Comments about PoOC #27
Posted 21 February 2008 - 05:00 AM

Click For My Screenshot Gallery
My Mods on TESNexus - deviantART
Thanks to Gizmodian for the wonderful sig!
Posted 21 February 2008 - 05:51 AM

Caine's Outfit - because evil assassins need evil looking gear!
Caine's album - contains tons of shots of... a evil assassin wearing evil looking gear!
Posted 21 February 2008 - 06:54 AM

Happy Birthday Ryu!
Posted 21 February 2008 - 08:19 AM
In-game Ryu (who considers himself to be the only real Ryu): What is with all these alter egos getting credit for us in-game dudes' and dudesses' birthdays, anyway? It is MY birthday, not that stand-in who stole my "Ryu" identity!
New Neckwrap for the Dram armor.
IG Ryu continues: Oh yeah, thanks for the new neckwrap, Mr. Fake Ryu! I really like it - it will come in handy as a tourniquet for the next bloodbath you get me involved in! Hey! How about getting me a hottie for my birthday - and leave some of that cake for me!
Real nice job and Happy Birthday to you, Ryu!!! Btw, how do you pronounce "Ryu"?
Edited by greatfool1, 21 February 2008 - 08:22 AM.
Posted 21 February 2008 - 10:01 AM
Happy B-Day Ryu!!!
Made by Sinharvest
Posted 21 February 2008 - 11:09 AM

In-game Ryu (who considers himself to be the only real Ryu): What is with all these alter egos getting credit for us in-game dudes' and dudesses' birthdays, anyway? It is MY birthday, not that stand-in who stole my "Ryu" identity!
New Neckwrap for the Dram armor.
IG Ryu continues: Oh yeah, thanks for the new neckwrap, Mr. Fake Ryu! I really like it - it will come in handy as a tourniquet for the next bloodbath you get me involved in! Hey! How about getting me a hottie for my birthday - and leave some of that cake for me!
Real nice job and Happy Birthday to you, Ryu!!! Btw, how do you pronounce "Ryu"?

Well I normally pronounce it as "Re-ooo" or sometimes "Re-you", but I think it's actually supposed to be or normally said as "Roo".

If one is to control their nature, then they
must accept both the light and the dark.
Doppler's Armory - I'll do something...eventually...
Posted 21 February 2008 - 03:52 PM

Floydian: Amazing character design Floydian! Your characters have evolved alot since you first introduced them.
A quick question: How were you able to get her to show off her fangs? I know you did a trick once where you cloned your character and paused the game while they were talking. Is this the same trick, or is it a mod that has them bare their fangs? Thanks.
ChaironDeCeleste: Sweet. I forgot to take screenshots of the ending the first time I played through the main quest...

CapsAdmin: Ha! That's awesome!
Great screens everyone! I should have some new screens in March when I'm on spring break. Hopefully the BAB version of the Nightshade armor will be out by then...

There seems to be a lack of new mods for BAB recently...
Oh, and lest I forget:

"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."
My Deviantart
My Myspace
Cool place for character names: www.behindthename.com

Posted 21 February 2008 - 04:04 PM

Click For My Screenshot Gallery
My Mods on TESNexus - deviantART
Thanks to Gizmodian for the wonderful sig!
Posted 22 February 2008 - 12:12 PM
You can now get your character to bare their fangs: http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=15124
Awesome! Thanks!

"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."
My Deviantart
My Myspace
Cool place for character names: www.behindthename.com

Posted 22 February 2008 - 04:40 PM

That plane is flying abit low........and that guy might fall off.

Posted 23 February 2008 - 12:36 AM

@kalia and Floydian: great job on the outfits. I'll definitely be downloading once the mod reaches completion.
Edited by oldmanpoo, 24 February 2008 - 10:06 PM.
Posted 23 February 2008 - 01:08 AM
Anyway, The last couple days, I finally got photoshop re-liscensed after much back and forth email with Adobe. (wouldn't let me use my key, said I had to uninstall it from the other machine. ) So, I've been doing some more character editing/painting, and posted a few sceenies, yesterday and today
Belated Happy Birthday to Ryu and Vanqa

A rare beauty in the north, she's the finest lady on earth.
A glance from her, the whole city falls; a second glance leaves the whole nation in ruins.
There exists no city or nation, that has been more cherished
Than a beauty like this.
-Han Dynasty poet Li Yannian
Flucidity's Texture Resource
Posted 23 February 2008 - 06:17 AM
He, he that was just a little jokeHow.......unexpected
That plane is flying abit low........and that guy might fall off.

Made by Sinharvest
Posted 23 February 2008 - 10:45 AM

KadajX: I certainly hope no one is trying to suidically fly that into the Imperial City Tower...

"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."
My Deviantart
My Myspace
Cool place for character names: www.behindthename.com

Posted 23 February 2008 - 10:07 PM

I try to use the recent versions for most of my mods*If* you were using the most recent version of the kfclothes mod (which had most stuff incl with it), I'd be willing to bet your problems were in that you didn't have BAB installed. A bunch of items pull textures from the BAB clothes folder - so even if you don't use the body, you need those resources installed. Because each shortdress is a modified texture, the shortdresses mod was completely self-enclosed. What you'd wanna do - and what I've done for instance with Growlf's, which has some *great* resource textures & even some items we've used this time - is before installing/omoding take out all the body stuff from the BAB mod, so you're left just with the clothes/armor/etc. Or install exnem's on top of it, but I think that's iffier.

On to catching up on things

@ Alexander Wolf - How NOT to ride a dragon. Gorgeous pic

@ Andaius - You;ve got some really nice slideshows there

Bluedestiny deserves much kudos for bringing such talent here

Love the way he looks in those glasses. They work really well with that outfit
The Terminator visits Cyrodiil.

That is some nice armor and a great looking character
@ ChaironDeCeleste - So simplisticly innocent looking, yer so deadly
Cool armor
Is the topic to avoid her being really just a kidstill? Or is it the Ice Elf thing?
Love the lighting in this shot. So much clearer and less red than normal shots in Oblivion. Did you do something to the weather there?
She seems to be thingking that this place definitely needs a "woman's touch"
Very nice! The armor and hair definitely compliment each other
Mortals, mortals everywhere, but not a drop to drink
Obviously, she's not heard the rule about running with scissors

@ Chimera - Very impressive work
His glasses really look like they have lenses in them. I've never really noticed that in any of the glasses so far. Very cool
Nicely done
Impressive likeness
He looks fantastic in that white outfit
I am thinking that one of those fancy cattle prods would come in really handy at times
Looks like Snoop is a man for
all seasons
I would have guessed Ms Jackson, but then I'm not too familiar with Halle's looks

Ah! Now now here's the Halle I recognise.

Wow! Excellent character showcase
@ Darziak - 'LOL the look on No-Name's face is priceless
Odd hue, but I like it
Reason #1 why Argonians should not eat flaming hot Cheetoes
It may not be "good", but it is at the very least interesting from an artistic viewpoint
The combination of that outfit and the look on Siev's face make him look delightfully evil
The battle of tastes great vs less filling rages on, even in Cryodiil
Test dude is normal size. The othere guys are just wearing heels

No-Name is one smug Dremora

That's a rather large camp. Plenty of room for all?
And a wonderful showcase here as well
"Say hello to my leetle friend"
@ DFSL - Very classy
To fit into outfits like these daily exercise is a must
Gorgeous sunset
Nice wings

@ greatfool1 - Alexus does not look very happy
@ Kadaj X - Love your fairies
Those are some solid lillypads
He's a hottie
And a very nice collection it is.
This demands a comment regarding the sizes of their swords, but it's plain to see it's more about how they're used
Now that he's got his attention...
I just want to know how that sword is staying at that angle
And now we'll learn to cha cha
That is one heck of a big drain in that shower
He looks quite relaxed

mega sized too! That is just too funny and too cool

Looks like a night at the disco
The ultimate in luxury
Looks like it;s decision time
@ Lady Blue - Very cool shot
@ leomorg - Flashback to "Streets of SanFransisco"

@ Murfy27 - As the Little Matchgirl takes a break from saving Cryodiil, she suffers through Martin;s practice coronation speech.
@ oldmanpoo - Fantastic
pics Love the look of uncertainty in her eyes
Penny for his thoughts Cool outfit
@ Radicus - Lexi is a cutie

But Bo' is my favorite
@ Rogue Sun - Looks like a Daedric circle of life, light, and magic. Beautiful
Very epic looking shot
@ Rumpleteasza - Marvelous shot through the flames
@ Ryu Doppler - Absolute wow!
Aww! You mean not everyone goes to the town guard for fashion advice?
excellent work on these armors
Nice to occasionally look back and seewhere we've been,
what we've donehow far we've
come. And still be able see that our first characters actually all were pretty darn good
I really like the look of this. Knees look a little funny, but then, don't everyone;s knees look funny?

@ Soul_Slayer - "V" is for vixen and view
I wish I may, I wish I might...
Never start and arguement with anything that has wings and/or horns. You'll lose every time
She has a beautiful face
Pssst! There's someone behind you
@ Spike4072 - LOL Run, Snow, run!. Poor Snow
I was wondering who was going to be the first to post pics of these adprable outfits.
The blue one almost looks like it belongs in Alice in Wonderland
ROFL That tail is great!!
@ Spirited Treasure - He looks rather studious
I always like the misty scenery chots. Especially when there's a gate involved

Not exactly a boy and his dog
@ Treetop Smoker - Very cool new armor
Not sure what you did, but this group of pics has amazing clarity
What a bathing beauty
Nice colour on this outfit
Who, me?
Who needs torches?
She's just beggin' tummy rub
@ VanQa - Estel's adventures in Wonderland
I promise the next comments won't be so long, or so long in comming

Posted 23 February 2008 - 11:13 PM

Posted 24 February 2008 - 11:30 AM
Oh my! I do hope he's careful with that blade! nudity warming still applies)
This looks lovely and warm
@ DFSL - Always enjoy seeing your creativity
with the various outfits
out there. Good job as always!
@ Treetop Smoker -Stylish yet deadly
@ VanQa - Nicely done video
@ Yorkmaster - She looks lovely.
Hope it's a while before you have to do another reinstall. They are such pitas
@ Ryu Doppler - They do know the best places to relax
Posted 24 February 2008 - 11:51 AM
Posted 24 February 2008 - 12:04 PM
Aye.@ Darziak - 'LOL the look on No-Name's face is priceless
Odd hue, but I like it
Reason #1 why Argonians should not eat flaming hot Cheetoes
It may not be "good", but it is at the very least interesting from an artistic viewpoint
The combination of that outfit and the look on Siev's face make him look delightfully evil
The battle of tastes great vs less filling rages on, even in Cryodiil
Test dude is normal size. The othere guys are just wearing heels
No-Name is one smug Dremora
That's a rather large camp. Plenty of room for all?
And a wonderful showcase here as well
"Say hello to my leetle friend"
experimenting is fun.
That's a good reason.

Maybe you got the wrong idea but my game or graphics card was messed up.

Yea he looks evil but you won't see him much. (he's hiding in one of my character's armour -which is cursed of course-)
You can guess who it is now.

Heh I like this illusion of size, I've managed to do it with Renor Npc and Renor PC
Don't tell Derikan he "borrowed" some of his fine bottles.
Well not all of cyrodiil

Gotta show everyone.

more like "say hello to my rat".
Thanks for taking your time to comment.
Posted 24 February 2008 - 02:37 PM
@ Yorkmaster - She looks lovely.
Hope it's a while before you have to do another reinstall. They are such pitas
Well... the way I'm having problems with OB the last week I don't know

might be my NVIDIA drivers (the latest) that cause the problems but I can run Crysis with no problems (on medium graphics)
if it continues to happen with no mods active I'm really stumped.
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogroves,
and the mome raths outgrabe
Lewis Carrol "Jabberwocky"