Page 1Floydian1: Nice
fairies in this shot. It brought back memories of Chrono Cross for some reason, although I can't put my finger on it. It's been awhile since I've played CC.
Darziak: Sigil Stones...the Daedric treasures! Wonder what he's going to enchant with that one.
kalia: Heh, what
a lucky girl she is. I'm certain they're having quite some fun eh?
DFSL: Bandwidth exceeded...
greatfool1: Ninroot hunting. A sport if there ever was such a thing. So hard to find some good roots, but it does give me an idea though.
Yorkmaster: What a lovely
New character you got there! Good Job!
Soul_Slayer: I really like
this shot. Looks like Sable's about to takeoff into the sky.
Kadaj X: Too cool attitude? I like how he gives off that loner feeling. Nice work!
Rogue Sun: Very nice shot of
Enya and very nice Woodland shot! Now that's how I expect woods to look! Haven't seen woods colored in that light since Dungeon Siege of all things!
Chiglet: Rex eh? Looks cool. Good luck on recreating him then. I'm sure you can do it.
Rumpleteasza: I really love
this shot of Shamanih! I know she's supposed to like just wearing leather, but if she decided to wear metal armor that looks definitely like what she'd wear! Very good job!
Page 2Floydian1: Poor castle. Only out just recently and it's already been
put under siege! Great shots once again. Keep it up!
ChaironDeCeleste: Unlady like or not,
she definitely has a unique flair to her. Good Work!
Darziak: Nice hobby there. Model building replicas are always a fun past-time, virtual or real.
Rogue Sun: Another great shot
of Enya and more great lighting an setting. Just by looking I can tell she's quite the protector of Valenwood. Well done!
kalia: Ah, the old
Sparring session into a close contact session eh? Classic.
Chiglet: Nice elf there. Osiella I'm guessing? She turned out quite well.
Chimera: Patrick Stewart and Sean Bean? Amazing. Fantastic work as always.
Yorkmaster: Interesting outfit there. Looks familar but I can't put my finger on it. Good work!
Kadaj X: Love
this shot of the fairy in water. I think i'd be a bit cool too if I was in the same position.
Page 3DFSL: More
great outfits as modeled by your characters. I always love seeing them model some new outfits. Speaking of which I've been trying to get the
Werewolf suit off of Borialis but I'm failing horribly at the downloader. I can get to a place where you have to type in something, but it's not so clear. I'm not even sure if the link is the right one either.
greatfool1: Poor
Alexus! Getting rejected by Adoring Fan! I sense the seeds of deep jealousy and hatred brewing. The other women of AF's life better beware! Hell hath no fury like a women scored. Especially when her Tibia is involved.
Floydian1: Love
the vibrantness of this shot. I also like how the spire is overlooking the whole thing. One thing the game deeply misses is overlooking spires/castles. Hope they put some of those in the next game.
Darziak: Like
how Kaizrad's face turned out. Another thing the game needs is more beast races/options. Anyway, Well done!
kalia: I really like
this shot of the sea and clouds. Sometimes it's just a simple scenic shot that can get a good view. Nice work!
Soul_Slayer: Bang indeed! I'm sorry Sable just set herself up for that one! Really great work as always man.
Snowy: Why hello Snowy! Not often that we get comments from non-screenshooters. Traffic is a bit more easy here.
Spirited Treasure: Welcome! Blue sent you eh? I hope you'll stick around and grace us with even more pictures and maybe some comments too. Speaking of comments
Your character is quite lovely! Sitting down for a bite eh? Hope she doesn't bite too hard.

Great work!
Chimera: The New texture on the weapon looks cool. Keep it up.
ChaironDeCeleste: Well in hindsight
Tifa might be a bit harder to make. Especially that hair too. But as the old saying goes, try try again. Keep it up.
Spike4072: Poor
Snow. Always a victim to Haruko's antics. Well, at least until she grows out of that shydom maybe. Or that she could use it to an advantage. Keep up the great work man!
Edited by Ryu Doppler, 24 January 2008 - 07:48 PM.