Infinity Explorer is a simple intuitive brower, so I hope the updated version will be useful for modders by and large.
Download here:

Hopefully won't need to update this pascal version unless there are major issues. Do let me know you encounter any problem.
Fixes for v0.85 (5 Feb 08):
- Item flag columns when viewing CRE files (NoPick, Stolen, NoDrop) - Avenger
- Fixed duplicate file resources index
- Brighter area maps (Yes! You no longer go blind looking at dark area)
- Added custom are/wed/tis files
- X,Y locations for area maps - SConrad
- shows custom dlg/itm/cre files
- fixed linking errors where you couldn't access dialogs from CRE files
- workaround fix for file locking of "dialog.tlk" file - Kulyok
- general fix for area CTD due to *.ARE file lock - jcompton
- shows custom bcs (in default.bif)- Avenger
- updated compiler to use strrefs & show the string at the end of line (for copy & pasting) - Avenger
- fix for some specific strrefs - Avenger
- updated spell effects based on IESDP - Avenger

Since I'm a visual-type of a person, I'll not leave this without a picture. Here's to illustrate how IE's dialog pathing looks like:

- IE v0.75/v0.80 was written by Dmitry Jemerov and his homepage is at
- Thanks to aVENGER, Kulyok & jcompton + SConrad for identifying issues for fixing!
- Thanks to all for taking time to check this awesome program by Dmitry!

PS: I sent an email to Dmitry at about this. But I'm willing to bet he's probably busy with other commitments. So, if anyone spots him walking down the street, do let him know about this OK! TY

Edited by K'aeloree, 15 May 2008 - 10:09 PM.