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Alternative portraits for Dark Side of the Sword Coast ?

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#1 Illidan

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Posted 20 January 2008 - 04:54 AM

Hello ! :wub:
just an idea :
Maybe some artists can create alternative portraits more baldurised for DSotSC ?
Attached File  BARDOL.bmp   55.17K   1511 downloads
Attached File  ConchoL.bmp   55.17K   797 downloads
Attached File  CuChoinL.bmp   55.17K   654 downloads
Attached File  DSBubL.bmp   55.17K   623 downloads
Attached File  FerthgL.bmp   55.17K   590 downloads
Attached File  JennaL.bmp   55.17K   646 downloads
Attached File  Jetlayal.bmp   55.17K   650 downloads
Attached File  KEIRIAL.bmp   55.17K   696 downloads
Attached File  MorikL.bmp   55.17K   594 downloads
Attached File  SkeezrL.bmp   19.65K   584 downloads
Attached File  THORFL.bmp   55.17K   641 downloads

Like Northern Tales of the Sword Coast :
Attached File  WILLYL.BMP   55.17K   706 downloads

Good luck ^_^

Edited by Illidan, 20 January 2008 - 05:07 AM.

#2 Ilmatar


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Posted 20 January 2008 - 04:57 AM

Well, those files are very small so it will be very very hard to work on them properly. But it is an interesting challenge.

Ilmatar's portraits for the Baldur's Gate series ¤ | ¤ | ¤ Ahem. Ilmatar =/= Ilmater. ¤ | ¤ | ¤ deviantART gallery
Grunting is a perfectly acceptable reaction to being struck with a blunt instrument. -berelinde
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#3 Miloch



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Posted 20 January 2008 - 05:08 AM

Well, those files are very small so it will be very very hard to work on them properly. But it is an interesting challenge.

To be honest, you wouldn't even have to use those as source material, since they seem to be the sort of "scanned novel cover" portraits that a lot of folks use. It would make a really cool addition to the revised mod though (of which I'm doing a full proofread and test, but please, let's not talk about that :crying:).

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"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#4 Miloch



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Posted 20 January 2008 - 09:26 PM

Here's some more info for anyone who wants to have a go at this. I've no clue who Jenna and Morik are supposed to be - I can see no files at all for them. Possibly NPCs that were planned but never implemented.

Bardo Furfoot
Neutral good halfling thief
Metal: dark gold (24)
Minor: dark beige (43)
Major: dark dirt brown (39)
Skin: light carnation pink (12)
Leather: dark gold (24)
Armor: light iron gray (30)
Hair: red-tinted black (0)
Equipment: studded leather, short bow, dagger, bloodstone amulet

When asked about his past, BARDO FURFOOT announces that he is a halfling from the sleepy village of Gullykin. He was always restless in his surroundings as a boy. Although he loves Gullykin, he just wasn't happy living in Gullykin. His greatest wish was to have exciting adventures like the ones he's read about in books and heard from adventurers passing through his village. The inhabitants of Gullykin always found him daydreaming instead of doing his regular duties. To him, adventuring was everything. One day, his village was beset with a flurry of activity as the villagers had learned of a forest dragon that was on the move toward Gullykin. Gandolar Luckyfoot organized a group to battle the dragon before it could get much closer to the village. Bardo eagerly joined the effort, anxious to finally see some adventure.

Bub Snikt
Neutral good human fighter
Metal: leaf green (98)
Minor: beige (42)
Major: dark beige (43)
Skin: light carnation pink (12)
Leather: dark purple (60)
Armor: dark sea green (32)
Hair: auburn (4)
Equipment: chain mail, composite bow and short sword

When asked about his past, BUB SNIKT relates he was born in Daggerford, a village situated on the Trade Way between Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep. The seventh son of a farmer, Bub grew up on the farm and became his father's favorite son. In his youth, his father taught him the ways of rural life, and his brothers helped him with hunting skills. It wasn't long before they noticed Bub had a keen eye, and his skill with the bow became as good as any archer of the castle guard. Each year, life on the farm carried on as usual. Occasionally, he would find himself with his brothers and the local militia defending Daggerford's farmsteads against marauding lizardfolk from the Lizard Marsh, but most of the time life on the farm went unchanged. It was a few days after one particular Highharvesttide that things started to change. Bub had made his regular visit to Daggerford to sell produce at the local market, when the call to arms was made. A group of ogres had sneaked through the Misty Forest from the High Moor and were attacking the local farmsteads, killing farmers and stealing whatever food they could carry. Concerned for his family's safety, Bub left the wagon and rode at a gallop straight out of Farmer's Gate with three miles ahead of him. By the time he'd reached the farm, his brothers were already heavy into fighting several large ogres, the sheer size of which sent fear coursing through Bub's body. It was at that time that he remembered the talisman his father had given him as a child. The symbol of Tempus hung around his neck. Bub can't remember what happened that day, but when he joined his brothers in battle, it was as if he'd been blessed with the speed and strength of ten men. No ogre stood in his way. His arrows were true to the mark and each swing of his blade offered no resistance. Within the space of an hour, all of the ogres were dead, and his brothers could only look upon him with awe. Soon after the encounter, Bub's attitude changed. He became less interested in rural life and decided to take up a profession as a hired adventurer. He traveled first to Baldurs Gate then to the town of Beregost where he plies his trade as a swordsman protecting the local farmsteads from ogres and any other unwanted guests.

Conchobhair Strongblade
Lawful good human paladin
Metal: Light iron gray (30)
Minor: pure dark red (47)
Major: dark blue (58)
Skin: light carnation pink (12)
Leather: light copper (23)
Armor: light iron gray (30)
Hair: red-tinted black (0)
Equipment: plate mail, helm and two handed sword

When asked about his past, CONCHOBHAIR STRONGBLADE says he originally hails from Waterdeep. He is the youngest of four sons of a very influential family in Waterdeep. However, being the youngest, he had little hope of inheriting much of the family's holdings, so he set out to make a life for himself when he reached the age of twenty. He started his training as a paladin and spent a few years living the virtuous life of the paladin. However, he eventually felt too restricted with the discipline and wished from something with more glory. On one of his treks from Waterdeep to Baldur's Gate, he met a warrior by the name of Fergus Ravenskill. Fergus was a very valiant warrior and had spent most of his fifty-six years on the battlefield. Conchobhair had spent a few months on the road with Ravenskill, whose tales of great battles intrigued the young paladin. However, it was not until Fergus spoke of his encounter with a blue dragon, that Conchobhair decided to make a life change. He asked Fergus to train and teach him everything that he knew. Conchobhair spent six years training with Fergus in the ways of a seasoned warrior and even took positions as mercenaries for a few of the larger cities in the area. However, one fateful day brought Fergus and Conchobhair face to face with a red dragon. This was a dragon Fergus had encountered some twenty years prior, at which time Fergus had injured it by blinding it in one eye. The dragon was bent on seeking his revenge and the opportunity presented itself. Fergus died in the attack, from multiple burns caused by the blazing breath weapon, and Conchobhair escaped with minor burns and wounds. It was on this day that he vowed to destroy any dragon that presented a threat to Realms, and to find the dragon that killed his friend and mentor.

Chaotic good elf cleric/ranger
Metal: light iron gray (30)
Minor: faded black (66)
Major: faded black (66)
Skin: light pinkish silver (23)
Leather: light copper (23)
Armor: gray (27)
Hair: light silver (79)
Equipment: leather, small shield, scimitar and amulet of Sehanine (full moon surmounted by moonbow)

When asked about his past, CÚCHOINNEACH just looks away. You know very little about this elf and his shadow wolf. You know not from where he comes or to where he is going. He says very little and asks far less. For an elf, he harbors a dark side. CúChoinneach has lost all the normal lust for life that most elves have, and seems focused on one thing: the destruction of Lord Daerthmac!

Ferthgil Trollslayer
Neutral good dwarf fighter
Metal: light iron gray (30)
Minor: dark green (54)
Major: dark brown (41)
Skin: 21-carat gold (85)
Leather: light copper (23)
Armor: light iron gray (30)
Hair: auburn (4)
Equipment: mithril plate, helm and battle axe

When asked about his past, FERTHGIL TROLLSLAYER states he was raised by gold dwarves in the Cloudpeak Mountains. His father, Breachin Trollslayer, had been a wandering ironsmith who plied his trade in the numerous small villages which dot the Sword Coast. However, Breachin met an unfortunate end defending his son from a patrol of verbeegs in the Cloudpeak Mountains, and young Ferthgil (only in his teens) wandered, helpless and lonely for days carrying only his father's axe. It was at this time that he was found by a certain Gulmoth Stonehearth, an alaghor (priest) of Clangeddin Silverbeard. Gulmoth saw all the rage and frustration in Ferthgil, but also saw the potential nobility the young lad had. Gulmoth trained the lad at Stonehearth Keep, a haven for dwarves in the southern Sword Coast, and here Ferthgil learned to channel his rage in the service of the god of war. However, Ferthgil had inherited from his father a desire to see the world, and could not stay long in one place, so one morning Ferthgil left the haven and seclusion of Stonehearth Keep and went on his way. Ferthgil was clanless, homeless, and more importantly penniless, but on the way to Velen in the south, he met with someone who was to become his life long companion, Tearlac Truehammer, of Clan Truehammer in the north. Tearlac and Ferthgil became firm friends, and before long, Ferthgil began to feel he belonged somewhere. Although not officially, he was considered as part of the Truehammer clan. Ferthgil will on first meeting look average enough, and indeed will strike you as a particularly cantankerous dwarf, but through his training from Gulmoth, he has learned to channel his rage against the enemies of Clangeddin. For those who have never seen this, the change is startling. Ferthgil becomes a mighty adversary, and his battle cries have been known to reach the ears of Clangeddin himself all the way to his fortress in Arcadia.

Chaotic good half-elf cleric
Metal: light iron gray (30)
Minor: light carnation pink (12)
Major: chrome blue (96)
Skin: light carnation pink (12)
Leather: light copper (23)
Armor: light gold (3)
Hair: light pure gold (10)
Equipment: gold elven chain, small shield, mace and amulet of Aerdrie (blue feather)

When asked about her past, JET'LAYA starts by talking about her foster uncle. Being of noble birth, her "uncle" went out into the world seeking adventure. Upon his journey, he met and had his life saved a few times by Jet'laya's future father, Torvin. After traveling together for some time and becoming close friends, her father and "uncle" returned to Cormanthor. Once in the city, Lennan (Le'non) introduced Torvin to Lennan's father, a wealthy and powerful noble. Being quite impressed with Torvin and thankful for his saving his son's life, Lennan's father fought to get Torvin accepted into the city. He won. Torvin quickly became liked by most, and fell in love with Jet'laya's mother, who was one of Cormanthor's healers. Several members in society looked down on their marriage, forcing them to live near the edge of the forest. When Jet'laya and her twin brother were six, Cormanthor was attacked by a group of undead led by a young, brash vampire. Jet'laya, her brother and older sister were hidden in safety while the elves defended the city. The elves killed the entire group of attackers except for their leader. The vampire managed to escape and has not been heard from since. However, the elves incurred several casualties, including Jet'laya's parents. Her older sister was wounded and was never able to recover fully from the attack. She suffered for many years. Seeing her parents killed was a constant source of nightmares for Jet'laya, and she vowed revenge for her parents' death upon all undead. Despite the best efforts of her uncle and her twin, who seemed less affected by his parents' death, Jet'laya could not be swayed from her path. She left as soon as her training, as she called it, was complete.

Keiria Silverstring
Neutral good half-elf bard
Metal: dark gold (2)
Minor: dark pure gold (25)
Major: dark turquoise (56)
Skin: light carnation pink (12)
Leather: dark gold (99)
Armor: auburn (4)
Hair: saturated bronze (80)
Equipment: studded leather, light crossbow and two handed sword

When asked about her past, KEIRIA SILVERSTRING divulges that she comes from a musically talented family. Both her father and mother are long time members of the Harpers. Keiria has gained much of her outlook on life from her parents and their association with the Harpers. She is a very talented songstress and actress. She has appeared in venues from Silverymoon to Athkatla. However, aside from her charming personality, half-elven beauty and long flowing red locks, Keiria is also a very adept fighter and can hold her own in any battle. She even prefers the life of adventuring to life on the stage. She says it makes her feel alive to experience adventure and danger.

Skeezer Lumpkin VI
Chaotic good gnome illusionist/thief
Metal: light iron gray (30)
Minor: pure dark red (47)
Major: light purple (59)
Skin: 21-carat gold (85)
Leather: light copper (23)
Armor: light iron gray (30)
Hair: light silver (79)
Equipment: mage robe, dwarven helm and staff

When asked about his past, SKEEZER LUMPKIN the VI reveals he is from the gnome settlement on Krynn, beneath Mount Nevermind. However, for the past 75 years, he has been living in Athakla in Amn. He has spent his whole life trying to find the perfect combination of technology and magic. He feels this could result in the ultimate tinker creation, though he has yet to achieve this. He has shied away from the normal way of the tinker gnome in search of a greater understanding of magic. His creations so far have resulted in limited success. One of his earliest creations he created when he was a boy was one named "The Automatic (Systematic) Articulated Mop and Spring-Loaded Broom-Driven Pie Tin Flier and Egg Dropper" (or ASAMSLBPTFED for short). It would send eggs flying at very high speeds, but had no real purpose. One of Skeezer's greatest desires in all of Faerun is to see the beautiful skyships. He has heard a great many tales of such ships and wishes nothing more than to see the ones being presented in Baldur's Gate.

Thorfinn Hauskluniff
Chaotic good human fighter
Metal: light iron gray (30)
Minor: dark dirty copper (40)
Major: dark brown (41)
Skin: light pinkish silver (13)
Leather: light copper (23)
Armor: light pure gold (10)
Hair: light gold (3)
Equipment: hide armor, helm and two handed sword

When asked about his past, THORFINN HAUSKLUNIFF explains that his childhood got off to a bad start. Born on the island of Ruathym, he was offered as a sacrifice to Auriel. The priests of Auriel placed Thorfinn on a raft when he was just a babe, and launched him into the Trackless Sea. At that time, the weather was calm, but strong currents carried the raft south toward the west side of the Moonshae Isles. He drifted for several days until the raft reached the shores of the isle of Moray. Washed up on a pebble beach, Thorfinn was rescued by fishermen and raised in the presence of Northlanders. In his early years, he worked the boat with his adopted family, learning all there was to know about the sea. He became interested in the navy and when he turned sixteen, his request to join was granted by his family. During his late teens, he honed his seafaring skills and began learning the art of swordplay. He became adept with the axe, but his strength gave him the ability to swing a large sword with ease, an ability not lost on the marauding pirates and thieves of the Moonshaes. The large sword became his weapon of choice. After five years, Thorfinn decided to leave the navy and travel. He worked as a mercenary and sword-for-hire protecting merchants as they traveled the caravan routes. Eventually, Thorfinn's travels brought him to the Sword Coast and into the city of Baldur's Gate.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#5 Miloch



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Posted 20 March 2008 - 02:27 AM

So no bites on this, eh? Maybe some source material would help?

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#6 Miloch



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Posted 22 May 2008 - 04:33 AM

This is a hack job, so don't go praising my artwork or anything... I only "drew" half of these and cobbled the other half together from various sources (mostly NWN packs), and I'm sure you can tell which half is which. I don't know how "baldurised" they are, but at least they're the typical head-and-shoulders shots rather than full body portraits.

Posted Image
Posted Image
(L-R: Bardo, Bub, Conchobhair, CúChoinneach, Ferthgil, Jet'laya, Keiria, Skeezer, Thorfinn)

The main reason I'm posting is to see if there are objections to any of the new ones, or alternate suggestions, or if anyone wants to tweak any further. I have larger source material for some but not all of them.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#7 Illidan

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Posted 05 June 2008 - 11:47 AM

Nice job Miloch, it's very similar!
Do you have a pack?

#8 Miloch



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Posted 05 June 2008 - 06:59 PM

Nice job Miloch, it's very similar!
Do you have a pack?

I have incorporated it as an optional component to the Tutu DSotSC in development. I guess I could make it a standalone add-in or give it to erebusant for the BGT version.

Infinity Engine Contributions
Aurora * BG1 NPC * BG1 Fixpack * Haiass * Infinity Animations * Level 1 NPCs * P5Tweaks
PnP Free Action * Thrown Hammers * Unique Containers * BG:EE * BGII:EE * IWD:EE
Player & Modder Resources
BAM Batcher * Creature Lister * Creature Checker * Creature Fixer * Tutu/BGT Area Map & List * Tutu Mod List
"Infinity turns out to be the opposite of what people say it is. It is not 'that which has nothing beyond itself' that is infinite, but 'that which always has something beyond itself'." -Aristotle

#9 leahnkain

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Posted 05 August 2008 - 06:52 AM

Conchobhair looks amazing! I love his new picture. It is also nice to see that CúChoinneach is no longer using Raistlen's picture. I think these pictures are great.

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