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SMM Auto-DL / Auto-Installer (GUI) / Manual Install / WalkThru

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#221 Valiad

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Posted 14 March 2008 - 06:12 AM

new problem, region of terror.
i get transported to spirit soaring fine enough, talk to cadderly, talk again in 3 days, and we go down so he can summon an imp
that's where the problem lies, he doesn't summon, everyone just stands still, all i can do is alt+f4 and restart.

I got the same problem 2 days ago.Looks like its a RoT issue which is easily resolved.Check that http://www.shsforums...showtopic=22319
or if the link doesn't work do a quick search at the RoT forum there is a fix for it.

EDIT: I followed Azazello's step by step instructions using Near Infinity and it worked splendid.It is rather easy given the fact that I had never used NI ever again.Just make sure that when u editing the lines in the part of the code required u do a CTRL+F checking for MYSELF keyword in the whole document.Both types of lines edited are no more than 15 in total.Anyway when u get no results for MYSELF keywords you should be ready to copy it in the RR3307.BCS etc etc.
Reminds me of the BG1 transition bug at the cutscene where u get captured but you have to do it manually.

Edited by Valiad, 14 March 2008 - 09:13 AM.

#222 phlict

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Posted 24 March 2008 - 03:38 AM

I am new to Baldur's Gate, trying to start out with a basic set of megamods (especially BGT). The BigMoshi (v0.11) installer seems like the most straightforward way to get started, and I believe I am close to the point where I can begin playing. I have managed to download almost all the mods listed (though I had a little trouble finding RoTv2.1.rar because the link listed only gave RoT2.rar. the correct link is at http://moddy.forbesnetwork.com/moddy121.php?mod=09). I am only missing one now: "SCSvBGT_v4.5.rar" It seems that the page on SHS that contained this mod has gone down, and I can't locate any other mirrors. The installercannot run without every mod listed, so I guess the only alternative is to just start installing one-by-one... If anybody can post a new mirror to download "SCSvBGT_v4.5.rar" it would be much appreciated!

Thanks to everyone for their hard work... I am very excited to start playing this great game!

#223 Michael



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Posted 24 March 2008 - 07:46 AM



EDIT: The link to SCSvBGT here on SHS is out of date, and downloads v4.4.

Edited by Michael, 24 March 2008 - 07:49 AM.

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#224 phlict

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Posted 24 March 2008 - 08:55 AM



EDIT: The link to SCSvBGT here on SHS is out of date, and downloads v4.4.

Wow, very nice! that site seems to have almost every other mod there too!
Actually, I got a little bit impatient and just started the installer anyway (i found the link to scsbgt_v4.4.rar on ronin's profile, and just renamed it to v4.5... very cheesy I know :rolleyes: , and probably doomed to fail, but I wasn't sure how long it would take for someone to respond. I am still in the middle of installing right now, and I will post here again when all is complete). Now that I actually have that link, I realize that a search on Google for "scsvbgt_4.5.rar" actually gives that page as the second result! I guess I should have been a little bit more exhaustive in my search...

Anyway, thanks for the help, and hopefully those links will be updated in the next version of "MegaMoshi" :cheers:

#225 blaa.nox

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Posted 03 April 2008 - 09:18 AM

hi, I downloaded mm v0.11a and all the required mods, except:
rr_v382, I only found v39, so I renamed it to v382
scsIIv4.exe, I only found v4.5, so I renamed it to v4

when I click on "install" I get a popup: "warning please check that your bg1 & winrar install paths are correct"
if I enter the correct paths and click on "apply settings", it resets the fields to the defaul settings(E:\Program Files\Black Isle\Baldur's Gate,C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe) and gives me the warning. if I skip clicking on "apply" and try "install" it gives me the warning. again.

Solution~ Create a blank text file and rename it as BGMain.exe in your BG1 directory to by-pass the check before performing the installation (see image below). Thanks to Nazar, Sadun & Jakar for reporting this. doesnīt seem to work. I created a txt file named bgmain.exe. didnīt work(for some reason, itīs icon stays the notepad icon and doesnīt become the one with the flag, like bgmain2.exe :/). Since BG2 has a bgmain.exe I tried to copy that one in the bg1 folder but that wouldnīt work either
I also tried renaming bgmain2.exe from bg1 dir to bgmain.exe(while keeping bg2main of course)

any ideas? and does anyone have rr_v382 and scsIIv4.exe, if that might be the problem?

Edited by blaa.nox, 03 April 2008 - 10:13 AM.

#226 blaa.nox

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Posted 03 April 2008 - 10:23 AM

canīt edit for some reason:

?: omg I canīt believe it. I have German Win Vista. When i open C:\ thereīs a folder called Programme (x86), where I installed Winrar. But actually that folderīs named Program Files (x86). Great half assed translation approach

#227 -Dave Zebra-

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Posted 10 April 2008 - 02:57 PM

Hi there,

I was just wondering if there was any word on whether the bug whereby Wild Mages cannot wear certain magical items or learn certain spells will be fixed? I love the mod, but I'd like to play as my favourite class :)


#228 OverKilL.

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Posted 03 May 2008 - 10:23 AM

any updates?!))

#229 j..

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Posted 09 May 2008 - 07:10 AM

hello boys and girls :)
ok disclaimer: i'm a complete lamer, i have never played anything other than vanilla BG1 & 2 (played through once when BG2 was new), i don't know my arse from my elbow when it comes to mods etc..
so i felt like playing a campaign and thought i'd add some mods, looked at bigmoshi's smm which looks interesting as i don't wan't to bug parry all day since i suck at it :) however i can't get the gui install to work properly so i guess i'll have to do it by hand.. now as i'm lasy i prefer scripting stuff like that so it's not a chore if i need to reeinstall.. so what i wonder is how these weidu installs work and esp how you can batch them, i've got a perl script which does everything, backup, downloads, extracts, modifies before installing, the whole enchilada.. however i'm sorely lacking in the sub "install" what how should i do that from a script to achieve the same installation as smm (i.e. syntax and which options), do i extract the mods and then run their respective setup.exe or whatever? or do i use weido.exe?

thanks for any help

#230 Jarno Mikkola

Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 09 May 2008 - 08:55 AM

do i extract the mods and then run their respective setup.exe or whatever? or do i use weido.exe?

Yes, you just run the Setup-GUI.exe . If you don't have a GUI -named directory in the game, then you got a problem, but... Ask it you don't.

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#231 j..

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Posted 13 May 2008 - 04:41 AM

does anyone know where to find The_Black_Rose_Part_I_Market_Prices.rar ? i can't seem to find it..


#232 Leomar

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Posted 13 May 2008 - 05:09 AM

does anyone know where to find The_Black_Rose_Part_I_Market_Prices.rar ? i can't seem to find it..

Use my second link below.

Greetings Leomar
A Megamod does not mean that you can play all of the mods or all of their content,
but you have more choices or paths through the game.
- Chevalier

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#233 Irinotecan

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Posted 17 May 2008 - 06:37 AM

Help, I just installed using 1.25 of the MOD_SOURCE, BIG MISTAKE. Two problems with it:

1) Some of the files are no longer available at the link locations provided, or there are later versions of the mods only available. To the best of my recollection:
  • RoTv2.1 link location downloads RoTv2 (I manually located 2.1 and installed that)
  • RR_V382 is not available, I could only find RR_V39
  • scsII-v4 is not available, I had to download scsII-v6
  • scsbgt_v4.5 link is broken, someone else posted the correct link in this thread
2) When I start a new BG game, I can't talk to anyone! I get "You can not initiate dialog. Gorion appears busy." Substitute Gorion with other names, and you get the idea. This, of course, is a major show stopper bug. I did a search, but almost nobody seems to have ever come across this problem, and nobody had a solution (one person in 2001 on the BW boards said, "ToB fixes this bug, install it!!! :blink: Oh and before anyone asks yes I have ToB v2.5.26461 installed)

Can anyone help? If nobody is providing support for v1.25, I strongly urge that you take it down, as it does not work, period.

#234 erebusant


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Posted 17 May 2008 - 07:52 AM

2) When I start a new BG game, I can't talk to anyone! I get "You can not initiate dialog. Gorion appears busy." Substitute Gorion with other names, and you get the idea. This, of course, is a major show stopper bug. I did a search, but almost nobody seems to have ever come across this problem, and nobody had a solution (one person in 2001 on the BW boards said, "ToB fixes this bug, install it!!! :blink: Oh and before anyone asks yes I have ToB v2.5.26461 installed)

Be sure you're using the 26498 patch

It takes a village...

#235 Irinotecan

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Posted 17 May 2008 - 08:01 AM

2) When I start a new BG game, I can't talk to anyone! I get "You can not initiate dialog. Gorion appears busy." Substitute Gorion with other names, and you get the idea. This, of course, is a major show stopper bug. I did a search, but almost nobody seems to have ever come across this problem, and nobody had a solution (one person in 2001 on the BW boards said, "ToB fixes this bug, install it!!! :blink: Oh and before anyone asks yes I have ToB v2.5.26461 installed)

Be sure you're using the 26498 patch

Aieeeee.... I have the "Baldur's Gate II Collection" and I thought it was completely patched out of the box.... :crying: Do you know if I can install the patch with everything else that is on there, or am I screwed and I have to blow everything away and do a fresh re-install of SoA/ToB and then apply the patch?

EDIT: Ah, Crap, that's why.... it appears that the "Bonus CD" I got includes this patch, and on this last install I applied the bonus CD before the ToB CD. Grrrr.

Edited by Irinotecan, 17 May 2008 - 08:19 AM.

#236 Irinotecan

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Posted 17 May 2008 - 12:36 PM

Well, I decided to to a complete re-install of everything. Three other things I noted in the install:

1) For scs-II: I get the following error:
Unknown argument: [Files\Black]
WeiDU (version 20600: "Oops")

Then it prompts me to press <Enter> a bunch of times to scroll through command line options, and quits. I'm guessing that the path to BG-II wasn't properly quoted somewhere when the installer was called. (looks like it could be part of "C:\Program Files\Black Isle\....")

I also noticed that this install ran simultaneously with the BGT install (it was still copying a bunch of files over when BGT started installing, before it got to that error message). Is that how it is supposed to work?

(NOTE: I just noticed that "Setup-scsII.exe" is run later on toward the end of the install, and it appears to run fine there, so maybe this error is OK?)

2) BPseries: I get a whole bunch of the following error on different lines:
[codebox]Compiling 1 script ...

[bpseries\baf\gMinionM.baf] PARSE ERROR at line 277 column 1-21

Near Text: )

[Heard] argument [HELP] not found in [SHOUTIDS.IDS]
3) During Setup-GUI.exe: Right after Tortured Souls, the console window closes, then a new window comes up that is just titled "c:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe" and has a whole bunch of "The system cannot find the file specified." errors and nothing else. After that closes, installation is complete.

And just so you don't think I'm nothing but a complainer: :whistling: Thank you BigMoshi, Erebusant, and everyone else for your hard work with this! I never finished BG1 (got as far as raiding the bandit camp), and never did BG2, so I've finally decided that since I can't afford a new rig right now to play Mass Effect, I would try my best to do a complete run through of Baldur's Gate, and see if I could play through as many community mods as possible!

Thanks again guys! :cheers:

Edited by Irinotecan, 17 May 2008 - 03:03 PM.

#237 -Roflcore-

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Posted 25 July 2008 - 12:06 PM


I just wanted to aski if it works, if I just rename the newer versions of mods that I cant find anymore to the names of the older versions? Or do I need to edit the xml file and adjust the name?
Could do both, but I already startet with first option and I don't think their is any difference.

Thanks a lot and great work so far, the first installation I manage to finish (as it seems at the moment :D)

#238 Azazello


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Posted 25 July 2008 - 12:44 PM


I just wanted to aski if it works, if I just rename the newer versions of mods that I cant find anymore to the names of the older versions? Or do I need to edit the xml file and adjust the name?
Could do both, but I already startet with first option and I don't think their is any difference.

Thanks a lot and great work so far, the first installation I manage to finish (as it seems at the moment :D)

Not sure but there have been reports that bigmoshi's XML needs updating.

You could generate a new XML using the Infinity Engine Mod List & Installer (IEMI), using perhaps one of erebusant's newer (or someone's) weidu.log as a base. You (or someone) may need to update IEMI with the names and/or locations of some of the mods.

Otherwise, until bigmoshi returns, or a new caretaker is found for SMM, try some of the ideas in a directory of Mega-Installation Guides.

#239 -Roflcore-

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Posted 25 July 2008 - 12:50 PM

Thats were I found this installationmethod. Others were way to complicated, at least for me. Well, I had some minor errors, but maybe it will work, if not, I'll have to wait longer I guess

#240 -Randomguest-

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Posted 27 July 2008 - 11:46 AM


I just installed the mod and wanted to ask, why the world map is so huge now? I do not see the benefiet of this, or is it possible to travel to this places? If so, how is that possible?
