Before you go wondering about their stats, their stats are essentially the same ^^;; They all add up to a Total of 88.
These are the cream of the crop, and Silmarillion will hardly be easy, so I decided to put their stats a little more on the high side.
Most of them are multiclasses as Silmarillion is probably the best played with a multi-class party and PC.
All Portraits are tentative ; unlike BG2 which is a zoom-in of the face, the portraits for Silmarillion in the Record Sheet will be from about Waist-up. Portraits have only been included for those that I feel I have found a good portrait for. The smaller portrait will STILL be face only
The following NPCs are the commanders of the Havens that are available for selection, up to a max of 4 in all

Str 18/28 Dex 17 Con 13 Int 16 Wis 10 Chr 14
Female High Elf Fighter/Thief
Chaotic Good
previously one of the assistant house captains in Gondolin, after the fall of that great city she has now risen to be the heads of intelligence within the Havens. Wily, cunning and eloquent, she is good with tactics and manuevering. However she slants towards working alone and tends towards caution when planning advances or information gathering forays.

Str 18/74 Dex 17 Con 14 Int 13 Wis 11 Chr 15
Male Sylvan Elf Ranger/Cleric
Neutral Good
Illuvi was previously one of the leaders from Doriath, serving under the leadership of Chief Marchwarden Beleg, and was also known to Mablung the captain of Thingol. In the destruction of Doriath he successfully managed the battle to afford Galadriel a way out of Doriath, and also escorted Elwing to safety from that place. However in that same battle he lost his sister Imari, and henceforth he seems to have undergone a shift from a serious, high-handed, stoic commander to a friendly but erratic, even irreverent sylvan elf with a knack for planning and executing perilous missions. A cunning tactician but veering on the risky side, and not very well-versed in the High Elven Wars.

Str 18/92 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 15 Chr 17
Male Human Paladin
Lawful Good
Maric is one of the capable and renowned human commanders within the Havens, hailing from the house of Beor. He is a capable and strong in combat, and his courage has reached even among the elves. Apart from being a good commander in leading small squads to attack enemies before retreating back in cover, Maric is also known as one of the most charismatic and capable leaders among the humans, well able to motivate and stir up the spirit of men and elves alike, to pick themselves up and follow him

Str 12 Dex 17 Con 13 Int 18 Wis 16 Chr 12
Female Human Mage / Cleric
Neutral Good
Kyra hails from the house of Beor of the humans, and though not well-known within the Havens, at the young age of about 22 she is already one of the key advisers in the Havens. Apart from her considerable ability in arcane arts, she is well-read and well-informed on most of the histories possible available to her. Her mind is able to discern tactical situations as well as strengths and weaknesses of different creatures, and despite being human, she is well aware of the history of most of the High Elven Wars. It is worth noting that prior to the game, despite only meeting lady Elwing for the first time, she was able to impress her and during the briefing by Elwing, shows uncanny insight as to the nature of the forces behind the disturbance.
From the Time-streams (picked up during scenarios, max 4)
Str 18/94 Dex 17 Con 11 Int 16 Wis 10 Chr 16
Male High Elf Fighter/Mage
Lawful Good
firstborn of Finarfin, founded the Elven Hidden City of Nargothrond, which was later ruled by his brother Orodreth. after being captured by Sauron, he and Beren and his squad were beaten, starved, and chained, with a werewolf sent to eat one of them everyday to reveal their identity. When only he and Beren were left, the next to be eaten was Beren, but Finrod burst his shackles and despite his weakened and injured state, fought armorless and weaponless against the Werewolf and killed it with his bare hands, before dying of his wounds. Romanceable if he joins you. Obtainable from the Tale of Beren and Luthien
Str 16 Dex 19 Con 15 Int 14 Wis 12 Chr 12
Male Sylvan Elf Ranger
Chaotic Good
friend of Turin, head of the marchwardens of Doriath. known to Illuvi. has bonus points in some weapons. previously wielded the Blacksword. He can use the Blacksword if you get it off Turin's scenario. He is known to Illuvi and Mablung. Beleg is also a master of stealth and has good ability in both field battle and surgical-strike operations. Like most of those of Doriath, he is not very familiar with the wars of the High Elves in the early years of the First Age.
Obtainable from the Adventures of Turin.

Str 19 Dex 15 Con 16 Int 13 Wis 10 Chr 15
Male Human Berserker
Chaotic Neutral
slayer of Glaurung, by whom he was in turn slain by (indirectly). Arrogant and abrasive, angsty and aloof, yet he is also persuasive and cunning in his own right. Wields the Blacksword in combat. Romanceable but you won't be able to really have him. Meant to be Stronger than Normal NPC. Obtainable from the Death of Glaurung.

Str 18/46 Dex 18 Con 13 Int 13 Wis 12 Chr 14
Female Sylvan Elf Fighter/Thief
Chaotic Good
younger sister of Illuvi, who perished in the destruction of Doriath preventing the invading armies from reaching her older brother, who was moving to rescue Elwing. She remembers Illuvi as much more serious and overbearing than he was when he was with you. Romanceable if she joins you. Obtainable from the Destruction of Doriath.

Str 13 Dex 18 Con 12 Int 18 Wis 12 Chr 15
Female High Elf Mage/Thief
Neutral Good
(note changes made from open Overview) commander under Fingon in the Emergence of Glaurung. she fought the dragon with her men valiantly and gave Fingon time to muster the archers, but lost her life holding the wyrm back up close. She is tricky to rescue, but she proves a valuable ally and has a younger-sister affection for the PC.
Str 18/97 Dex 10 Con 17 Int 12 Wis 18 Chr 13
Male Dwarf Fighter/Cleric
Neutral Good
one of the leaders of the dwarves that have departed from the Dwarven kingdom of Nogrod. A considerable craftsman, and a wily, commander, capable of advising and using terrain to his adavantage. Good at improvising in a pinch. Sounds gruff but his words are wise given his battle experience. However he lacks knowledge on most of the High Elven Wars. he was also a smith that forged the Necklace of Dwarves together with the Silmaril. Advocated not killing Thingol, was trying to convince him to hand it over. He was slain together with the blacksmiths after Thingol was killed. Has extra spell slots. Obtainable from the Death of Thingol.
It is worth noting that Silmarillion NPCs may have considerably less interaction (for now) than BG2 NPCs. The romances will still be in place but may also be less extensive than the previous ones.
However, they do play roles more significant than BG2 NPCs, and are not just simple mobile killing robots at the Player's Disposal.
- Reactions : Some of the NPCs, on certain maps, may be involving their close friends / relatives. Oftentimes they will react accordingly, including charging in to try and rescue a loved one at times. This is NOT always predictable, and may or may not happen each time. The chance of this happening will be affected by the total of their Wisdom and Intelligence (I'll try to make it dynamic but no promises)
- Self-"Reacting" : Much like in "Back to the Future" and other time-travel shows, there is the odd chance the NPC may come face to face with himself / herself, creating what some may consider a Paradox. To prevent this, NPCs who move within a certain radius of their Old Self co-existing on the same map, will fall over and suffer some (temporary) penalties and maybe some XP Losses.
- Advisers : In BG2, extended, complicated quests are often helped along by non-joinable NPCs who basically tell the Player and the Party what to do. In Silmarillion, due to it being largely a battlefield, it is unlikely there'll be other NPCs telling you what to do. For example, a chronicle of the Fall of Doriath might tell you that Elwing escaped, but you don't really know how to stop say, 5 or 6 enemy squads from ploughing into Elwing's squad and killing her before she escapes. Different NPCs will give you different advice on how to achieve it. While generally their advice will be true, it is not always correct down to the details, and differing characters may have differing advice, based on their tactical strengths (manuevering, stealth, character knowledge, terrain) and personality tendencies (risk taking, cautious, erratic, stoic, brash). It'll be up to the players to experiment and finds out what works best for their party. So do not think that you are just selecting a bunch of peons to follow you around based on muscle-power.
- Predictions : Many of the Silmarillion scenarios, excepting the last 3, are based on historical battles that took place. Some NPCs will be more familiar with a particular map than other NPCs, allowing them to "predict" or "forewarn" you when an significant bunch of allied/enemy squads is coming, or when a particularly nasty badguy (like Gothmog or Sauron) is expected to arrive. The details may not be complete, and sometimes there are timing slip-ups, but generally this will be helpful as you play through the map. Predictions also allow NPCs to warn you about the disturbances that occur OUTSIDE of the sequence of history, ie things that happen possibly as a result of Tampering with the Timestreams. In this way, you are better able to sense when something "sneaky" is afoot. Note that some pure-Mage characters like Kyra (and possibly Finarfin) have very strong magical awareness and can detect or even forewarn you of certain disturbances, even without you able to see them happening.
- NPC Interactions : Some NPCs may be familiar with non-joinable NPCs who are squad commanders within particular maps. This might make it a lot easier to persuade them, or to convince them, to do something that would help your cause. However, lacking these NPCs won't make the quest uncompleteable, just that you may need to use a different tactics or means, or talking to these Squad Commanders might be difficult.
- 11 Apr 2008 : Kyra switched to Mage/Cleric. Khorin has his position confirmed as a Timestream Joinable, combining the 2 Dwarves together. All 4 Commanders from the Havens can now join you for your Quest ; though you can dismiss them along the way.
- 29 Feb 2008 : Elrond Elros and Finarfin have been removed.
Edited by Zyraen, 26 June 2010 - 09:14 AM.