File Submitter: ChaironDeCeleste
File Submitted: 24 Dec 2007
File Updated: 25 Dec 2007
File Category: Races/Hair/Eyes
Name: Exnem1 Quincunx Kuei-Jin
Version: 1.0
Date: 12/24/2007
Category: Races, Classes and Birthsigns
Author(s): Flucidity, Revenant and Draic Kyn Mods
The Elder Scrolls Nexus
Adds 4 races for Exnem1 and Robert v3 with 6 different body textures each to the game.
Race Background:
Quincunx (Organisation Paragraph)
The Kuei-Jin of Akavir differ from their terran relatives - they chose to no longer obey to their hybric superiors and to serve 'constructive dieties'instead, as they say.
The akavirian elves see it as an honor to host those noble immortal 'ancestor spirits' in their bodies - so when you argue with a Kuei-Jin, you'll allways have to convince two persons....
Your main choices:
Ziang Ziyi Stats
Zhang Ziyi Wikipedia
House of Flying Daggers Wikipedia
Ziang Ziyi Face Patch
With the 1st version there was an issue in the construction set
and some folks didn't like Ziang Ziyi's face at all, so Flucidity
created a new one for her.
For those who don't wish to redownload a patched verson of 19 mb from TES Nexus or PES:
there are the replacing textures.
Install: just drag the data folder to your /Oblivion directory and acknowledge the messages with 'yes'
or extract it to there.
<a href="http://i174.photobuc...este/fqk02.jpg" target="_blank">Blade Shaman</a>
<a href="http://i174.photobuc...ladeShaman.jpg" target="_blank">Blade Shaman Stats</a>
Twilight Knights
Twilight Knights Stats
Shadow Agent
Shadow Agent Stats
Robert v3 Seamless Body and mesh addon
You'll need
Just make sure to follow Robert's detailed instructions or at least
your Khajiits' look will need a lot of getting used to

The choice of the bulky, muscular or slender is ES IV wide for all
male characters; you can only pick one.
'Slof and BlackDragon66 both prefer the bulky shape, while I have
muscular active.
MaleFullbodyV3MeshAdd2V11zip is really a matter of taste:
I myself don't go for beer bellies or extra muscular

Exnem v1 (nude or under wear) - underwear version
Babe Hair (not the esp)
Ren Hair from one of Ren's uploads or Beautiful People
Thanks to
for her permission to use
her GothShop2
textures and meshes
You are our Queen!
Flucidity for Ziang Ziyi's lovely face and the body textures.
LHammonds for his tireless work
for the community
and to GinnyFizz & BlackDragon66
for being the friends they are
as well as to Mr.Dave for his
Revenant for his head textures.
Babe and Ren:
for the lovely hairstyles
Nequam and Ravege
for the excellent eyes
Exnem and Robert
For their great meshes and textures
All BetaTesters of this Draic Kyn Mods plugin
For their patience with our bug hive

Licensing Legal:
All rights of the included textures and meshes authors stay intact
All Original Readme Files included .
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3. Copy files to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\
4. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esp file(s).
1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.
Tools Used
DDS Converter -
GIMPShop -
NIFSkope -
Oblivion Mod Manager -
Photoshop -
TES Construction Set -
The Conformulator -
Readme Generator -
Wrye Bash -
Click here to download this file