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Quick Compatibility Question

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#1 -Furare-

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Posted 02 November 2007 - 07:48 PM

In the "Technical Readme" it states that installing the 'Revised High Level Ability Tables' component of BG2Refinements will cause Nathaniel's items to become unusable. Does the order of installation matter in this case (i.e. if you installed Nathaniel after Refinements would everything work properly) or are the two completely incompatible. I ask because I want to install Nathaniel, but need to know whether or not to uninstall Refinements before I do so. Also, are any of the other tweak mods known to be incompatible with (or, more accurately, to detract from the playing experience of) Nathaniel, or is it just Refinements?

Thanks in anticipation,


#2 Miss Sakaki

Miss Sakaki


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Posted 21 November 2007 - 03:18 PM

Welcome to SHS and sorry for taking so long to answer your question - your thread had got swamped by a bunch of other stuff. Refinements shouldn't affect Nathaniel unless you install it after him. All the other tweakpacks seem to be fine. Happy playing!

#3 Furare

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Posted 22 November 2007 - 08:11 AM

And I was afraid that no one had replied because it was a guest post...

Thanks for getting back to me, I'm keen on the idea of playing this mod.  Is there a new version due out soon?  Because it'd be silly to install this version now only to find that there's a new one out a week later...

Refinements ReadMe says that you ought to install it last, but as I'm intending to ignore that for the sake of installing a kit improvements mod that gives HLAs I don't want to lose, I don't suppose that ignoring it for the sake of Nathaniel will make much difference.

#4 Miss Sakaki

Miss Sakaki


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Posted 22 November 2007 - 11:21 AM

There's going to be a new version reasonably soon - hopefully at the beginning of December. If you're OK with waiting, I'd recommend doing so as it'll be more stable and will have a lot more content. But if you want to play it before then, go for it!