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Introduction to IEP Extended Banters

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#1 Kaeloree


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Posted 01 January 2008 - 09:03 PM

Do you like your NPCs silent and dull?

If so, you're nothing like us, and perhaps you should avoid this mod.

However, if you are like us, and you enjoy lots of dialogue - especially between the Bioware NPCs - then this is the mod for you! Adding over 40 banters to BGII: SoA in the first release, and with more coming in subsequent releases, your days of wondering who removed the tongues of the Bioware NPCs are over!

Originally, one of the ideas with the Interaction Expansion Pack was to expand upon the work of the Banter Pack by adding new banters and expanding the relationships between the various Bioware NPCs. Over time, other parts of IEP became more important, but the fact that the Bioware NPCs simply didn't talk to each other remained. Even with the Banter Pack installed, NPCs were relatively silent, and some NPCs didn't talk to certain other NPCs at all.

So over the past several months, various modders including berelinde, Bookwyrme, Ilmatar, Shadowhawke, Solar's Harper, Tameon the Dragoon and myself have been writing new banters for Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn, to help correct this communication problem between the NPCs!

This pack has been designed to work with the PPG Banter Pack, and we suggest you install both together. The eventual aim of this mod is to have each Bioware NPC banter at least twice with every other NPC, preferably more! Currently, IEP Extended Banters adds mainly to Shadows of Amn - we want to ensure NPCs talk enough in SoA before we move onto ToB! However, there are two Minsc/Aerie banters for those who are pining.

We hope you enjoy the IEP Extended Banters, and if you do, perhaps you have some suggestions for other banters? We welcome any and all good contributions!


- Liam/K'aeloree




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#2 Salk

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Posted 03 January 2008 - 12:24 AM

Congratulations! :cheers:

I would like to play this when time for my BGT game comes (soon enough, I hope: just waiting for few updates).

The Banter Pack is reported to be partially compatible with BGT (Ascension64 says that some banters might kick in during the BG1 portion of the game) and your mod recommends strongly (needs?) the presence of Banter Pack from PPG.

I took a quick look at the readme and there is no mention about compatibility with BGT.

Could you make things a bit more clear for us, dear K'aeloree?


Edited by Salk, 03 January 2008 - 12:38 AM.

#3 Kaeloree


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Posted 03 January 2008 - 12:56 AM

BGT Compatibility status is the same as the Banter Pack, since the basis is the same. IEP Extended Banters doesn't require the Banter Pack, though for more banter we recommend you install both.

I'll look into proper BGT Compatibility - thanks, Salk! :cheers:

#4 Insignificant Puppet

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Posted 03 January 2008 - 01:01 AM

Finally, more wordy npcs. It did make no sense for some people not to talk to each other. That hardly happens unless they really loathe each other. I will install this at some point, yes sir...
Posted ImagePosted Image
Hi'ill-Rei spiritual npc with romance and friendship option
Khan broken misguided evil warrior npc

In development at Blackwyrm lair.


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Posted 05 January 2009 - 12:19 PM

I just wanted to drop by and say that this is one of the few, rare mods which ends up being present in every single one of my playthroughs.

Awesome work guys! :new_thumbs:

#6 Kaeloree


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Posted 05 January 2009 - 05:29 PM

That's great to hear--thanks, aVENGER! I'm sure everyone appreciates it. :D