SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru
Posted 25 January 2008 - 03:24 AM
I've installed the druidic-sorc and the mod that allows for higher resolution on top of your compilation. Is that the cause?
Posted 25 January 2008 - 06:37 AM
I'm getting a rather serious problem with the dialogs. It seems the text files have been shifted. This has happened to me at three occasions, first with viconia, then some hobgoblins in the bonehill fortress, and now the druid at cloakwood hut. I get the answers of the NPCs as options and they sometimes reply with the lines I should have been able to pick. The effect of the choices are the same as before, but it's really hard to follow as I'm not one of those who know the whole script by heart=)
I've installed the druidic-sorc and the mod that allows for higher resolution on top of your compilation. Is that the cause?
Hi nergal
You're right as it does sound as though your stringrefs in dialog.tlk have shifted by just 1 unit. I'm quite sure I didn't have that problem with the druid at cloakwood hut with a basic install, so I can't really tell which of those two mods are the cause of it. A quick way to debug is that if you have enough diskspace,
- backup your current mega-mod installation somewhere first.
- uninstall the mods you think are causing the problem.
- create a new char then quickly do a CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("AR7000") and speak to seniyad again and see if the issue persists.
- try to identify the mod having the issue and see if anyone else is having the same problem as you in the specific mod forums.
"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.
@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @
Posted 25 January 2008 - 06:38 AM
Questions, where in the SMM install should I install 3rd part NPCs?
And Yes, I still haven't finished manually installing. Almost done though
Eh.. you mean third-party NPCs? Try at end of the installation. Anything fails, just uninstall. Do note theres a chance that your saved game may not work after that

"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.
@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @
Posted 25 January 2008 - 06:38 AM
-I have a clean patched BG-TotSC and BG II-SoA+ToB allready in my pc.I have extracted allready the Autoinstaller in my BG II directory just to be ready and dload easier the mods required for it.When I extract the files though no MOD_SOURCE folder gets created in my BG II directory, nor when I run the bigmoshi.exe end fail the installation due to all those mods missing.I suppose as soon as I have dload them all it will be ok to put them all in a custom created by me MOD_SOURCE folder in my BGII directory, right?
Hi Valiad, yes. Just create a directory called MOD_SOURCE and place all your mods in the exact format in which they were downloaded. You don't have to extract them as the installer will do so.
-What happens with new versions of several mods(BGT-WeiDu 1.05b or BP_177a eg)? do I have to rename their .rar folders to older version names for the autoinstaller to recognise/run them? What happens with BPv177_TOB_Fix.rar as well? is it implemented in the 177a version?I have a feeling that it would be better to go on manually for these to work right?
Sirene's Call,Ribald's genie BGT Tweak and some other small mods have newer versions as well, and for some I can't find their older ones.Also a couple ones listed in the OTH section of the manual dload file don't exist at all anymore.In case I can't find them could I start the autoinstaller someway without them?Some general guideline for the above?
Thanks, it seems that the server for fileshare.org just crashed today. Hopefully it recovers shortly and you can download that mod again. For ruad, it acts up on some file browsers, I think some ppl said it works with mozilla firefox.
If you want to download the new mod versions, you'll have to edit the xml to do so. If you are using BP_177a, then I think BPv177_TOB_Fix will not be relevant, though it would be best to read the changes in each of the new versions before trying anything.
-On top of all of that, although I feel I am asking for too much, it is possible to manually install Redemption I suppose?
You could try installing it if you want, but you'd have to read around first before figuring out the install orders and such.
Hope this answers your questions
Edited by bigmoshi, 25 January 2008 - 09:00 AM.
"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.
@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @
Posted 25 January 2008 - 11:48 AM
Questions, where in the SMM install should I install 3rd part NPCs?
And Yes, I still haven't finished manually installing. Almost done though
Eh.. you mean third-party NPCs? Try at end of the installation. Anything fails, just uninstall. Do note theres a chance that your saved game may not work after that
And I'm manually installing... aw crap!
Anywho, any suggestions for 3rd party npcs to try? Keto? Kelsey? Saerileth? etc?
Posted 26 January 2008 - 02:25 AM
Questions, where in the SMM install should I install 3rd part NPCs?
And Yes, I still haven't finished manually installing. Almost done though
Eh.. you mean third-party NPCs? Try at end of the installation. Anything fails, just uninstall. Do note theres a chance that your saved game may not work after that
And I'm manually installing... aw crap!
Anywho, any suggestions for 3rd party npcs to try? Keto? Kelsey? Saerileth? etc?
Personally, I'd go for Keto cos she looks cool but she's only available in SoA.
Cheers to those clicking fingers

"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.
@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @
-Rabbi Satan-
Posted 27 January 2008 - 08:30 AM

I haven't created an account yet, but I will soon, been a busy few previous days.
I've encountered a bug I think, on the vendor that appears after you've killed the Bandit Leaders of the Grey Clan in the Friendly arm inn (The one that look's like Aec'Letec/Tanari), sells bugged items - all of them in fact. I'm not sure if its just me or something with the installation order, but I did the automated install.
Also, one other question - can I manually install or uninstall a component of a mod? I'm not so tactics-fu wise in the ways of BG I and BG II's Way of the Tao of Mage Combat, so I'm getting a bit flustered when it comes to mage fights - I HAVE to cheese my way and reload approximately 15 times before I can win, on average. And that's just for ONE mid level mage. I'm currently stuck on the area where there're 2 High lvl mages accompanying the top leader of the Grey Clan, and I simply cannot beat that area because of a component of Sword Coast Stratagems where the mages automatically power up at the start of combat with all their buffs. I've been able to accommodate the other AI changes, and found them to be quite enjoyable (Such as having to take care of Dynaheir for once, and cast mirror image). I've identified the component as part of Sword Coast Stratagems, but I've tried to uninstall it, by copying the weidu installer for SCS and its accompanying files into the main BG folder, running it, and choosing uninstall, but I get errors. So either it's not meant to be uninstalled, or perhaps uninstalled this way, or it has to be manually installed, which to me is quite a daunting task.
But anyhoo, enough of my ramblings, you have my sincere thanks on making this installer to help us Gibberlings enjoy the megamod experience

Posted 28 January 2008 - 05:57 AM
Hello again BigMoshi
I haven't created an account yet, but I will soon, been a busy few previous days.
I've encountered a bug I think, on the vendor that appears after you've killed the Bandit Leaders of the Grey Clan in the Friendly arm inn (The one that look's like Aec'Letec/Tanari), sells bugged items - all of them in fact. I'm not sure if its just me or something with the installation order, but I did the automated install.
Hi Rabbi!
I didn't notice the vendor being there. Thanks I'll check it out and see what he's supposed to do

Also, one other question - can I manually install or uninstall a component of a mod? I'm not so tactics-fu wise in the ways of BG I and BG II's Way of the Tao of Mage Combat, so I'm getting a bit flustered when it comes to mage fights - I HAVE to cheese my way and reload approximately 15 times before I can win, on average. And that's just for ONE mid level mage. I'm currently stuck on the area where there're 2 High lvl mages accompanying the top leader of the Grey Clan, and I simply cannot beat that area because of a component of Sword Coast Stratagems where the mages automatically power up at the start of combat with all their buffs. I've been able to accommodate the other AI changes, and found them to be quite enjoyable (Such as having to take care of Dynaheir for once, and cast mirror image). I've identified the component as part of Sword Coast Stratagems, but I've tried to uninstall it, by copying the weidu installer for SCS and its accompanying files into the main BG folder, running it, and choosing uninstall, but I get errors. So either it's not meant to be uninstalled, or perhaps uninstalled this way, or it has to be manually installed, which to me is quite a daunting task.
The way the game engine centers itself around the dialog.tlk file, makes it hard to uninstall mods in a non-linear fashion. Hence, weidu enforces the checks to make sure that you have to uninstall each and every component in a last-in-first-out manner. That is to say, you have to uninstall all the components starting from the last one until you reach scsII. Then you can tweak that mod, and reinstall all the other mods again.
The other thing to note is that there's a chance that the "string references" in your old saved games would have a mismatch with the new dialog.tlk file. In other words, the old saves would show wrong texts, but still possibly playable.
Hope this helps!
"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.
@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @
Posted 28 January 2008 - 03:03 PM
A few things that aren't in the walkthrough: there is stuff to do with Coran at Temple of Lathander followed by Firewine Bridge, though it's really quick and uneventful (I'm not sure if I did everything right though, so I'll let you check it out).
There's also a quest with Xzar making a ring out of a dryad's blood that you can get if you have him with you when you go to...I think the Cloudpeaks. Didn't do the quest, it requires doing naughty things that make your good party members spank you. But it's there.
With Coran's baby, I'm pretty sure it's just on a timer and after some amount of time Coran is supposed to talk to you and say he's done taking care of it. He never talked to me though, so maybe there's a bug. I just manually chose to talk to him while he was in my party and he gave me that dialog and I returned the kid to Briel. See if that works for you.
I think there was another NPC quest I found that you didn't have, but if so I forgot it. Sorry

As for bugs, I don't remember anything major. Fey'doch never chose to attack me in the Northern Woods, so I reloaded and instead of waiting just mouthed off to him (obviously I need the full experience from his elven death squad, right?). There was the aforementioned Coran baby dialog. I had the same thing with the items from the Grey Clan merchant, but then again a lot of the random merchants had corrupted stores, so it didn't even strike me as weird. Nothing's coming to mind.
I pretty much followed your walkthrough the whole way through till I got to the end and realized I was too impatient to wait for the rest, so I finished BG the slow way of checking areas and scripts and dialogs to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Fortunately, from the point your walkthrough covers and on, the normal BG1 and TotSC areas are I'm pretty sure completely unchanged except a few extra items spawned in Durlag's Tower and a harder end fight with Sarevok. NTotSC was pretty straightforward, and Grey Clan was really straightforward, so the only genuinely tricky thing to navigate was the end of BoneHill, and I'm not sure if I did everything there.
Hope this info helps in finishing up the BG1 stuff for you. Since the BG1 parts not in your walkthrough are simple I did them myself, but with SoA I don't even know what I have installed, let alone how to find the quests, so I'm gonna wait for you to go through it first so I don't miss anything

Posted 29 January 2008 - 01:15 AM

Posted 29 January 2008 - 08:34 AM
Thanks for the updates, have added them in my walkthru, but not yet released. Btw cyrus, the current plan for bg2 is to wait for the next round of annual updates for the big mods sos/tdd/rot/etc by kingdiamond. Hopefully it would soon

"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.
@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @
Posted 29 January 2008 - 08:40 AM
Posted 29 January 2008 - 08:18 PM

How much work would be needed to update this installation? My first thought is that it'd require a full reinstall, and personally I say that's way too much work to bother with...though I guess you'll want to keep updated, and you probably don't do as much random tweaking as I do (finding all the timers and what they mean and the restrictions and all of that can be a real pain, but I find it makes my game play much less frustrating...not item restrictions, just the quest ones, as I've said, I really don't like to miss things). Adding NEJ would be very, very interesting though.
I think cmorgan is right, as far as I can tell the only things really missing from the walkthrough are little NPC quests. But then again, most of those seem pretty random and uneventful, I don't think any really major quests are left out...unless you count those romances, which look like real pains to try to follow

Posted 30 January 2008 - 06:15 AM

After manually installing all the mods with newer versions for some(couldn't open the ruad.exe file with any kind of browser I tried , but I don't care that much atm tbh xD) I have reached the BG city after a few days of playing and it all works splendid so far.I have added Kelsey and Tashia NPCs after finishing the manual installs of all the SMM mod listing and I suppose they will work fine.Still haven't entered SoA though to encounter any big bugs or whatever.I have a few questions though regarding a couple of other NPC mods for the SoA-ToB version of the game.I tried installing that monk mod for ToB Iylos and errors occured during the installation so it was auto-aborted, but I suppose that has to do with the mod in particular.I wanna install Kivan-Deherianna and Solafeiun NPC mods as well.Think this will cause any kind of problems with the other mods installed with the SMM package?I think the Kivan mod is really great story-wise and I always liked Kivan so I would really love to see him again in my full run of the games.Thanks in adnance again for any answers and for giving me the chance to play all that great content in one shot(as bug free as possible)

-Rabbi Satan-
Posted 30 January 2008 - 09:18 AM
Completed BG1 already, and starting on BG 2 now. I've encountered a bad bug when trying to fight in the arena in Athkatla, which I believe is part of the "The Darkest Day" mod - or was it "Region of Terror"? Bah, I can't tell.
But anyway, the bug is that when you actually enter the pit to fight, your status "ring" turns purple, making you inactive, thus making you unable to fight in the arena. Your opponent doesn't seem to be affected by this, and will happily slaughter you. Fortunately, or unfortunately in my case, my opponent was too busy being distracted by Aeria, and kept running into the arena pit walls. I experimented by removing everyone from my party and entering the pit by myself, but the same bug still occurred.
Ho well, time to sally forth!
Thanks once again Big Moshi
Posted 30 January 2008 - 10:08 AM
Anyway, quick question - what do I have to change to get spells to give thousands of experience instead of the measly range of tens and 2 digit values?
But in anycase, I've discovered how to install and uninstall individual mods and components. Just copy everything from the MODS_POSTINSTALL folder into the BGII folder, and run the .exe installer in question to uninstall or install the component/mod. Of course, I should think that problems will definitely arise if you install something that doesn't agree with something else.
So from which component/mod is the low exp from spells coming from?
Danke schone!
Posted 30 January 2008 - 01:34 PM
The experience is from the XPBONUS.2da that is installed by BGT. If you get the latest version of BGT Tweaks, I believe there is a component of it that restores the XP for Traps, locks and spells to the original.Yay, just created an account! Huzzahs for moi.
Anyway, quick question - what do I have to change to get spells to give thousands of experience instead of the measly range of tens and 2 digit values?
But in anycase, I've discovered how to install and uninstall individual mods and components. Just copy everything from the MODS_POSTINSTALL folder into the BGII folder, and run the .exe installer in question to uninstall or install the component/mod. Of course, I should think that problems will definitely arise if you install something that doesn't agree with something else.
So from which component/mod is the low exp from spells coming from?
Danke schone!
It takes a village...
Posted 31 January 2008 - 12:56 AM
The experience is from the XPBONUS.2da that is installed by BGT. If you get the latest version of BGT Tweaks, I believe there is a component of it that restores the XP for Traps, locks and spells to the original.Yay, just created an account! Huzzahs for moi.
Anyway, quick question - what do I have to change to get spells to give thousands of experience instead of the measly range of tens and 2 digit values?
But in anycase, I've discovered how to install and uninstall individual mods and components. Just copy everything from the MODS_POSTINSTALL folder into the BGII folder, and run the .exe installer in question to uninstall or install the component/mod. Of course, I should think that problems will definitely arise if you install something that doesn't agree with something else.
So from which component/mod is the low exp from spells coming from?
Danke schone!
Thanks Erebusant, I'll check it out.
Anyway, another bug - You can't get into Cromwell's Home in the docks district without Crashing the game. Hope this helps you in quashing those incessant bugs bigmoshi

Posted 31 January 2008 - 03:39 AM
You guys might want to datamine the BG1 NPC docs and code - there is a huge amount of stuff hidden in there that has never made it into walkthroughs. Coran's stuff and his Romance, for example, is coded so it is very difficult to get the same results on every replay; there are random calls and all sorts of stuff designed to make things new for several playthroughs even with the own party (hey, he is Chaotic, after all).
Yeah, Coran seems to be a pretty complicated character. And I didn't realise that there are random calls on his quests. Anyway, I decided to keep his thing on hold until after NSTOSC, cos it seems more fun there

Waiting that long before I get to play BG2 again? You're killing me here...
How much work would be needed to update this installation? My first thought is that it'd require a full reinstall, and personally I say that's way too much work to bother with...though I guess you'll want to keep updated, and you probably don't do as much random tweaking as I do (finding all the timers and what they mean and the restrictions and all of that can be a real pain, but I find it makes my game play much less frustrating...not item restrictions, just the quest ones, as I've said, I really don't like to miss things). Adding NEJ would be very, very interesting though.
I think cmorgan is right, as far as I can tell the only things really missing from the walkthrough are little NPC quests. But then again, most of those seem pretty random and uneventful, I don't think any really major quests are left out...unless you count those romances, which look like real pains to try to follow
Haha, sorry man. But I think the last time those big mods were updated were last apr or so, so roughly one year more makes it close to spring?
Hopefully by then installing megamods will be simple and we can start focusing on the game play itself

Hello again
After manually installing all the mods with newer versions for some(couldn't open the ruad.exe file with any kind of browser I tried , but I don't care that much atm tbh xD) I have reached the BG city after a few days of playing and it all works splendid so far.I have added Kelsey and Tashia NPCs after finishing the manual installs of all the SMM mod listing and I suppose they will work fine.Still haven't entered SoA though to encounter any big bugs or whatever.I have a few questions though regarding a couple of other NPC mods for the SoA-ToB version of the game.I tried installing that monk mod for ToB Iylos and errors occured during the installation so it was auto-aborted, but I suppose that has to do with the mod in particular.I wanna install Kivan-Deherianna and Solafeiun NPC mods as well.Think this will cause any kind of problems with the other mods installed with the SMM package?I think the Kivan mod is really great story-wise and I always liked Kivan so I would really love to see him again in my full run of the games.Thanks in adnance again for any answers and for giving me the chance to play all that great content in one shot(as bug free as possible)
Hi Valiad, you aren't the only one with the ruad problem. It just acts up with some browsers, but anyway "right-click to save as" seems to work most of the time for me. Will update the docs for this

Hello again Big Moshi,
Completed BG1 already, and starting on BG 2 now. I've encountered a bad bug when trying to fight in the arena in Athkatla, which I believe is part of the "The Darkest Day" mod - or was it "Region of Terror"? Bah, I can't tell.
But anyway, the bug is that when you actually enter the pit to fight, your status "ring" turns purple, making you inactive, thus making you unable to fight in the arena. Your opponent doesn't seem to be affected by this, and will happily slaughter you. Fortunately, or unfortunately in my case, my opponent was too busy being distracted by Aeria, and kept running into the arena pit walls. I experimented by removing everyone from my party and entering the pit by myself, but the same bug still occurred.
Hey, you guys are so fast. Have updated this in the bug list and will check on it.
The experience is from the XPBONUS.2da that is installed by BGT. If you get the latest version of BGT Tweaks, I believe there is a component of it that restores the XP for Traps, locks and spells to the original.Yay, just created an account! Huzzahs for moi.
Anyway, quick question - what do I have to change to get spells to give thousands of experience instead of the measly range of tens and 2 digit values?
But in anycase, I've discovered how to install and uninstall individual mods and components. Just copy everything from the MODS_POSTINSTALL folder into the BGII folder, and run the .exe installer in question to uninstall or install the component/mod. Of course, I should think that problems will definitely arise if you install something that doesn't agree with something else.
So from which component/mod is the low exp from spells coming from?
Danke schone!
Thanks erebusant!

Anyway, another bug - You can't get into Cromwell's Home in the docks district without Crashing the game. Hope this helps you in quashing those incessant bugs bigmoshi
Could you send me a copy of your save game thru email / msn and I'll try to verify that crash and see how to reproduce it. Thanks!
"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.
@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @
Posted 31 January 2008 - 08:40 AM
I've also got another bug - some of the trolls are unkillable - even though they are listed as "Near Death", they are never knocked down, and they can't be killed with either acid or fire. I know two instances of this happening. The first one is related to Unfinished Business mod, the component in question is the Kidnapping of Boo. Half way doing it, the Pet Shop owner accidentally teleports you to the troll mound/druid grove near Trademeet, and the trolls you encounter there are unkillable. I circumvented this by running the hell out of there, heheh.
The second one was in de'Arnise keep, after opening the draw bridge and going back into the first level of the keep. The single troll at the front entrance battling 2 de'Arnise is also unkillable.
My guess is that it involves some sort of script that is making them invulnerable. I haven't battled Tor'Gal yet to see if he is invulnerable as well.
I'll look for the save game and send you thee save game soon.
Hm, I can't seem to find your email address anywhere. You can tell me your email address here or send me one at "rabbi_satan@hotmail.com"
Edited by Rabbi Satan, 31 January 2008 - 08:47 AM.