First, we have a proper backstabbing theif script. Built at this point for BGTutu, conversion to SoA/BGT should just be in renaming the potions used by the script.
Second, is a little tweak mod - the first step to a monster repair mod.
It's a little thing to give kobolds a random weapon from the list of weapons they might be armed with in the Monstous Manual. Right now it's just the melee weapons, we'll be adding javelins as a random selection instead of bows.
After that, it's on to Orcs, Goblins, Gnolls, Hobgolins and Ogres... Maybe even giving the Iron Golems the "sometimes they carry a magical sword" option.
After that, we make a component to roll hit dice for monsters, rather than them just having max Hit points.
Edited by WizWom, 23 January 2008 - 10:44 AM.