companion for your adventures? I'm certain he'll be of great help fighting the forces of evil. Great shots as always JazzJR.
Cold day in...hell? Well Bruma while it's snowing must be hell for a Xivilai, or at least close to it. I like how he's able to stay looking badass while being bombarded by snow.
Secret_ninja_stamos:Thats a
nice little group of beast race characters you have there. It's not often that we get too many beast race chacters into the fold. Guess cause they ain't so much as popular. Anyway, they're definitely a nice addition to have here.
Page 3ChaironDeCeleste:Hah,
so blunt and direct. Course, I can see why she might have to be that way. Sometimes the IC can have some very rude residents. Plus it's much harder when everyone's looking down at you. Great shots.
Secret_ninja_stamos:I gotta agree with you.
K'aisha is definitely looking quite elegant and cruel. And then not to mention hot for an Argonian.
Soul_Slayer:I love the
contrast between the background and foreground in this one. Helps set the tone of the picture so much more than if it were simply all lit up brightly. Well Done! And of course Eyecandy doesn't know what it's missing
with shots like these. And heck, that's a pre-shot too. You'd think that hugging and closeness would be allowed there but I guess not. I wouldn't want to imagine what would happen if I ever did upload a shot I have of Glenn and Shamanih there.
Kadaj X:Dark Angel meets Angel. Then the sun sets. Do I really need to go one. I love the very jovial tone of the picture. And of course the obvious offset of good natured vs bad natured. Nice job!
Flucidity:Ha! I love the look on
her face on this one. It's as if she's actually thinking: "This wolf must be out of it's damn mind." I just love it.
Yorkmaster:Ah yes.
Counting coins on a table. While in a cave no less. So many parallels to real life. The first of course is getting mad at having so many crappy coin pieces. Anyway, very nice shot Yorkmaster! Keep it up!
DFSL:Those are some very unique
pair of pants she's go there. I kind of wasn't expecting it. Not often you see that kind of wrap texture on Oblivion armor. Good job with the screen!
Gooch:Beautiful, beautiful
scenic shot you have there. I'm always a sucker for a good scenic view of the Imperial City.
Chimera:Heh, I can see it now.
Bruce Willis in
DIEHARD: IN OBLIVION! Great job on him Chimera!