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Pickpocket Options

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#1 -Guest-

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Posted 18 February 2008 - 04:40 PM

I am not sure if this is the best place to ask this question and if there is a similar topic somewhere, I haven?t found it.

How would one go about modifying the inventory slots from which a thief or bard can pickpocket?

For instance, a thief picked my character?s pocket and being the nice person that I am, I beat him unconscious with my fists but left him with his life. I see no reason why I shouldn?t be able to take the sword out of his unconscious hand or the boots off of his unconscious feet. It?s not like he?s swinging and kicking. (Although picking the pockets of a hostile creature is a different matter.)

Currently, (in BG 1 at least) a thief can pickpocket from every slot except ARMOR, BRACERS, HELMET, GIRDLE, CLOAK, BOOTS, SHIELD, and selected WEAPON.

Thanks for any help in advance.

#2 Rabain



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Posted 18 February 2008 - 05:18 PM

If you are talking about beating up a thief who tries to pickpocket you..yes it might be a nice idea...unfortunately I think there is just one instance in the game were someone tries to pickpocket you...and i think that is scripted...and its a kid.

If you are talking about you being a thief and beating up your target so you can steal his sword, boots etc...then I don't think its possible as the game considers any form of attack as a hostile action...so as soon as you hit the target it will go hostile. Any guards etc in the vicinity will be alerted...mostly likely the entire area will go hostile. The game doesn't account for this every well.

I don't think you should be able to pickpocket armor off guards standing around...that doesn't make sense.
A knight without armour in a savage land...

#3 -Guest-

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Posted 18 February 2008 - 07:28 PM

I'm talking about me being a thief and beating an already hostile and scripted "ENEMY" unconscious then pickpocketing his currently unpickpocketable equipment (although you would still have to charm his unconscious body in order to pickpocket him since he is hostile). Although if you could charm him then you wouldn?t NEED to beat him unconscious in the first place?. It would still teach him a lesson though?. This brings me back to my original question of how would you modify the inventory slots from which items can be pickpocketed? Would you have to edit something like a 2DA file, or is this information hard coded in the engine and particularly hard to change? And then there is the question of is it possible to make hostile but unconscious creatures pickpocketable?

Making all item slots pickpocketable could be dangerous because there are some items that should not be pickpocketed or do not make sense to be pickpocketable. A demon?s heart for instance. The only other way that I can think of to counter this is to flag these items as unstealable, but this causes other problems. Nevertheless, I would still like to know how to do this.

Thanks for your help.

#4 Azkyroth

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Posted 19 February 2008 - 12:36 AM

If there's a way to force a pickpocket roll from a script (or, even without one, really) this could be done by "talking" to the target after knocking them unconscious and attempting to take some of their stuff; different dialogue options would correspond to attempts at stealing from different slots, which would have a chance of success (the item is transferred to your inventory by script), failure (nothing happens), or critical failure (waking them). Unfortunately, you'd have to add a dialogue for this for every person you wanted to be able to do it to, and account for every one of their items that you wanted to make stealable in the dialogue.

On the other hand, if someone decided to follow the suggestions that have been batted around for adding quests that have heavy stealth elements a la the Thief series, this might make an interesting expansion in the context of that quest...

"Tyranny is a quiet thing at first, a prim and proper lady pursing her lips and shaking her head disapprovingly, asking, well what were you doing (wearing that dress, walking home at that hour, expressing those inappropriate thoughts) anyway? It's subtle and insidious, disguised as reasonable precautions which become more and more oppressive over time, until our lives are defined by the things we must avoid. She's easy enough to agree with, after all, she's only trying to help -- and yet she's one of the most dangerous influences we face, because if she prevails, it puts the raping, robbing, axe-wielding madmen of the world in complete control. Eventually they'll barely need to wield a thing, all they'll have to do is leer menacingly and we fall all over ourselves trying to placate them." -godlizard


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Posted 19 February 2008 - 02:29 AM

And then there is the question of is it possible to make hostile but unconscious creatures pickpocketable?

The unpickpocketable slots and not being able to pickpocket hostile creatures are both hardcoded features of the IE. In order to accomplish something similar, you'd have to assign a special script to all characters that you want to knock out and loot which would would make them drop all of their equipment once rendered unconscious. However, I don't think that scripts are even being executed on unconscious targets, so you'd probably have to use an area script or spawn an invisible creature for that purpose.

On the other hand, if someone decided to follow the suggestions that have been batted around for adding quests that have heavy stealth elements a la the Thief series, this might make an interesting expansion in the context of that quest...

I was thinking of eventually doing something to this extent with the "Shadow Thief Improvements" component of Rogue Rebalancing, but since such changes would require a huge overhaul of the mod, that's still in early conceptual stages.

#6 Kulyok

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Posted 19 February 2008 - 02:40 AM

There's a quest that involves stealth in Icewind Dale, in Dorn's Deep Palace, and it's very, very annoying. Just like the Spellhold ambush, when the assassins ambush the party after Irenicus' escape.

I'm not even mentioning Oberon's estate in the first Baldur's Gate game. Irritating doesn't describe half of it. Has anyone else has actually been *afraid* of being discovered?

#7 -Guest-

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Posted 19 February 2008 - 03:01 PM

I tried making an AI script (it was a .BS file) for a thief that would pickpocket the nearest hostile and STATE_HELPLESS (this should include unconscious) enemy. It didn?t work. These scripts don?t always follow the rules, but this one did?you still can?t pickpocket hostile creatures. There are plenty of commands that let a non-player character or creature drop his own items or take the party?s items, but there are no commands (for a party member?s script) that let the party take all items from someone or force him to drop all of his equipment. This means that you would have to add a few lines to EVERY character?s script in the game. Is there any good way to do this? (There is always the possibility that I overlooked something.)


#8 Kwiat_W

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Posted 19 February 2008 - 08:12 PM

You have indeed overlooked something as there is a script action "ActionOverride()" that would allow you to force other creatures to drop theirs eq or give it to the party. I have already made such a mod for my private use. I'll look for it and post it here later.

icon11.gif W_GUI - a GUI replacement for Baldur's Gate 2/TUTU/BGT/CA
icon11.gif W_PackMule - Your own pack mule for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA, BGEE and BG2:EE

icon11.gif Psionics Unleashed - play as a Psion, mod for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA


#9 -Guest-

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Posted 20 February 2008 - 03:36 PM

You have indeed overlooked something

I'm not surprised. I don't have much experience with scripting but am trying to learn.

Thanks for pointing out my mistake.

#10 Kwiat_W

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Posted 21 February 2008 - 06:13 AM

So here it is.
This is how it is supposed to work... After installing this mod (you don't have to start a new game) you party members should receive special ability called "search body" (you must activate party AI for this, but you can deactivate it again later) that will allow you to force unconscious creatures to drop all their equipment to the ground (except for the items marked as critical, which should be transferred to your inventory). If you install the first component there will be a 15% chance that the creature will be awaken, if you don't, there will be a 15% chance that nothing will happen.

[file removed]

Edited by Kwiat_W, 01 March 2008 - 09:06 PM.

icon11.gif W_GUI - a GUI replacement for Baldur's Gate 2/TUTU/BGT/CA
icon11.gif W_PackMule - Your own pack mule for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA, BGEE and BG2:EE

icon11.gif Psionics Unleashed - play as a Psion, mod for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA


#11 -Guest-

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Posted 21 February 2008 - 05:33 PM

So here it is.

AWSOME ! ! :Bow: I installed it for BG II and it works great. Does this mod work for BG1?

that will allow you to force unconscious creatures to drop all their equipment to the ground (except for the items marked as critical, which should be transferred to your inventory).

It works just like it should for targets with red circles, but if my target is unconscious and has a green circle (is in my party) nothing happens. Almost every time I tried to cast the spell on an unconscious target with a blue circle, the game crashed. Is the ability designed to only work on hostile tartets or have I done something to screw it up? (I installed both components and already had Classic Adventures installed.)

Thanks Kwiat_W for sharing this awsome mod and for your help.

#12 Kwiat_W

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Posted 21 February 2008 - 07:13 PM

Your party members are protected from this spell because I didn't see the point in robing your own party members and i thought it would be annoying that they would also lost their armour and you wouldn't be able to reequip it as long as you are in a middle of a fight. However I can remove this restriction if you want.
The crash when you try to use it on blue targets is a mystery (I have never tested it on any blue targets), but how do you make blue targets unconscious without turning them hostile???

It works only for BG2.

Edited by Kwiat_W, 21 February 2008 - 07:17 PM.

icon11.gif W_GUI - a GUI replacement for Baldur's Gate 2/TUTU/BGT/CA
icon11.gif W_PackMule - Your own pack mule for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA, BGEE and BG2:EE

icon11.gif Psionics Unleashed - play as a Psion, mod for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA


#13 WizWom

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Posted 22 February 2008 - 07:53 AM

We're having a discussion about how to do this over on Gibberlings 3 in the "Thief skills" discusssion. The best way I could think of was to make the override script so that if the creature is helpless, and you try to talk to it, it will give you all it's "droppable" stuff, if there is no combat going on.

it's not a great solution.

#14 -Guest-

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Posted 22 February 2008 - 09:12 AM

but how do you make blue targets unconscious without turning them hostile???

I guess something was wrong with his script (I didn't make it) and he didin't go hostile like he should have.

#15 Kwiat_W

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Posted 22 February 2008 - 11:00 AM

I can't figure it out because I cant duplicate this situation on my PC. Can you tell me who this "unconscious but blue target" is? From which mod and which version?

icon11.gif W_GUI - a GUI replacement for Baldur's Gate 2/TUTU/BGT/CA
icon11.gif W_PackMule - Your own pack mule for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA, BGEE and BG2:EE

icon11.gif Psionics Unleashed - play as a Psion, mod for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA


#16 WizWom

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Posted 22 February 2008 - 02:47 PM

How about sleeping people? They would be "blue but unconscious" - er, except that they are inconsistently marked as STATE_SLEEPING

#17 Kaeloree


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Posted 22 February 2008 - 02:59 PM

Kwiat_W, please feel free to upload your minimod to the Misc Mods category of the SHS download centre. That's exactly the sort of thing it's for :)

#18 -Guest-

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Posted 22 February 2008 - 03:20 PM

I can't figure it out because I cant duplicate this situation on my PC. Can you tell me who this "unconscious but blue target" is? From which mod and which version?

It is BGII SoA + ToB + ToB_Patch_26498 (the latest) + Classic Adventures v0.45 +your mod. The guy is in the first area (TC0009) and his name is Nelleck (uhman02). He is the only person in this area that does not turn red when attacked.

#19 Kwiat_W

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Posted 22 February 2008 - 05:32 PM

How about sleeping people? They would be "blue but unconscious" - er, except that they are inconsistently marked as STATE_SLEEPING

They don't cause crashes. Those that aren't marked with STATE_SLEEPING flag won't be affected at all, but those that I know of have nothing to be stolen anyway. However if there are any that have something, then I could take care of them individually.

Since normal sleeping people don't cause any crashes I'm guessing there has to be something wrong with this "uhman02", I will check it out.

icon11.gif W_GUI - a GUI replacement for Baldur's Gate 2/TUTU/BGT/CA
icon11.gif W_PackMule - Your own pack mule for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA, BGEE and BG2:EE

icon11.gif Psionics Unleashed - play as a Psion, mod for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA


#20 Kwiat_W

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Posted 25 February 2008 - 05:04 PM

I have figured it out and it has nothing to do with the fact that he was "blue but unconscious". The crash happens whenever a creature affected by a spell effect 264 (Drop Weapons in Panic) tries to drop an equipped item with an attack type set to "0-None" in its first extended header. Such extended headers are useless and are deleted by bg2fixpack, so you wouldn't experience those crashes playing a normal bg2 game (with bg2fixpack installed, of course). I have also noticed that some mod items have blank extended headers with an attack type set to "0-None" (5 on my current installation), so I will include my own fix to this problem and then it should be possible to play CA safely with my little mod.

icon11.gif W_GUI - a GUI replacement for Baldur's Gate 2/TUTU/BGT/CA
icon11.gif W_PackMule - Your own pack mule for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA, BGEE and BG2:EE

icon11.gif Psionics Unleashed - play as a Psion, mod for Baldur's Gate 2/Tutu/BGT/CA