I spent my first night crying myself to sleep while the demented dark elf ran his mouth.

If ONLY a guard had seen the whole fight I wouldn?t be here. I only went down to the water to look at this ship...

....when suddenly a female pirate and two others attacked me for no reason.

Had they known I was a highly trained blade master Im sure they would have changed their minds. Unfortunately for them, they found out the hard way.

Still, the guards only saw the aftermath which is how I ended up here.
The next morning, two guards showed up and at sword point, and ?assisted? me in changing into this ridiculous blue outfit.

?So they made you put on the blue outfit ehh Nord?... hahaha? with a body like yours it wont be to long until all the guards have their blood boiling with passion? HEHEHE? your going to be ravished again, and again, and again little girl..... HEHEHE.. iI only hope that if there is anything left of you, they give it to me?. HAHAHA..?

By the gods? please don?t let what dark says be true!

Guard: ?Prisoner who are you and what are you doing here??

I told him, my name is Cassie Von Zarovich of Highrock.

Sister to the lady of Highrock, Bella Von Zarovich a fellow Blade like yourself. I don?t know why im in this cell.

Suddenly, materializing from behind the Blade came the emperor himself! He told me who knew who I was and that it was important that I follow him. He also knew my deceased father, the former Lord of Highrock, Berinigar Von Zarovich who faithfully served the Septiums
We wound our way through the caverns beneath the city when suddenly?. We where attacked by creatures that seemed to come out of thin air..
The blades fought hard and fought well, there was little I could do to help being without a weapon and wearing that ridiculous blue bikini.. one the battle was over we found one of their captains had been killed. I was able to acquire her weapon.
The Blades? who I feel still did not trust me, went off on their own and I was forced to crawl through the caverns beneath the city. Fortunately I was able to at last acquire some armor.

Much later, after dispatching of some goblins, I met back up with the emperor and the Blades. It was then that Emperor told me my destiny and gave me an amulet to deliver to his exiled son
?I swear by my father I shall deliver this amulet?

Then, out of nowhere, a figure burst through the wall and slashed the emperor through the heart.. I was to late. I killed his assailant but I was unable to save him.

Trusting me now... the blades let me go? after finding my way through the sewers I found myself in the bright sunshine once again, standing on the dock outside of the city? I contemplated how to cross it.
?I just cant swim this with plate armor?

Like my sister, I have been trained as a warrior all my life.. sometimes you have to make sacrifices. Besides, it was a warm day.

I emerged from the lake, sword drawn because I heard voices up ahead.. I moved in to investigate.

?Bandits? wearing clothes?. Hmmmm..?

With surprise on my side I attacked? and in seconds, the battle was over

?Now if I can just figure out how to get these off?

?Thanks for the gear fluffy? ?

Now im off to find Juaffre