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parse error

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#1 josh_clue

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Posted 04 June 2003 - 06:07 PM

:( i'm back! thanks again to the people who gave me a copy of weidu v122-124 while wes was setting up his new site!

now, onto my new problem. i keep gtting this error message when trying to compile a D file i made:

Compiling 1 dialogues/scripts ...
[vault/dlg/denak.d] PARSE ERROR at line 60 column 6-10
Near Text: BEGIN
syntax error

[vault/dlg/denak.d]  ERROR at line 60 column 6-10
Near Text: BEGIN
ERROR: parsing [vault/dlg/denak.d]: Parsing.Parse_error

now this is my D file (numbers on the left side represent the line number)

57     IF  
58     ~InParty("EDWIN")
59      !Global("VestibuleQuest","GLOBAL",0)~
60     THEN BEGIN 5
61       SAY ~Edwin, what a surprise.~
62       IF ~~ THEN DO ~ActionOverride("BRENDAN",EscapeArea())
63                                  SetGlobal("VestibuleRelease", "GLOBAL",1)~
64     EXIT
65     END


what' wrong? i don't get it. but, then again, i don't know what a parse error is...  :blink:

#2 -jcompton-

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Posted 04 June 2003 - 06:57 PM

I'll bet you didn't END the preceding state.

#3 josh_clue

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Posted 05 June 2003 - 05:36 AM

:o oh... yeah...

thanks :rolleyes:

i've got another but totally unrelated problem, though. it's probably due to my ignorance nad not reading the html help file that weidu come with but here goes:

i used the COPY command on weidu to install some of the new files for a mod that i am making for BG:TotSC. the dialogues compile, the new creatures are copied over and given names, BUT the custom .BAM and .STO files end up corrupted. i tried simplt copying the .BAM and .STO files to the override directory and they work fine (although the stores lose their name). is there a different command for copiying files onto the override directory?

thanks a bundle!


#4 -jcompton-

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Posted 05 June 2003 - 05:56 AM

Show your TP2 code. Show some stuff preceding it, too, since as you saw in the last example it's often important what's come before.

#5 josh_clue

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Posted 05 June 2003 - 06:59 AM

:huh: here goes:

BACKUP ~vault/backup~

// where should tell the user to send email if something goes wrong?
AUTHOR ~josh_clue@angelfire.com~

BEGIN ~Josh Item Pack v1.0 (BG: TotSC)~

// new 2DA files for level 40 characters
COPY ~vault/2da/backstab.2da~ ~override/backstab.2da~ ~vault/2da/hpprs.2da~ ~override/hpprs.2da~
~vault/2da/hprog.2da~ ~override/hprog.2da~
~vault/2da/hpwar.2da~ ~override/hpwar.2da~
~vault/2da/hpwiz.2da~ ~override/hpwiz.2da~
~vault/2da/layhands.2da~ ~override/layhands.2da~
~vault/2da/mxsplbrd.2da~ ~override/mxsplbrd.2da~
~vault/2da/mxsplpal.2da~ ~override/mxsplpal.2da~
~vault/2da/mxsplprs.2da~ ~override/mxsplprs.2da~
~vault/2da/mxsplran.2da~ ~override/mxsplran.2da~
~vault/2da/mxsplwiz.2da~ ~override/mxsplwiz.2da~
~vault/2da/saveprs.2da~ ~override/saveprs.2da~
~vault/2da/saverog.2da~ ~override/saverog.2da~ ~vault/2da/savewar.2da~ ~override/savewar.2da~
~vault/2da/savewiz.2da~ ~override/savewiz.2da~
~vault/2da/skillbrd.2da~ ~override/skillbrd.2da~
~vault/2da/skillrng.2da~ ~override/skillrng.2da~
~vault/2da/thac0.2da~ ~override/thac0.2da~
~vault/2da/wspatck.2da~ ~override/wspatck.2da~
~vault/2da/xpcap.2da~ ~override/xpcap.2da~
~vault/2da/xplevel.2da~ ~override/xplevel.2da~

// new custom BAMs
~vault/bam/iamultf.bam~ ~override/iamultf.bam~ ~vault/bam/ibeltgnt.bam~ ~override/ibeltgnt.bam~
~vault/bam/iblundag.bam~ ~override/iblundag.bam~
~vault/bam/iblunrag.bam~ ~override/iblunrag.bam~
~vault/bam/iblunslp.bam~ ~override/iblunslp.bam~
~vault/bam/ibootfox.bam~ ~override/ibootfox.bam~
~vault/bam/icrown.bam~ ~override/icrown.bam~
~vault/bam/iechan01.bam~ ~override/iechan01.bam~

// updated stores carrying new and improved items
COPY ~vault/sto/erdane.sto~ ~override/erdane.sto~
SAY NAME1 ~Erdane~
SAY NAME2 ~Erdane~
COPY ~vault/sto/friend.sto~ ~override/friend.sto~
SAY NAME1 ~Friendly Arm Inn~
SAY NAME2 ~Friendly Arm Inn~
COPY ~vault/sto/highhedg.sto~ ~override/highhedg.sto~
SAY NAME1 ~Highhedge~
SAY NAME2 ~Highhedge~
COPY ~vault/sto/sto0703.sto~ ~override/sto0703.sto~
SAY NAME1 ~Sorcerous Sundries~
SAY NAME2 ~Sorcerous Sundries~
COPY ~vault/sto/sto4803.sto~ ~override/sto4803.sto~
SAY NAME1 ~Nashkel Store~
SAY NAME2 ~Nashkel Store~

// new dialog
COMPILE ~vault/dlg/taerom.d~
COPY ~override/taerom.dlg~ ~override/taerom.dlg~

// display readme at the end
AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT ~notepad vault\ReadMe-Josh.txt~

oh yeah, i forgot to mention: the 2DA files are also corrupted. they worked fine when i edited them. but after running them through weidu COPY command, they no longer work. i copied the 2DAs manually from the source \vault\2da directory and they worked fine.

thanks again!

#6 josh_clue

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Posted 05 June 2003 - 07:07 AM

oh yeah, i was also e-mailed that there is a "shortcut" for copying over files from one directory to another... so i wouldn't have to type all that stuff up there.

i'd be really thankful if you taught me by example! thanks!


super thanks!

#7 japheth



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Posted 05 June 2003 - 08:27 AM

// new 2DA files for level 40 characters
COPY ~vault/2da/backstab.2da~ ~override/backstab.2da~ ~vault/2da/hpprs.2da~ ~override/hpprs.2da~
~vault/2da/hprog.2da~ ~override/hprog.2da~
~vault/2da/hpwar.2da~ ~override/hpwar.2da~
~vault/2da/hpwiz.2da~ ~override/hpwiz.2da~
~vault/2da/layhands.2da~ ~override/layhands.2da~
~vault/2da/mxsplbrd.2da~ ~override/mxsplbrd.2da~
~vault/2da/mxsplpal.2da~ ~override/mxsplpal.2da~
~vault/2da/mxsplprs.2da~ ~override/mxsplprs.2da~
~vault/2da/mxsplran.2da~ ~override/mxsplran.2da~
~vault/2da/mxsplwiz.2da~ ~override/mxsplwiz.2da~
~vault/2da/saveprs.2da~ ~override/saveprs.2da~
~vault/2da/saverog.2da~ ~override/saverog.2da~ ~vault/2da/savewar.2da~ ~override/savewar.2da~
~vault/2da/savewiz.2da~ ~override/savewiz.2da~
~vault/2da/skillbrd.2da~ ~override/skillbrd.2da~
~vault/2da/skillrng.2da~ ~override/skillrng.2da~
~vault/2da/thac0.2da~ ~override/thac0.2da~
~vault/2da/wspatck.2da~ ~override/wspatck.2da~
~vault/2da/xpcap.2da~ ~override/xpcap.2da~
~vault/2da/xplevel.2da~ ~override/xplevel.2da~

Since you're not appending anything or replacing anything in these 2da's, just do a straight directory copy like so:

COPY ~vault/2das~ ~override~

// new custom BAMs
~vault/bam/iamultf.bam~ ~override/iamultf.bam~ ~vault/bam/ibeltgnt.bam~ ~override/ibeltgnt.bam~
~vault/bam/iblundag.bam~ ~override/iblundag.bam~
~vault/bam/iblunrag.bam~ ~override/iblunrag.bam~
~vault/bam/iblunslp.bam~ ~override/iblunslp.bam~
~vault/bam/ibootfox.bam~ ~override/ibootfox.bam~
~vault/bam/icrown.bam~ ~override/icrown.bam~
~vault/bam/iechan01.bam~ ~override/iechan01.bam~

Same goes for the BAMs:

COPY ~vault/bam~ ~override~

// new dialog
COMPILE ~vault/dlg/taerom.d~
COPY ~override/taerom.dlg~ ~override/taerom.dlg~

You don't need to copy the dialogue file over after you compile (unless you need to replace some placeholders or something). WeiDU automatically inserts the newly compiled dialogue file into the override folder.

// display readme at the end
AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT ~notepad vault\ReadMe-Josh.txt~

It's probably better to use VIEW here since notepad is Win32 specific. So, change it to this:

AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT ~VIEW vault\ReadMe-Josh.txt~

oh yeah, i forgot to mention: the 2DA files are also corrupted. they worked fine when i edited them. but after running them through weidu COPY command, they no longer work. i copied the 2DAs manually from the source \vaultda directory and they worked fine.

I've never had WeiDU corrupt any of my files when simply copying them over. Try doing the directory copying stuff I showed you above and see if that solves your problem.
Check out BG1Tutu.

#8 josh_clue

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Posted 06 June 2003 - 06:36 AM

i tried doing the directory copying stuff you showed me but it didn't solve my problem.

i tried using earlier versions of weidu to see if anything would happen but nothing did. my 2da, bam, and sto files still end up "corrupted"

thing is, i tried to open one of the 2da files after weidu copied them over and compared them with the 2da file in my source directory
and here is what i saw:

***** from SOURCE directory, backstab.2da
2DA V1.0
                    0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50
THIEF               1   2   2   2   2   3   3   3   3   4   4   4   4   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5

***** from weidu copied OVERRIDE directory, backstab.2da

2DA V1.0?E00?E000   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50
THIEF               1   2   2   2   2   3   3   3   3   4   4   4   4   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5   5
:blink: did you see that? that "?E00?E000" inserted onto the weidu copied file? WHOA!   :huh:

i started thinking that was causing the "corruption". i then delete the "?E00?E000" segment and guess what? the files work again. it had the same effect as if i had MANUALLY copied over the 2da files.

this would be no problem if all the files i were distributing were 2da files which are readily and easily copied over onto the override directory. but what of my "corrupted" bam and sto files? plus, this makes it a problem to distribute my mod  :(

another oddity about this is that near infinity can still open the "corrupted" bam and sto files, but BG:TotSC just crashes when it creates the item or enters the store!

i'm thinking the files are still openable and are either IWD, BG2:ToB, PS:T, and IWD2 compatible BUT NO LONGER BG and BG:TotSC compatible.

help!  :o   :o   :o

thanks again.

#9 -jcompton-

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Posted 06 June 2003 - 02:21 PM

Cuv just mentioned having a problem with a 2DA that won't work when he TP2 COPYs it but will work when he manually copies it.

#10 josh_clue

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Posted 06 June 2003 - 07:03 PM

who is Cuv?

how can i contact him/her?

thanks, jcompton and japheth.

by the way, i started a new thread with this topic to see if anyone has been having similar problems or if anyone out there has encountered this and has found a way to work around it.  :unsure:

#11 -jcompton-

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Posted 06 June 2003 - 07:29 PM

My point about Cuv was to Wes, to inform him that someone else seems to be having a problem.

Do me a favor and send me a zipped copy of your 2DA file. jcompton@spellholdstudios.net.

#12 -jcompton-

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Posted 06 June 2003 - 10:29 PM

I just made this exciting mod:

BACKUP ~josh/backup~
AUTHOR ~josh~

BEGIN ~josh~

COPY ~josh\backstab.2da~ ~override~

and it copied the 2DA you sent me perfectly. Nothing odd was introduced.