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Where do you get your images?

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#1 berelinde



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Posted 27 February 2008 - 11:53 PM

This isn't pointed at the people who do original art. I don't think I could ever aspire to that. But this is pointed at folks like me who just surf around, looking for cool images to include in banners/BAMs/portraits/what have you.

I generally google images by the kind of image I want.

For example, I got the images for the Fading Promises banner by googling "gray stone," "ball and chain," "night sky," and "midnight clock," and by photo-chopping the SHS logo.

Gavin's banner images came from googling "night sky," "dawn sky," and oddly enough, "backgrounds," for the light filtering through the trees. It was originally on some Arabic record album, I think, so it's probably copyrighted. The knot motif came from a stencil on an apron. Daulmaken made the frame with the Gibberlings 3 logo.

Homeward Bound images were all done with the "print screen" key, except for the CoM logo, which I lifted off the website.

Where do you get yours?

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#2 WeeRLegion


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Posted 28 February 2008 - 03:56 AM

Corbis.com is good for some stuff. o-o

#3 vilkacis


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Posted 28 February 2008 - 06:13 AM

Wikipedia/wikimedia and flickr.com are awesome and huge.

#4 princesspurpleblob



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Posted 28 February 2008 - 03:02 PM

generally google/wikipedia/game screenshots and deviantart!

#5 Lythari


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Posted 26 May 2008 - 10:04 PM

Generally google and art-related websites, like deviantart or elfwood.
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#6 Scipio


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Posted 26 May 2008 - 10:19 PM

I mostly need high-res images. When clients can't supply photos and want to save money on royalties, Morguefile is a good source for some pics. I've even used some of their material on A0-size posters.

I can do commercial design - logos, publications, that sort of thing - usually with a combination of Photoshop and Freehand or PageMaker. But I can't do art! I have done some fakes, morphs and montages, like this portrait I did for the Lion Warrior kit that Vilkacis so kindly made for me. But hey, I'm a writer and editor at heart, not an artist.


Morph of Jada Pinkett Smith and Halle Berry with bits of montaged background scenery and foreground items.
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#7 VIIIofSwords


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Posted 26 May 2008 - 10:54 PM

Depends entirely on what I need and/or want.
For anime images, I delve through the following links: E-Shuushuu, moe.imouto.org, konachan, Anime Mahou

For most non-anime needs, I just use deviantart and photobucket. Occasionally, I get good wallpaper-size shots of things from the monthly wallpaper thread over at MegaTokyo Central. Two sections of Boyis.com, the fodder section and graphic CG, have nice selections, but the site is exceedingly hard to navigate and anyone not interested in anime or anime-style art is best advised to keep away, despite the number of gorgeous gems there.

And, not to offend the ladies here, but if I feel the need to decorate my thoughts with a beautiful woman, there's always Beautiful Newsmakers.

If all else fails, if you're truly desperate, and you're willing to sacrifice your sanity, there's always 4-chan. No, I am not linking to that malignant cancer of a site.

Edited by VIIIofSwords, 26 May 2008 - 11:01 PM.

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#8 Amaurea


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Posted 27 May 2008 - 03:17 AM

I mostly use Google and morpthing.com.

If I want a completely unique image, I license one from istock.com. Very inexpensive.