Looking for the corresponding areas in NTOSC
Posted 12 January 2008 - 01:52 PM
I'm actually looking for great help in accessing to the areas of NTOTSC.
I've made a mega mods installation including DTOSC and NTOSC with BGT WEIDU version , but I've got problems with the worldmap. I don't know why but some maps didn't appear. I've downloaded and installed WM6 and I play DSOTC version 1.85 and NTOTSC Playing DSOTSC I didn't manage by normal way to access to to Jet Laya's quest and the other involving new maps like the citadel of the vampire.version 1.45.Nevertheway thanks to the cheat codes I manage to go to these maps by CLUAConsole : MoveToArea. I found the area code for DSOTSC in some topics of this forum. I've the same problems now with NTOTSC. I don't find the area called "The field of the dead". I mean i don't know to which code this area corresponds.
Searching in the the files of this mod I found this list
Could someone please tell me :
1- If this is the entire list of the maps in NTOTSC
2- To which map name corresponds each of this area.
I really need this advices cause I've had real difficulties to manage installing all the mega and little mods though I exactly followed the advices provided by some members of this forums and other.
Posted 12 January 2008 - 09:09 PM
If you look in your NTotSC/Worldmap/map_mods_areas.tbl file you will see the Worldmap number and name associations.Hy everybody.
I'm actually looking for great help in accessing to the areas of NTOTSC.
I've made a mega mods installation including DTOSC and NTOSC with BGT WEIDU version , but I've got problems with the worldmap. I don't know why but some maps didn't appear. I've downloaded and installed WM6 and I play DSOTC version 1.85 and NTOTSC Playing DSOTSC I didn't manage by normal way to access to to Jet Laya's quest and the other involving new maps like the citadel of the vampire.version 1.45.Nevertheway thanks to the cheat codes I manage to go to these maps by CLUAConsole : MoveToArea. I found the area code for DSOTSC in some topics of this forum. I've the same problems now with NTOTSC. I don't find the area called "The field of the dead". I mean i don't know to which code this area corresponds.
Searching in the the files of this mod I found this list
Could someone please tell me :
1- If this is the entire list of the maps in NTOTSC
2- To which map name corresponds each of this area.
I really need this advices cause I've had real difficulties to manage installing all the mega and little mods though I exactly followed the advices provided by some members of this forums and other.
It takes a village...
Posted 12 January 2008 - 11:12 PM
Btw, that map is supposed to appear after you speak to Wenric at the Farms Over Chionthar (AR7500). But for me, there was a bug in his dialog. You can try to replace Wenric's dialog file with this (wenric.dlg) in your override directory. Do backup his old dialog file.
Hope this helps.
"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.
@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @
Posted 12 January 2008 - 11:47 PM
"If you look in your NTotSC/Worldmap/map_mods_areas.tbl file you will see the Worldmap number and name associations. "
Indeed I didn't have this file in the NTotSC folder. It's the same for DSotSC folder.
In my méga installation of BGT Weidu I've BP-BGT World map and World map folder. in this following folder here are the file attached. You'llremark that there is noDsotSC and NTotSC area files...
I don't know why because I followed scrupulously the megamod installation intructions....
//SOS New Areas Table
AR4220 AR4220 AR4220 4 16 2125 305 @SOS_780001 @SOS_780101 N //River Chionthar
//TDD New Areas Table
DD1900 DD1900 DD1900 4 10 1740 1440 @TDD_779010 @TDD_779110 N //Purskal
DD1800 DD1800 DD1800 0 17 2180 1212 @TDD_779001 @TDD_779101 N //Snake Woods
DD2500 DD2500 DD2500 0 10 2558 1120 N @TDD_779102 N //Troll Mountains
DD5000 DD5000 DD5000 0 11 2397 1359 @TDD_779004 @TDD_779104 N //Hall of Knowledge Entrance
DD2300 DD2300 DD2300 4 12 2520 1410 N @TDD_779103 N //Eshpurta
DD9000 DD9000 DD9000 4 10 2550 1300 @TDD_779008 @TDD_779108 N //Trollford
DD3300 DD3300 DD3300 4 53 2575 1640 N @TDD_779105 N //Riatavin
DD7000 DD7000 DD7000 4 6 2852 2150 @TDD_779009 @TDD_779109 N //Orgoth's Tower
DD8000 DD8000 DD8000 4 17 2400 2580 @TDD_779006 @TDD_779106 N //Deep Mir Forest
DD8001 DD8001 DD8001 4 16 2590 2820 @TDD_779007 @TDD_779107 N //Haunted Forest
ARPO05 ARPO05 ARPO05 4 10 2180 1950 @TDD_779011 @TDD_779111 N //Rusted Scabbard Entrance
//CtB New Areas Table
AR3610 AR3610 AR3610 4 21 4670 1930 @CTB_778002 @CTB_778102 N //Central Hlondeth
AR3611 AR3611 AR3611 4 20 4760 2025 @CTB_778012 @CTB_778112 N //East Hlondeth
AR3613 AR3613 AR3613 4 24 4555 1980 @CTB_778013 @CTB_778113 N //West Hlondeth
AR3520 AR3520 AR3520 4 17 2822 360 N @CTB_778103 N //Sunset Mountains
AR3534 AR3534 AR3534 4 98 2900 1798 @CTB_778004 @CTB_778104 N //Snowflake Mountains
AR3540 AR3540 AR3540 4 10 3090 2100 @CTB_778005 @CTB_778105 N //Academy of Kuldin
AR3570 AR3570 AR3570 4 91 2276 1766 @CTB_778006 @CTB_778106 N //Secluded Meadow
AR3585 AR3585 AR3585 4 11 1840 1950 @CTB_778007 @CTB_778107 N //Hunting Lodge
AR3587 AR3587 AR3587 4 38 1322 624 @CTB_778008 @CTB_778108 N //Druidic Circle
AR3588 AR3588 AR3588 1 82 450 600 @CTB_778009 @CTB_778009 N //Rauthym Island
AR3597 AR3597 AR3597 4 9 1730 1254 @CTB_778010 @CTB_778110 N //Neng Horse Ranch
AR3675 AR3675 AR3675 4 92 4556 1520 @CTB_778011 @CTB_778111 N //Brimstone Bridge
//ROT New Areas Table
RR3100 RR3100 RR3100 4 19 2900 2300 @ROT_785001 @ROT_785101 N //Arlax
RR3200 RR3200 RR3200 4 14 2710 2385 @ROT_785002 @ROT_785102 N //Monzuma´s Cave
RR3300 RR3300 RR3300 4 10 2325 1000 @ROT_785003 @ROT_785103 N //Westchar
RR3400 RR3400 RR3400 4 12 2000 1020 @ROT_785004 @ROT_785104 N //Olmar´s Castle
RR3450 RR3450 RR3450 4 79 2080 1120 @ROT_785005 @ROT_785105 N //Talavan´s Castle
RR3900 RR3900 RR3900 4 18 3150 1250 @ROT_785006 @ROT_785106 N //Maribur
RR3950 RR3950 RR3950 4 16 3260 1140 @ROT_785007 @ROT_785107 N //Mysterious Cave
RA4200 RA4200 RA4200 4 17 3080 1110 @ROT_785008 @ROT_785108 N //Forest
RA4300 RA4300 RA4300 4 26 1120 1275 @ROT_785009 @ROT_785109 N //The Arena
RA4500 RA4500 RA4500 4 10 3120 2370 @ROT_785010 @ROT_785110 N //Farms
RA4700 RA4700 RA4700 4 11 2580 2440 @ROT_785011 @ROT_785111 N //Gaidan´s Castle
RA4900 RA4900 RA4900 4 14 1700 1080 @ROT_785012 @ROT_785112 N //Cave
RA5700 RA5700 RA5700 4 9 3040 2220 @ROT_785013 @ROT_785113 N //Razor´s Hideout
RR0044 RR0044 RR0044 4 16 1540 1070 @ROT_785014 @ROT_785114 N //Slave Route
//BGT New Areas Table
AR0015 AR0015 AR0015 11 50 1366 764 @BGT_781001 @BGT_781001 N //Candlekeep
AR3100 AR3100 AR3100 2 63 1635 940 @BGT_781002 @BGT_781002 N //Wilderness Lake
AR3200 AR3200 AR3200 2 64 1885 905 @BGT_781003 @BGT_781003 N //Nashkel Pass
AR3300 AR3300 AR3300 2 65 2100 965 @BGT_781004 @BGT_781004 N //Firewine Plains
AR3400 AR3400 AR3400 2 67 2230 1000 @BGT_781005 @BGT_781005 N //Firewine Bridge
AR3498 AR3498 AR3498 2 69 1545 1000 @BGT_781006 @BGT_781006 N //Xvart Village
AR3499 AR3499 AR3499 2 74 1440 1035 @BGT_781007 @BGT_781007 N //Ogre's Reach
AR3700 AR3700 AR3700 3 71 1856 990 @BGT_781008 @BGT_781008 N //Nashkel
AR3800 AR3800 AR3800 3 72 1950 990 @BGT_781009 @BGT_781009 N //Carnival
AR3900 AR3900 AR3900 2 73 2130 1070 @BGT_781010 @BGT_781010 N //Southern Wastelands
AR4100 AR4100 AR4100 2 75 1438 1100 @BGT_781011 @BGT_781011 N //Gnoll Stronghold
AR4200 AR4200 AR4200 2 70 1620 1086 @BGT_781012 @BGT_781012 N //Western Cloudpeaks
AR4300 AR4300 AR4300 2 76 1745 1135 @BGT_781013 @BGT_781013 N //The Cloudpeaks
AR4400 AR4400 AR4400 3 77 1880 1075 @BGT_781014 @BGT_781014 N //Nashkel Mines
AR4600 AR4600 AR4600 2 78 2000 1150 @BGT_781015 @BGT_781015 N //Dragon's Run
AR6526 AR6526 AR6526 2 50 1366 764 @BGT_781001 @BGT_781001 N //Candlekeep
AR6600 AR6600 AR6600 2 52 1600 750 @BGT_781016 @BGT_781016 N //Gorion's Rest
AR6700 AR6700 AR6700 3 53 1820 790 @BGT_781017 @BGT_781017 N //Beregost
AR6800 AR6800 AR6800 3 46 1800 570 @BGT_781018 @BGT_781018 N //Friendly Arm Inn
AR6900 AR6900 AR6900 2 47 1795 692 @BGT_781019 @BGT_781019 N //Crossroads
AR7000 AR7000 AR7000 4 45 1562 636 @BGT_781020 @BGT_781020 N //Cloakwood 1
AR7100 AR7100 AR7100 2 58 1700 815 @BGT_781021 @BGT_781021 N //High Hedge
AR7200 AR7200 AR7200 3 29 934 300 N N N //Baldur's Gate NW
AR7300 AR7300 AR7300 3 30 1019 287 N N N //Baldur's Gate N
AR7400 AR7400 AR7400 3 31 1111 297 N N N //Baldur's Gate NE
AR7500 AR7500 AR7500 2 57 1575 250 @BGT_781022 @BGT_781022 N //Farms over Chionthar
AR7600 AR7600 AR7600 3 32 927 347 N N N //Baldur's Gate W
AR7700 AR7700 AR7700 3 33 1033 348 N N N //Baldur's Gate Center
AR7800 AR7800 AR7800 3 34 1125 362 N N N //Baldur's Gate E
AR7900 AR7900 AR7900 3 43 1542 380 @BGT_781023 @BGT_781023 N //Bridge to Baldur's Gate
AR8000 AR8000 AR8000 3 35 929 411 N N N //Baldur's Gate SW
AR8100 AR8100 AR8100 3 36 1026 409 N N N //Baldur's Gate S
AR8200 AR8200 AR8200 3 37 1092 416 N N N //Baldur's Gate SE
AR8300 AR8300 AR8300 2 42 1680 490 @BGT_781024 @BGT_781024 N //South of Wyrm's Crossing
AR8400 AR8400 AR8400 2 38 1322 624 @BGT_781025 @BGT_781025 N //Cloakwood 3
AR8500 AR8500 AR8500 2 40 1358 518 @BGT_781026 @BGT_781026 N //Cloakwood 4
AR8600 AR8600 AR8600 2 44 1506 502 @BGT_781027 @BGT_781027 N //Cloakwood Mines
AR8700 AR8700 AR8700 4 41 2020 474 @BGT_781028 @BGT_781028 N //Bandit Camp
AR8800 AR8800 AR8800 2 39 1412 678 @BGT_781029 @BGT_781029 N //Cloakwood 2
AR8900 AR8900 AR8900 2 49 1990 582 @BGT_781030 @BGT_781030 N //Peldvale
AR9000 AR9000 AR9000 2 48 2000 672 @BGT_781031 @BGT_781031 N //Larswood
AR9100 AR9100 AR9100 2 54 2100 672 @BGT_781032 @BGT_781032 N //The East Wood
AR9200 AR9200 AR9200 2 51 1380 835 @BGT_781033 @BGT_781033 N //North Sword Coast
AR9300 AR9300 AR9300 2 84 1910 790 @BGT_781034 @BGT_781034 N //Temple of Lathander
AR9400 AR9400 AR9400 2 83 2150 750 @BGT_781035 @BGT_781035 N //Basilisk Monument
AR9500 AR9500 AR9500 2 62 1400 900 @BGT_781036 @BGT_781036 N //Sword Coast
AR9600 AR9600 AR9600 2 56 1550 855 @BGT_781037 @BGT_781037 N //Zombie Retreat
AR9700 AR9700 AR9700 2 59 1780 870 @BGT_781038 @BGT_781038 N //Beregost Wilderness
AR9799 AR9799 AR9799 2 66 2040 850 @BGT_781039 @BGT_781039 N //Ulcaster School
AR9900 AR9900 AR9900 2 61 2210 915 @BGT_781040 @BGT_781040 N //Gullykin
ARA100 ARA100 ARA100 2 68 1445 975 @BGT_781041 @BGT_781041 N //South Sword Coast
ARD000 ARD000 ARD000 4 79 2330 765 @BGT_781042 @BGT_781042 N //Durlag's Tower
ARU000 ARU000 ARU000 2 80 1375 240 @BGT_781043 @BGT_781043 N //Ulgoth's Beard
ARU008 ARU008 ARU008 4 51 155 500 @BGT_781044 @BGT_781044 N //Somewhere far North
//BoneHill New Areas Table
BH0200 BH0200 BH0200 2 57 400 2810 N N N
BH1100 BH1100 BH1100 2 73 370 2760 @BH_784001 @BH_784001 N //Bald Hill
BH1200 BH1200 BH1200 2 38 295 2773 N N N
BH0100 BH0100 BH0100 2 71 320 2830 @BH_784002 @BH_784002 N //Restenford
BH0300 BH0300 BH0300 2 84 242 2822 N N N
BH1300 BH1300 BH1300 2 63 212 2778 N N N
BH1400 BH1400 BH1400 2 17 135 2760 @BH_784003 @BH_784003 N //Reddy Forest
BH1000 BH1000 BH1000 2 12 80 2830 @BH_784004 @BH_784004 N //Bone Hill
BH2000 BH2000 BH2000 4 13 226 2960 @BH_784005 N N //Garrotten
BH2200 BH2200 BH2200 2 68 130 2887 N N N
BH2300 BH2300 BH2300 2 70 158 2982 N N N
BH2100 BH2100 BH2100 2 46 240 2891 N N N
Posted 13 January 2008 - 12:18 AM
Sadly, you need the versions that end with WM6 in their titles for the WM6 compatibility. However, that being the case, you can possibly get away with downloading the latest versions (195 for DSotSC & 155 for NTotSC) and copy their Worldmap folders into your existing DSotSC and NTotSC folders. The next thing to do is un-install your Worldmap, then copy the data from each of those folders areas.tbl files and append the Worldmap/map_mods_areas.tbl file with it. You'll also need to copy the data from each of those folders links.tbl files and append the Worldmap/map_mods_links.tbl file with it. You will then need to click on the correct Worldmap/Language subfolder in your DSotSC & NTotSC folders and copy the data from the Worldmap.tra file in each to append your Worldmap/map_mods_trans.tra file with it. Then run your Worldmap installation again using the Consolidated WM6 Patch in the Worldmap forum, and be sure to run the Saved Game converter. This MAY (if you are lucky) allow you to continue your game without needing to start it over again. There's also a pretty good chance it'll woof your install and you'll need to do a fresh install and start a fresh game too. If you have to go that route, make sure to delete your current DSotSC & NTotSC folders and extract the v195 & v155 of each into your BGII-SoA directory before re-installing them. If you need to re-install, they'll do all of the Worldmap file appending automatically.Erebusant said :
"If you look in your NTotSC/Worldmap/map_mods_areas.tbl file you will see the Worldmap number and name associations. "
Indeed I didn't have this file in the NTotSC folder. It's the same for DSotSC folder.
In my méga installation of BGT Weidu I've BP-BGT World map and World map folder. in this following folder here are the file attached. You'llremark that there is noDsotSC and NTotSC area files...
I don't know why because I followed scrupulously the megamod installation intructions....
BTW - When you 1st enter Baldur's Gate, you'll be approached by "Magnad" who will ask you to find his lost children. That's your first reference to the Field of the Dead. After that, when you enter Ulgoth's Beard, speak with Yness and she'll want you to find her husband (also in the Field of the Dead) whereupon the area should be revealed by her dialog. The area bigmoshi is referring to with the screwed up Wenric dialog is The Wood of the Dead, but it will appear regardless as long as you exit the Farms over Chionthar at the proper location.
Edited by erebusant, 13 January 2008 - 12:24 AM.
It takes a village...
Posted 13 January 2008 - 12:22 AM
DSotSC for WM6 v1.95; NTotSC for WM6 v1.55
Perhaps I've found what is going wrong with the not appearing maps in my mega mods game. I 've only DSotSC version 1.85 and NTotSC version1.45 installed andnd my World map mod is BP-BGT_Worldmap v6.6.1. This Wm version seems not to fit with those the Dsotsc and NTotSc versions. the problem is that I 'm not able to find NTotSCWM6 or NtotSc V1.55 which seems to fit with WM6.6.1....
I'm really fed up with this caus i've been going very far in the BGT play. Now I've the feeling that I have to uninstall and reinstall all and begin a new game...
Could you please tell what it'all about ?
Posted 13 January 2008 - 12:28 AM
http://america.iegmc...tSC4BGTv195.rarO.k., Erebusant this from one of your posts you.
DSotSC for WM6 v1.95; NTotSC for WM6 v1.55
Perhaps I've found what is going wrong with the not appearing maps in my mega mods game. I 've only DSotSC version 1.85 and NTotSC version1.45 installed andnd my World map mod is BP-BGT_Worldmap v6.6.1. This Wm version seems not to fit with those the Dsotsc and NTotSc versions. the problem is that I 'm not able to find NTotSCWM6 or NtotSc V1.55 which seems to fit with WM6.6.1....
I'm really fed up with this caus i've been going very far in the BGT play. Now I've the feeling that I have to uninstall and reinstall all and begin a new game...
Could you please tell what it'all about ?
It takes a village...
Posted 13 January 2008 - 01:17 AM
Now i've to uninstall and reinstall everything. I'm really getting bored with this. so I do another and last try. if this doesn't work , i'll give up. this is not fun spending is time always and always playing the same game without ending it.
Posted 13 January 2008 - 01:37 AM
BTW - When you 1st enter Baldur's Gate, you'll be approached by "Magnad" who will ask you to find his lost children. That's your first reference to the Field of the Dead. After that, when you enter Ulgoth's Beard, speak with Yness and she'll want you to find her husband (also in the Field of the Dead) whereupon the area should be revealed by her dialog. The area bigmoshi is referring to with the screwed up Wenric dialog is The Wood of the Dead, but it will appear regardless as long as you exit the Farms over Chionthar at the proper location.
Oh yes, you're right. Made a mistake about the location. Wenric points AR01PB on the world map, which is the Wood of the Dead. Sorry klinck for the mis-info. Thanks erebusant!

Edit - was misled by Wenric when he said, "Having an opportunity for you brave scouts, I can advise you to avoid The Fields of the Dead. It has been regularly dwelled by orcs and other lost souls for ages, but they are unexpecantly great numbers recently." before opening up the "Wood of the Dead"

Edited by bigmoshi, 13 January 2008 - 09:27 AM.
"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.
@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @
Posted 13 January 2008 - 07:39 AM
Running a Mega-Mod can be extremely frustrating at times. It's taken near onto 1 and a half to 2 years of fiddling and tracking down bugs to come up with an installation order and procedure that is fairly stable. I'm just now (once again) at the point where I'll be playing through once again. Try reading through this thread: http://www.shsforums...showtopic=22224 and follow one of the more recent WeiDU logs (I think 112707 is the latest posted, but there might be something more recent) and for the time being leave NEJ2 out of the mix, because that can really cause a lot of frustration. Most of the latest versions of mods can be located from the links in the 1st post of the thread I mentioned.Thank you very much for the advice and links Erebusant.
Now i've to uninstall and reinstall everything. I'm really getting bored with this. so I do another and last try. if this doesn't work , i'll give up. this is not fun spending is time always and always playing the same game without ending it.
It takes a village...
Posted 26 March 2008 - 01:45 PM
It's weird that Spellhold Studios Download Center only has DSotSCv1.85 and NTotSCv1.45. And they were last updated by SirBillyBob in 2007. While your thread about v1.95 and v.1.55 were posted in 2006. A new thread on all the Latest Versions of the mods and their specific download sites would really help. :-)
Posted 27 March 2008 - 12:02 PM

- Liam
Modding Projects
Arath NPC - Nephele NPC - Xulaye NPC - Iylos NPC - Ninde NPC - Darian NPC - Yeslick NPC - Adrian NPC - Dace NPC - Valerie NPC - Isra NPC
Viconia Friendship - Mazzy Friendship - Imoen Friendship - Yoshimo Friendship - Sarevok Friendship - Neera Expansion
IEP Extended Banter
Sarevok Romance
Haer'Dalis Romance
In Progress:
Khadion NPC - Delainy NPC - Sarine NPC