If you mean "relationships" in the sense that the NPCs interact, then yes, it would definitely be nice to see more interaction between a few
NPC pairs, like Valygar/Mazzy, Keldorn/Mazzy, LG Anomen/Mazzy (like actually apologizing for being so rude to her).
If you mean "relationships" in the romantic sense, that's a minefield. Everyone has their own preference about
NPC relationships. For mod NPCs, I like them, but for BioWare, I think the ones that are already in the game cover the bases well enough.
Mazzy is obviously attracted to Valygar, but to my mind, he does nothing to encourage her. Maybe this could be expanded a bit, perhaps, but I don't think it should go far, and it wouldn't end well. Perhaps Mazzy's attraction could be underlined a bit; perhaps he reminds her of Patrick. In the end, I think he'd still reject her, though, especially once he realized the true nature of her feelings for him. It takes a very special kind of woman for Valygar to overcome his reluctance to become romantically involved, and Mazzy is not that woman. Also, there's the
NPC romance between Darian and Mazzy, and the Mazzy Romance to think about.
And for that matter, there's Mazzy and Korgan. Just about everybody disagrees with me here, but I believe Korgan's attraction to Mazzy is sincere. Maybe she reminds him of a time before a cruel world twisted him into what he's become, and a part of him pursues her in an effort to regain it. I believe his confession to her that he'd try to be a better person for her sake, if she'd have him, is heartfelt, if only because he openly acknowledges the nigh impossibility of it. Again, it wouldn't end well, because Mazzy seems to be repulsed by everything about him, from his grubbiness to his coarse speech to his blatantly ribald comments to other females in the party, but if it was handled adroitly, with a great deal of sensitivity and restraint, it could be fun to watch.
Aerie has her Haer'Dalis. I don't know if she needs anybody more than that, and I don't think anybody but cloyingly innocent Aerie could appeal to Haer'Dalis' jaded libido.
Anomen... does anybody in the party like Anomen? Does he consider anybody in the party worty of his attentions? Not sure there are a lot of possibilities here. There's always the possibility of a same-sex relationship for him, but even then, I couldn't think of any likely candidates.
Cernd? No idea. I don't often play with him in the party, so I just don't know.
Edwin seems defined by his ability to strike out with every female he approaches with an amorous gleam in his eye. The PC can look past that, but there's the Edwin romance for that.
Haer'Dalis: see Aerie.
Imoen has been covered by mods pretty thoroughly. There's the Imoen Romance, Kelsey, Chloe, and one day, Gavin.
Jaheira... It really is best if I don't talk about Jaheira.
Keldorn. Keldorn is a married man, and he takes his vows very seriously. His vanity isn't so supressed that he can't be fooled by Imoen when she appeals to it, but I don't really see him taking a walk on the wild side with Viconia, for example. Though I have to admit that it's possible that their mutual animosity toward each other might be fueled by something more immediate than devotion to their respective gods. It's possible that they do feel a sexual attraction to each other, and that the attraction they feel provokes them both to such hostility, but the possibility is very, very remote.
Korgan: see above.
Mazzy: see above.
Minsc? Who takes Minsc seriously enough to have designs on him? Aerie accepts him as a protector, but she doesn't really have the... er... appetite to appreciate his physique in any other way. Jaheira has no respect for him, and where there is no respect, there can be nothing more. Nalia? I don't know her well enough to say, but I don't see it happening. Mazzy? She's got enough going on, and on some level, I don't think Minsc could overlook the size issue. I think he'd forever see her as a child, even though she really is all grown up. Best not to even think about Viconia. She might find a use for him, but there wouldn't be a lot of romance involved, and I don't think IEP needs that kind of banter. Besides, Viconia would probably never let the PC, or anyone else, for that matter, know if she did take such an unlikely lover.
Nalia? Your guess is as good as mine. I never take her in the party if I can help it. Besides, she's covered already by two Nalia romances and Auren.
Sarevok? I think his scorn for everyone else in the party would prevent it.
Valygar: see above.
Viconia: dunno. I could see her taking lovers to please herself, but the PC would probalby never know about it.
Yoshimo? He holds everyone at arm's length. I can imagine him seeking negotiable affection or indulging in a one-night stand, but I can't see him overcoming his own reserve enough to become intimate with anyone else in the party. By "intimate" here, I include both the platonic and the amorous implications of the word. He doesn't let anyone behind his mask, and it's probably best to preserve that.
Edit: just saw the "No, not romantic ones" subtitle, and now my post is meaningless, but I'll leave it up as tribute to my poor reading comprehension. Besides, there's a little platonic speculation threaded through here and there.
Edited by berelinde, 14 March 2008 - 09:03 AM.