File Submitter: Najaknevrec
File Submitted: 1 Nov 2007
File Updated: 19 Nov 2007
File Category: Models/Textures
The aim of this mod is to make robes a viable choice in Oblivion. In vanilla game Robes were both ugly (In my opinion) and useless. This mod adds some 50 new robes. Almost all of them are enchanted and all of them have new meshes. I also thought, that as a mage oyu should have a staff that you can use to beat your enemies heads with, so I added some 20 new staves. They all act like werhammers, they are enchanted on strike, but they also have some beneficial effect on the one who carries them.
You can find the new items (robes, hoods and staves) just about anywhere. They were added to leveled lists, they are being used by NPCs and some unique ones were just placed in the world. The lesser ones can also be bouht at shops.
This mod is in a BETA version, so please be gentle. Thsi si the very first time I have used the leveled lists, so it is sort of possible that there will be some small problems. Should you encounter anything strange, weird or odd, let me know here:;#entry11173396
This mod requires Shivering isles Expnasion.
PATCH to this md is now available:;showfile=500
Second Patch was released. You can get it from the same mirrors as the first one.
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