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SpAE's scribblings

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#1 SpAE


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Posted 20 February 2008 - 02:54 AM

Finally throwing my hat in and making an art post! Also trying to prove that not EVERYTHING I do is quick fractionassed cartoony work (as much as my Challenge entries might suggest otherwise)...just most of it.

Firstly something other than drafts...but still not a finished and nicely refined piece.
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Portrait of someone that I don't think is a great likeness of them, but might recycle it into a fantasy portrait. For the kicks. He's seen it, and didn't recognise himself. :(

Warning: Kaeloree, if you are into surprises, you may want to stop reading here.

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Warm up sketch for Kaeloree, based on his fabulous Inmates in Arms fic. I love that thing, I'm going to read the letters out of it. Warm up sketch to study the personalities of the characters (Kaeloree's Dradeel makes me think of a big motherly hen with flappy big arms). Done at 1 am in one of those frantic 'I just got out of bed to do this because I have to do this' moods.

Moving on. This was the draft for the original proper full pic. It may still be, but that's unlikely.
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However, THEN I re-read the thing and thought...well, big bad team of big bad mages, sure, but that doesn't half begin to show the best part of the ending. And it's not dynamic enough.

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This is a cartoony warmup sketch (ohmygodnotanotherone) for what I think will be the proper final one (which probably won't be cartoony) which has been laid out. This version also srsly fails at layout. The draft of the other one is better. And that's the story for today.

...um. Can I have my hat back now?

#2 Kulyok

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Posted 20 February 2008 - 03:04 AM

Oh, the last one is really cool. (I voted for that story; liked it and "The Mightiest Foe Ever"). Very real, and Irenicus' outline is a nice touch. I especially liked all male portrayals.

#3 Kaeloree


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Posted 20 February 2008 - 04:03 AM

I am overcome with GLEE and AWESOME.



#4 Crazee

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Posted 20 February 2008 - 06:10 AM

That is actually awesome, SpAE. The last one especially: you've really portrayed the sense of unity well. Loves it! :) Keep up the good work.

#5 Galsic


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 02:15 AM

Those are all pretty nice! I really like that first portraity one and the first inmate one made me lol, especially Naljier. He just looks so childish and oblivious the way he's reaching for the sky.
(I like parentheses.)

#6 Rumpleteasza


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 08:15 AM

I love the first one - I envy your grasp of anatomy and shadowing! Very effective.
New avatar in honour of SeV/Jade, because everyone knows Jade brings all the (elves? Humans? Tabaxi? Let's just say girls, shall we?) to the yard.
Well... not quite so appropriate now I changed it. Sorry, Jadikins. <3 <3

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#7 SpAE


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Posted 24 February 2008 - 03:10 AM

*reappears* Nothing new this time except a lot of gratitude, I am a-working on an a-colouring, a-huh.

Kulyok - thank you! I got lucky with good material though :D

K'ae - ...:D Thank you! Hopefully the final will receive some love too. (But not sleeplessness. D: Poor hon..)

CFF - thanks! There's something about the last one that honestly underwhelms me (I STILL blame the layout!), but nice things are always lovely to hear.

Galsic - haha, thank you! Naljier is kind of generally adorable with his happy-sad lilty voice.

Rumpleteasza - Thanks! And honestly, my knowledge of anatomy from the neck down is kind of weak. :( I haven't drawn much in a year.

#8 SpAE


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Posted 01 April 2008 - 03:36 AM

hai guyz looking for crits please :D

Fantasy-esque thing that I thought I'd ask for help on cus you guys prolly all know better than me. So I'm experimenting with painting the one dude (I do draw other subjects, I swear) and -

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A first level rogue! (Or what do you think it is?)
It's *baaaaasically* finished, but I'm not terribly happy with the clothes so always open for improvement. Also I think I need to fix the background a bit so it looks less like ...well...

Several years and levels later though:
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...with notes!

Because I've always pictured him as a wizard. (Not so much Jim Morrison, but that seems to be the way it's going. :\) REALLY having trouble on the robes (am indecisive, for one - not sure if the cloak (purple blob on the left) works better than the to be more detailed thing on the right), so any suggestions would be very very very welcome.

Suggestions for other modifications very welcome, I'm just being silly really.

#9 Galsic


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Posted 11 July 2008 - 02:11 AM

Wow, how did I miss this last post?

Honestly, I gots nothin' but praise for the first one. The coloring seems a more refined version of your usual neato style. Judging by the relatively narrow shoulders, he's a halfing perhaps ^_^ ? I can't say I'm all that good with outfits, meself, so, unfortunately, I have little to offer for crit there (not that there's much outfit to look at or anything...)

All I can say about the second one is I like how your mind works :D !
(I like parentheses.)

#10 Epantiras


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Posted 12 July 2008 - 04:22 AM

very nice pics ^_^

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Oh, and Epantiras, you're simply Epantirastic.

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