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A question about the party member you leave

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#1 Ankhes

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Posted 06 January 2008 - 11:01 PM

I hope I haven't just missed it when I scanned over this project but I didn't see where it addresses the question of your party. What I mean is will it be easy to pick back up the member you dump for Xulaye? Is said party member remaining in Ust Natha? Or do you just hope that the party member you drop will not be one of those mod ones who leave forever if dropped?

This project looks great by the way. I can't wait to have an evil Drow in my party. :devil:

#2 Kaeloree


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Posted 06 January 2008 - 11:21 PM

I don't think we'll be changing that aspect of the game - I might do a component that allows you to tell party-members to go wait with Adalon or something, possibly. But that'd be a fair amount of work, so we'll see. If someone would be interested in helping write this, I'd be happy to implement it, though!

I'll do my best not to have it so the NPC leaves forever, though. :)

Thanks for the interest! :D