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SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

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#81 Usurper

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Posted 20 January 2008 - 11:03 AM

I have a question about this install. Is the wild mage class supposed to be unable to use magic items and scrolls after this install is done? And unable to write new magic to his spellbook? So far I have been unable to equip the Ring of Sorcery from BG1 and I have been unable to write any new spells to my spellbook.

Hi Usurper!

I'll try to create a char for this and see what happens. Thanks for reporting that!

After doing a bit more digging it seems to be a problem with the BG2 Tweak Pack, specifically the ability for wild mages to dual-class. Any way to change this without having to reinstall the whole shebang?
The Monk is always out to keep a wild mage down. But the Weave, she speaks to me. Together we work our collective will on this brittle, cracking world.
Playing the Big World Project Let's Play both here and on the Something Awful forums.

#82 OverKilL.

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Posted 20 January 2008 - 11:26 AM

I can see the marks on map(not may be all but Trip-top i see in no doubt) but i can't find any way to go there, only by using CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("BH1300") and after then i can't go back(same problem as before goes on worldmap)
p.s. - i dont know all console command...how to know the x,y position on map?)

Edited by OverKilL., 20 January 2008 - 11:32 AM.

#83 billy3

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Posted 20 January 2008 - 11:56 AM

Thanks for the reply!

I've been trying to install, but I've been running into a weird stall.

During the install of BGT, it comes to a point where it's processing some bifs and saying how many areas they have, etc, then it stalls at some point. Have you ever encountered such an error? This was using the auto install. I ended up endtasking the installer and recovering, but after recovering trying to reinstall gave me an error about making sure the path for BG1 and Winrar were correct (I made sure BGMain.exe was in the BG1 folder, so it's not that).

Also, I noticed that 2 processes: "wowexec" and "find" are running after I started the auto install. wowexec I can understand because of .net, but could the find process be what was messing up my install?


Hey Billy, when installing BGT there will be a point when it looks like its stalling, but actually it's still running some tasks, except that there won't be updates on the command screen. Leave it to run, it can take anywhere from 15-20mins just for that mod. Btw, you are not alone, I did end task on my first try at BGT in my first megainstall as well :)

"error for path for BG1 and Winrar" - sorry about this, me bad didnt save it back to xml. if you change it and apply settings just before installation, it would work again.

I don't recall having a find process. I may be mistaken, but for your own safety, its a good idea to have some virus scan once in a week/fortnight - at least thats my own practice. I have tried installing with norton antivirus auto-protect running and it worked, though it seemed significantly slower.

I don't get this delay when manually installing. Does the auto installer run some additional processes in the background? How long should I wait before thinking something's wrong? I'm running this on a core 2 2GHz machine with 2 gigs of ram and XP pro.

#84 bigmoshi

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Posted 20 January 2008 - 02:04 PM

After doing a bit more digging it seems to be a problem with the BG2 Tweak Pack, specifically the ability for wild mages to dual-class. Any way to change this without having to reinstall the whole shebang?

Ah! Thanks for the link. I'll check it out and see if I can do anything about it. btw, are you bookwryme?

I can see the marks on map(not may be all but Trip-top i see in no doubt) but i can't find any way to go there, only by using CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("BH1300") and after then i can't go back(same problem as before goes on worldmap)
p.s. - i dont know all console command...how to know the x,y position on map?)

Hi OverKil,

Can you try to go to Tri-top from the Temple map in your game? Take the top-left corner x600 y20.
The location button I think is "L". If it still doesn't work, can you upload a saved game? I'd like to take a look. Thanks.

"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.


@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @

#85 bigmoshi

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Posted 20 January 2008 - 02:04 PM

Thanks for the reply!

I've been trying to install, but I've been running into a weird stall.

During the install of BGT, it comes to a point where it's processing some bifs and saying how many areas they have, etc, then it stalls at some point. Have you ever encountered such an error? This was using the auto install. I ended up endtasking the installer and recovering, but after recovering trying to reinstall gave me an error about making sure the path for BG1 and Winrar were correct (I made sure BGMain.exe was in the BG1 folder, so it's not that).

Also, I noticed that 2 processes: "wowexec" and "find" are running after I started the auto install. wowexec I can understand because of .net, but could the find process be what was messing up my install?


Hey Billy, when installing BGT there will be a point when it looks like its stalling, but actually it's still running some tasks, except that there won't be updates on the command screen. Leave it to run, it can take anywhere from 15-20mins just for that mod. Btw, you are not alone, I did end task on my first try at BGT in my first megainstall as well :)

"error for path for BG1 and Winrar" - sorry about this, me bad didnt save it back to xml. if you change it and apply settings just before installation, it would work again.

I don't recall having a find process. I may be mistaken, but for your own safety, its a good idea to have some virus scan once in a week/fortnight - at least thats my own practice. I have tried installing with norton antivirus auto-protect running and it worked, though it seemed significantly slower.

I don't get this delay when manually installing. Does the auto installer run some additional processes in the background? How long should I wait before thinking something's wrong? I'm running this on a core 2 2GHz machine with 2 gigs of ram and XP pro.

Hi Billy!

Ok, I'm auto-installing a new game (still running in the background), but here's what I gather so far.

(a) wowexec & find don't appear in my task manager. Were you using procexplorer or some other tool to find those hidden processes?
(b) after bgt displays "successful installation" it will still proceed on to extract files and compress into biffs. Don't close it (which I did on my first try) until it says installation complete. It can stall about 30secs to a min on those. There will be some mods further down the sequence that will have stalls that I remember ranging from 3-5mins.
© the installer does perform processes, but once it passes the call to weidu, it doesn't do much except wait for the call to return. see cpu usage ~ 0 when _weidu.exe / setup-bgt.exe > 0

Can you let me know on your progress. Thanks!

During Winrar Extraction (two files, one for the top of the process list & second for the bottom of the process list)
Posted Image
Posted Image

During BGT installation (two files, one for the top of the process list & second for the bottom of the process list)
Posted Image
Posted Image

CPU usage
Posted Image

"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.


@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @

#86 billy3

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Posted 20 January 2008 - 05:52 PM

I'm already half way through the manual install :) Painful, but I'd don't want to repeat the half I've already done.

Once I'm done, I'll backup the "fully installed" folders and files (which ones? dialog.tk, data, which others?) and give the auto install a try again.

Question: I'm going to install Longer Road right before PnP Celestials (as suggested by Leonardo's instructions), but any recommendations as to when I should install Ashes of Embers?

#87 bigmoshi

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Posted 20 January 2008 - 07:46 PM

I'm already half way through the manual install :) Painful, but I'd don't want to repeat the half I've already done.

Once I'm done, I'll backup the "fully installed" folders and files (which ones? dialog.tk, data, which others?) and give the auto install a try again.

Question: I'm going to install Longer Road right before PnP Celestials (as suggested by Leonardo's instructions), but any recommendations as to when I should install Ashes of Embers?

Okay, good luck with that.

If you do have time, you can backup your manual installation using this batch file I'm attaching.
Just run it in bg2 directory. It would be great if you could try again, because there may be a specific issue
that needs fixing but right now am not able to identify it. Thanks again!

Edit: Personally, have not played around with Ashes of Embers, so I'm guessing by saying that it can be installed after refinements based on the installation flow from BigWorldProject. Its a kit based mod, so it may change quite a fair bit of things. GL!

Attached File  Save_Install.zip   453bytes   257 downloads

Edited by bigmoshi, 20 January 2008 - 08:24 PM.

"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.


@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @

#88 OverKilL.

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Posted 20 January 2008 - 09:52 PM

save http://files.filefro...;/fileinfo.html

#89 Kaylia

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Posted 21 January 2008 - 02:28 AM


First post in the community so I present briefly myself.
I am a small AD&D fan (nostalgic fan ^^), and got some time to play throught BG2 and TOB again.

I started a few month ago with some mods but got a growing interrest in all those big mods, and read a lot on the G3, SHS and other forums about using different mods together.

I have seen this big auto install project (out of all the great guidelines written in this site), and took it as basis for what I may achieve later, however I got some questions out of all I have collected so far.

Due to the fact that Tortured Soul for Big picture makes trouble to NEJ2, I understand NEJ2 is out of scope for mega modification (except when only using TS 6.11 and NEJ2, and IA together, not much more).
But can you use TS_BP without installing BP itself ?
I first thought that BP was mandatory as soon as someone wants to use more than one of those mods: SOS, CTB, TDD weidu, TS_BP, ROT mods.
But I am not sure anymore.

The second thing I would like to know is if it is really safe to have those 2 together :
INSTALL ALL - 33.1_ItemUpgrade-v35 (Weimer).exe
PARTIAL INSTALL - 58_BG2_Tweaks-v5.exe
[x] Allow Cromwell to Upgrade Watcher's Keep Items

Since ItemUpgrade will mess around the table of things upgradeable by Cromwell and the other as well,
I am a bit scared to used both. As someone already experienced playing with both without problem ?

There is another Weimer mod which I like but is not in this big project, the under represented items.
The mod add items from IWD.
I think this mod installer is not as good as ItemUpgrade, which makes it difficult to have it automated.
But since I am installing everything manually (don't ask :P), are mods adding items potentially dangerous to be added ? (again, I ask for experience, if you have not tried you can also say so)

Finally, I will base my own composition out of this big project, but I will not use BGT, (i don't have the right version of BG1 (french), I'd rather play in original version, so only BG2 and TOB for me.
Are there some pitfall I shall be carefull about removing the BGT and BG1 related mods from this project install order ? (again everything that's automated, I won't touch. I will sequentially install everything manually).

Thanks in advance for your time and feedback,
I will share my experience out of what I will have achieved in the meantime.

#90 omeletted

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Posted 21 January 2008 - 04:06 AM


Gokigenyou. ^_^ Not quite certain but think you can install TS BP without BP. My installation isn't as mega as what some of the people on the forum are attempting, only have SOS and no BP. The latter drove me nuts early on in my experimentations and I've never tried to work with it again... As for Item Upgrades and the Cromwell tweak from BG2 Tweaks, I've had no problem with them. By the way, newest version of BG2 Tweaks is v6, the Cromwell tweak was fixed a little because it had some issues with upgrading certain TOB items. Lastly, generally Weidu mods are compatible with each other. So weidu mods adding items are not potentially dangerous.

You might want to take a peek at my weidu log over in this topic, I'm only playing BG2 and TOB too. And I'm also installing everything manually. ^_^

#91 billy3

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Posted 21 January 2008 - 09:58 AM

Okay, good luck with that.

If you do have time, you can backup your manual installation using this batch file I'm attaching.
Just run it in bg2 directory. It would be great if you could try again, because there may be a specific issue
that needs fixing but right now am not able to identify it. Thanks again!

No prob. Thanks for the script! Any tips on how to debug the install process?

Edit: Personally, have not played around with Ashes of Embers, so I'm guessing by saying that it can be installed after refinements based on the installation flow from BigWorldProject. Its a kit based mod, so it may change quite a fair bit of things. GL!

I'm only going to install the universal weapons portions. I basically want to turn Minsc into a ranger/cleric but still use greatswords. If you think that's powergaming, I plan on dualing Saverok to theif and giving him Carsomyr :D

#92 ManweTheValar

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Posted 21 January 2008 - 03:10 PM

I was just using the SMM Install and got a message cannot find Setup-Impasylum.EXE, even though it was located in the BGII-S~1 directory? Any Ideas ?

#93 -Guest-

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Posted 21 January 2008 - 04:53 PM

Hey, I'm unable to download Ruad, version 20. I'm using Mozilla Firefox, yet it still load a page full of gibberish. :huh:

#94 -Rabbi Satan-

-Rabbi Satan-
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Posted 21 January 2008 - 05:17 PM

Hey, I'm unable to download Ruad, version 20. I'm using Mozilla Firefox, yet it still load a page full of gibberish. :huh:

I had a similar problem, and circumvented this by going to http://www.fridgecom...moonfruit/mods/ and right-click save-as ruadv20.exe into the folder.

Hope this helps.

#95 -Guest-

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Posted 21 January 2008 - 05:23 PM

Hey, I'm unable to download Ruad, version 20. I'm using Mozilla Firefox, yet it still load a page full of gibberish. :huh:

I had a similar problem, and circumvented this by going to http://www.fridgecom...moonfruit/mods/ and right-click save-as ruadv20.exe into the folder.

Hope this helps.

Aha, knew it was something simple, just wasn't sure what. :whistling:
My humble thanks!

#96 bigmoshi

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Posted 21 January 2008 - 07:07 PM

I was just using the SMM Install and got a message cannot find Setup-Impasylum.EXE, even though it was located in the BGII-S~1 directory? Any Ideas ?

Hi Manwe!

Seems that you are already at the weidu installation stage already, right?

Check to ensure that Setup-Impasylum.EXE has extracted correctly into BG2 directory in the correct drive. Do note that "BGII-S~1" and "BGII-SOA..." are different folders if both actually exist.

Here, you can save this file into SMM-Patch directory which will pause the installer just before installing Setup-Impasylum.EXE to give you time to double check that it was extracted properly.
Attached File  impasylum.rar   208bytes   250 downloads

Hope this works, else just let me know. Thanks!

Edited by bigmoshi, 21 January 2008 - 07:42 PM.

"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.


@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @

#97 bigmoshi

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Posted 21 January 2008 - 07:12 PM

Okay, good luck with that.

If you do have time, you can backup your manual installation using this batch file I'm attaching.
Just run it in bg2 directory. It would be great if you could try again, because there may be a specific issue
that needs fixing but right now am not able to identify it. Thanks again!

No prob. Thanks for the script! Any tips on how to debug the install process?

There will be a SETUP-BGT.DEBUG file that is generated by the weidu installer, see if you can find something like that for BGT installation.

Edit: Personally, have not played around with Ashes of Embers, so I'm guessing by saying that it can be installed after refinements based on the installation flow from BigWorldProject. Its a kit based mod, so it may change quite a fair bit of things. GL!

I'm only going to install the universal weapons portions. I basically want to turn Minsc into a ranger/cleric but still use greatswords. If you think that's powergaming, I plan on dualing Saverok to theif and giving him Carsomyr :D

Ah, have fun then! Maybe'll try that for my archer next time :P

"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.


@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @

#98 bigmoshi

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Posted 21 January 2008 - 08:12 PM


First post in the community so I present briefly myself.
I am a small AD&D fan (nostalgic fan ^^), and got some time to play throught BG2 and TOB again.

I started a few month ago with some mods but got a growing interrest in all those big mods, and read a lot on the G3, SHS and other forums about using different mods together.

Hi Kaylia, welcome to the forums!

I have seen this big auto install project (out of all the great guidelines written in this site), and took it as basis for what I may achieve later, however I got some questions out of all I have collected so far.

My basis was from erebusant's framework, so if you are keen to work on custom mega-mods, it would also be a good idea to read his thread and BWP as both would give you more modding information. I'm mainly working on issues pertaining to ease of distribution and simplification.

Due to the fact that Tortured Soul for Big picture makes trouble to NEJ2, I understand NEJ2 is out of scope for mega modification (except when only using TS 6.11 and NEJ2, and IA together, not much more).
But can you use TS_BP without installing BP itself ?
I first thought that BP was mandatory as soon as someone wants to use more than one of those mods: SOS, CTB, TDD weidu, TS_BP, ROT mods.
But I am not sure anymore.

Personally, I think BP is one of the more "stable" mods to unify the mega-mods. I think it would be a good idea to use it in your installation. The bigger mods + BP are pretty stable, so if you are planning to play BG2 from start to end, you may want to install the big mods. Otherwise if you do finish the game couple of hundred hours later, you'll have to replay them in order to access the other bigmods.

The current auto-installation does include BP in case you are asking that.

The second thing I would like to know is if it is really safe to have those 2 together :
INSTALL ALL - 33.1_ItemUpgrade-v35 (Weimer).exe
PARTIAL INSTALL - 58_BG2_Tweaks-v5.exe
[x] Allow Cromwell to Upgrade Watcher's Keep Items

Since ItemUpgrade will mess around the table of things upgradeable by Cromwell and the other as well,
I am a bit scared to used both. As someone already experienced playing with both without problem ?

Generally it should be fine, but I won't be surprised if some issues pop up.

There is another Weimer mod which I like but is not in this big project, the under represented items.
The mod add items from IWD.
I think this mod installer is not as good as ItemUpgrade, which makes it difficult to have it automated.
But since I am installing everything manually (don't ask :P), are mods adding items potentially dangerous to be added ? (again, I ask for experience, if you have not tried you can also say so)

It seems like the trend is moving towards weidu modifications, currently maintained by thebigg. Honestly, that weidu framework provides consistency in linking up the dialog threads in dialog.tlk and provides other important debugging details. I'd suggest not adding that mod, unless absolutely necessary. Another alternative is to head down to the sub-forums in shs (eg. misc mods/mod resurrections/etc) and check if anyone would be able to convert that mod into a weidu-based one.

Finally, I will base my own composition out of this big project, but I will not use BGT, (i don't have the right version of BG1 (french), I'd rather play in original version, so only BG2 and TOB for me.
Are there some pitfall I shall be carefull about removing the BGT and BG1 related mods from this project install order ? (again everything that's automated, I won't touch. I will sequentially install everything manually).

Thanks in advance for your time and feedback,
I will share my experience out of what I will have achieved in the meantime.


Gokigenyou. ^_^ Not quite certain but think you can install TS BP without BP. My installation isn't as mega as what some of the people on the forum are attempting, only have SOS and no BP. The latter drove me nuts early on in my experimentations and I've never tried to work with it again... As for Item Upgrades and the Cromwell tweak from BG2 Tweaks, I've had no problem with them. By the way, newest version of BG2 Tweaks is v6, the Cromwell tweak was fixed a little because it had some issues with upgrading certain TOB items. Lastly, generally Weidu mods are compatible with each other. So weidu mods adding items are not potentially dangerous.

You might want to take a peek at my weidu log over in this topic, I'm only playing BG2 and TOB too. And I'm also installing everything manually. ^_^

Yep, omeletted is right on because his installation also doesn't include BGT, also his debugging is pretty detailed. So far I've only been playing BG1, as such my bug reporting is only focused on BG1 at the moment. Most likely I'll update the install versions move on to BG2 only after Bg1 is complete. There's also a couple of other bg2 only mega mods I think in the forum.

"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.


@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @

#99 omeletted

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Posted 22 January 2008 - 01:56 AM

It seems like the trend is moving towards weidu modifications, currently maintained by thebigg. Honestly, that weidu framework provides consistency in linking up the dialog threads in dialog.tlk and provides other important debugging details. I'd suggest not adding that mod, unless absolutely necessary. Another alternative is to head down to the sub-forums in shs (eg. misc mods/mod resurrections/etc) and check if anyone would be able to convert that mod into a weidu-based one.

Underrepresented Items is a weidu mod, it adds a new merchant to sell all the new items so should be safe.

P.S. atashi wa onna desu. ^_^

#100 bigmoshi

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Posted 22 January 2008 - 02:42 AM

It seems like the trend is moving towards weidu modifications, currently maintained by thebigg. Honestly, that weidu framework provides consistency in linking up the dialog threads in dialog.tlk and provides other important debugging details. I'd suggest not adding that mod, unless absolutely necessary. Another alternative is to head down to the sub-forums in shs (eg. misc mods/mod resurrections/etc) and check if anyone would be able to convert that mod into a weidu-based one.

Underrepresented Items is a weidu mod, it adds a new merchant to sell all the new items so should be safe.

P.S. atashi wa onna desu. ^_^

Oh if she (sumimasen :)) says its a weidu mod, then I don't think there will really be a problem. Thanks omeletted.

"[You are] the foe of my foe, friend of my friend, by the first sapling that rose where Shilmista now stands, and by the shadow it will cast before all things will end, I swear to give my blood for you." - Kivan when we meet Imanel Silversword.


@ SMM Auto DL / Auto-Installer / Manual Install / Walkthru - based on Erebusant's installation @
@ Infinity Explorer v0.85 (Some fixes for v0.75/v0.80) @
@ Future of MegaMods? - Working with Mega-Modification Installations - by Ascension64 @