I quickly realized though a simple picture of the week thread wouldn't work so well as there are far to many types of screenshots that it would be almost impossible to choose between them all. Well I thought of two possible counters for this and decided to use them both

With all that in mind here is what a came up with:
Contest 1: The themed screenshot contest
Starting Thursday each week each person will be allowed to submit a single screenshot that goes with the chosen theme of the week (it will be posted Thursday morning). The picture must be a new one that you haven't posted before. If later in the week you take another shot you think is better and still follows the theme then just edit out the old one and add the new one in. The winning picture will be picked Thursday morning and announced at the same time as the new theme. And lastly it must follow all the normal rules for pictures on this forum.
Contest 2: The screenshot caption contest
Each week on Thursday morning I will post a screenshot of a random, pose, location, or scene and you have to simply PM me the caption you think goes best with it, be it funny, serious, dramatic, morbid...whatever. You can always send me another if you think it's better but keep in mind your previous one will be ignored then. oh and if you post the caption in this thread they won't count

Contest 3: The "What the heck mod is that?" contest
The simplest contest (at least in my opinion), each week I will post a picture that features something added by a mod and you must PM me the name of the mod and a download link to it. Again this is so I don't miss any. In the case of several people getting it right I person who sent me the correct answer will win. As before do NOT post you answer in this thread. The picture and the winner from the previous week with again be announced Thursday morning.
With that all cleared up now Here is this weeks pictures and themes:
Contest 1: The themed screenshot contest
Theme: Your characters home
Contest 2: The screenshot caption contest
The picture to caption:

Contest 3: The "What the heck mod is that?" contest
The picture of the mod:

Alright thats it for now, just a reminder, for contest 1 post your picture in this thread. For contest 2 and 3, PM me your caption or the mods name.
Any questions?