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#1 khay


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Posted 24 March 2008 - 03:32 AM

Besides the (possible) coding improvements SConrad has been talking about, one of the next features will be adding content for custom NPCs. I will agree to edit them, but only under two conditions:

1. The original modder comes to us and asks for her beloved NPC to go through the chainsaw treatment, so to speak. I will not ask permission to edit any portraits, simply because I will not modify anything without them asking me to - this way we can avoid all the uncool stuff that might arise due to differences of opinion on whether this mod is useful or not or if they agree with me butchering their characters. As a related issue, the edited custom NPCs will not be included until the respective author is 100% satisfied with the end results.

2. No time limits. Photomanipulation takes quite a bit and I live by the code of (almost) never promising anything to anyone, this way I disappoint somewhat less often. Not to mention releasing new versions will probably not occur daily anyway... So creating your NPCs portrait can last a day, a week or a month.

That`s about it, I guess. Other thoughts regarding improvements, features etc. are very welcome. :)

Edited by khayman, 24 March 2008 - 03:51 AM.

#2 SimDing0



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Posted 24 March 2008 - 06:23 PM

The original modder comes to us and asks for her beloved NPC to go through the chainsaw treatment, so to speak.

Whoa. I think the number of people who are going to turn up and ask you to fuck up their NPC is going to be pretty slim. I think a more active approach would be beneficial. (I would first and foremost request you to allow for the Edwina portrait in Ease of Use/BG2 Tweaks because I think that's very much a staple. I doubt anybody is going to give a shit if you bloody that up.)

Incidentally, does this shit show up well enough for it to be worth doing small injured portraits for people like Irenicus and Bodhi?

Then, of course, NPC Damage for Tutu! Hah.
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#3 SimDing0



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Posted 24 March 2008 - 06:31 PM

And I fully encourage you to mutilate Alassa. In keeping with the spirit of the mod itself, the injuries should be ridiculously over-the-top. For the 75% portrait, I think her head should be missing completely.
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#4 berelinde



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Posted 24 March 2008 - 06:46 PM

I don't know about that, Sim. If this were available for BG1 NPCs, I'd send in Gavin's portraits.

Since it's BG2, I've got to ask how you feel about in-progress NPCs. I've got one that's nearing completion. The mod will probably be out in a month.

Sure, the pics don't look so pretty when they're all banged up. But a modder who is vain on behalf of the NPC can always take consolation in the incentive the player will have to get that NPC healed.

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#5 Kaeloree


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Posted 24 March 2008 - 09:07 PM

Consider any of my (current and future) NPCs game. I'd love to see Iylos mutilated. I'm sure some players would appreciate the chance to smash him up a little... ;)

#6 berelinde



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Posted 24 March 2008 - 09:25 PM

Putting my money where my mouth is, here are the portraits for the NPC mod I've got nearing completion. I don't care what you do to them. Make them as gruesome as you like. In other words, anything you produce will be fine, and no approval from me is needed. If you want to include him, please be my guest.

NPC name: Haldamir
SoA override script: B!HALS
ToB override script: B!HAL25S

Check file: b!halj.dlg

Edit: added check file

Edit2: let me know if you want a higher resolution image to use

Attached Files

Edited by berelinde, 24 March 2008 - 09:28 PM.

"Imagination is given to man to console him for what he is not; a sense of humor, for what he is." - Oscar Wilde

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#7 SConrad


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Posted 24 March 2008 - 09:30 PM

NPC name: Haldamir
SoA override script: B!HALS
ToB override script: B!HAL25S

Check file: b!halj.dlg

Thank you! :)

This sort of information will make coding a breeze--I hope you're setting a precedent, here! ;)

Posted Image Khadion NPC mod - Team leader, head designer
Posted Image Hubelpot NPC mod - Team leader, coder
Posted Image NPC Damage - Coder
Posted Image PC Soundsets - Coder, voice actor
Posted Image Brythe NPC mod - Designer
Posted Image DragonLance TC - Glory of Istar - Designer
Posted Image The NPC Interaction Expansion Project - Writer for Cernd, Sarevok
Posted Image The Jerry Zinger Show - Producer

Iron Modder 5 - Winner

#8 khay


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Posted 25 March 2008 - 02:02 AM

Edit2: let me know if you want a higher resolution image to use

Cool, thanks. :) I would definitely be interested in a higher resolution file, if that`s possible. If it`s alright with you, I`ll PM you the end result and see if you are happy with it (this will happen in about a week or so, I would think).

I really won`t do anything to portraits of any mod NPCs until someone asks me to do so; this way I can avoid 'dis mod sux why did u buchter my <3 npc i wroked on 4 847347324 years wtfnub!!!1' comments. Some people already seem to consider this mod distasteful, and while everyone`s rightfully entitled to their opinion, it only made me think about my next mod being the NPC Porn Mod; some might most certainly be interested in Aerie's Anal Adventures or The Grand Orgy of the Even Grander Jansen Family (Now featuring turnips!). :shifty:

Edit: Spelling. :(

Edited by khayman, 25 March 2008 - 06:03 AM.

#9 Kulyok

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Posted 25 March 2008 - 02:27 AM

You're welcome to contribute to Romantic Encounters, then - we're accepting submissions. Take a look at Renal, Talak, Chanelle or Bodhi for "hot" stuff. (Yeah, I know you were half-joking... but half-not?)

And, sure, if you want to include Xan or Tiax for BG2, go ahead - you sure don't need me to send you their portraits, because they're in the original game; you'll probably be editing them for a BG1/Tutu/BGT edition, anyway.

Xan, SoA script(and checkfile): O#XanS.bcs
Xan, ToB script: O#Xan25S.bcs

Tiax, SoA script(and checkfile): O#TiaxS.bcs
Tiax, ToB script: O#Tia25S.bcs

#10 vilkacis


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Posted 25 March 2008 - 05:54 AM

Some people already seem to consider distasteful, and while everyone`s rightfully entitled to their opinion, it only made me think about my next mod being the NPC Porn Mod; some might most certainly be interested in Aerie's Anal Adventures or The Grand Orgy of the Even Grander Jansen Family (Now featuring turnips!). :shifty:


I don't think you need to mention the turnips, though. I mean. Their inclusion in that scenario really goes without saying, doesn't it?

...why do i sense new topics for the fanfic/fanart challenges...?

#11 Kaeloree


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Posted 25 March 2008 - 10:37 PM

Here's Iylos' and Xulaye's portraits and script info :)

Attached File  lk_iyll.bmp   203.73K   667 downloads
Name: Iylos
Override script: lk#iylo.bcs
Death variable: Iylos
Check file: lk#iylo.dlg

Attached File  lk_xull.bmp   203.73K   701 downloads
Name: Xulaye
Override script: lk#xula.bcs
Death variable: Xulaye
Check file: lk#xula.dlg