@ Yorkmaster - She looks lovely.
Hope it's a while before you have to do another reinstall. They are such pitas
Well... the way I'm having problems with OB the last week I don't know I installed the latest OOO and MMM and POW it freezes after approx 15 minutes or so, no CTD but a freeze I might try removing OOO and MMM and use TIE or something, to see if it's one of those but there are no reports on the forums about freezing
might be my NVIDIA drivers (the latest) that cause the problems but I can run Crysis with no problems (on medium graphics)
if it continues to happen with no mods active I'm really stumped.
Betcha it's the drivers. They'll work in Crysis but not for Oblivion - it's exactly that, tho for me it's 5 minutes in, every time.