Alright...lets see if I remember how to do a comment post....
First things first:
Happy Birthday to everyone who I missed Next up: A quick thank you to everyone who has commented on pictures, I know it takes awhile but it is very much appreciated.
Next: um okay..I don't have a next...
And lastly: In Italy, it is illegal to make coffins out of anything except nutshells or wood
Okay so now lastly: Laws are like sausages. It's better not to see them being made.
I mean it this time: A young apprentice optometrist recently got careless and got his hand caught in the lens grinder. He wasn't seriously hurt, but he certainly made a spectacle of himself.
(okay so maybe I have built up a stockpile of stuff like that since my last comment post

Now, on with the comments!
Alexander WolfPost #2: Very neat
outfit. Something looks wrong with her
sides though, is that shadows of some kind?
Soul_SlayerPost #3: First...oh wait never mind, I used that joke just a few lines up. I never did mention this before, Welcome back

I get a feeling that doing a
strip search wouldn't take long at all
DFSLPost #4:
That has got to be the most colorful battle I have yet seen

Also in case you didn't know its really easy to convert a PNG image to a JPG. Just open up paint (or any program that can open a picture file) and use the "save as" option. Then all you have to do is select JPG from the list. It only takes a few seconds
Post #11: Once again I think I'm looking at the wrong thing but that is an awesome
shield. Did you make it?
Post #5: *grumble* repost *lots more grumbling followed by even more grumbling* Anyway (

) She looks very
beautiful, she also looks kinda evil
ChimeraPost #6: Another great
face. Maybe it's just me but somehow the eyes look a bit too big, might be the shadows around the eyes though
Post #7: I see one of my favorite characters is alive and well,
Trevaia looks as great as ever
jaxsonPost #8: Hitting people when they're down? Thats not very nice

However since they were a bandit they deserved it

Very nice looking
Post #9: Woah...that's a lot of
goblins....let the fun begin
Post #10: You seem to have a never ending supply of new
Almost every time you post it's something have very good connections