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Candlekeep remake

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#101 Big Poppa

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 04:43 AM

Here's a half scale of the progress for the area to date. It's cropped obviously and will be a good area to get those nice homely structures like the wind and water mill in. I'll just keep deleting and updating this image instead of posting more updates in this thread

Edited by Big Poppa, 24 December 2007 - 03:25 PM.

Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#102 leahnkain

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 05:31 AM

Very nice. If you need any old reference books from 1st edition PM me.

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#103 Pandæmonium

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 06:53 AM

Good grief.

I can't believe I missed this thread. I was in a really foul mood all day today, but all this beautiful work has really cheered me up.
Stunning work Big Poppa.

It was mentioned a few pages back, but I didn't read for fear of spoilaz - You mentioned some little, minor quests I think. Will these be in the prologue or Chapter 6? I always felt that the prologue was a wasted opportunity in the finished game, and it'd be an absolute travesty if your beatiful work were only seen for that brief snatch of time it takes to catch some rats, fetch a potion, kill some assassin and buy a sword.
I never got the real sense of this being a home for CHARNAME. Spending some more time there at the beginning, getting to know various people, performing some minor errands/quests and perhaps even exploring the main Keep itself, might make it seem a more homely place.

I love the style of the IWD interiors; all dark and cosy, it's so nice to see something similar here. As for the grounds themselves... well, I almost imagine I could take a deep breath and breath the scent of those gardens, they look fantastic.

Ah! It's all too exciting!

Sorry, but I get excited easily, and then I can't shut up. I'm doing it again.
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#104 Kellen


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Posted 15 December 2007 - 07:52 AM

I've got to resay what Panda and everyone else has said. Such amazing work. It does seem so real, and much more a place I can imagine to have grown up in.

I will mention that I was kinda <_< about hobbit holes popping in, but other than that it is entirely fantastic.
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#105 Big Poppa

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 08:16 AM

Thx Both, glad you're liking what you see. The actual candlekeep area and all interiors are ready to go now so I could put them up for d load so you can just walk around em, see what's what and I guess look for anything that isn't working properly. It would be about a 90 meg d load. No quests, people or anything. Just a blank slate

Yeah, the prolog was wasted I think and since there is no need to teach the player how to swing a staff any more, the time can be used to do more creative interesting stuff. Sorry about the hobbit holes, I just always wanted to make a sort of hobbiton place so a few had to make an appearance :unsure: . Not all buildings will be holes in a hill though, just a few :)

I have to be honest, I'm not sure if I intend on using the areas to remake the prolog or actually to do something else I have in mind. Either way, If I don't then I'll let them go to someone who will do that when ready.

Edited by Big Poppa, 15 December 2007 - 08:20 AM.

Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#106 Ankhes

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 11:05 AM

I can't believe I just am looking at this now. All I can say is STUNNING. These are absolutely gorgeous!

#107 Big Poppa

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Posted 16 December 2007 - 06:25 AM

Updated the above lion horn image.

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BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#108 manwe858

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Posted 16 December 2007 - 04:38 PM

Wow, this makes me wish I could do art. I love eye candy :cheers: :Bow: :Bow:. Has this been incorporated into any mods yet or is that what we're awaiting, because reading through all the work you've done makes me anxious to play through it!

Great Job,

#109 Big Poppa

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Posted 18 December 2007 - 04:02 AM

Heya. No, it's not in a mod yet but it will be in time.

(Updated above image)

Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#110 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 18 December 2007 - 04:14 AM

Beautiful, as ever when you are on the job. :cheers:

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#111 Pandæmonium

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Posted 18 December 2007 - 05:31 AM

Someone mentioned Beregost, I think, a couple of pages back.
Is that something you're considering remaking aswell, or was it just an off-hand remark?
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#112 Jarno Mikkola

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Posted 18 December 2007 - 05:57 AM

Is that something you're considering remaking aswell, or was it just an off-hand remark?

Yeah, we putted him to reshape the whole Swordcoast all by himself. :devil: No, that was a joke, unless of course he is intrested.

But say, as there is a 32 Mb limit in the uploading options, at least for me, I hope that someone has shown Big Poppa, the ropes on how to publish a bigger files, like say 100-200Mb's. :unsure: As the Administrators can, somehow make it possible. Example. As I wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to play with his files. :devil: :cheers:

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#113 King Diamond

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Posted 19 December 2007 - 12:31 AM

Great Work! Absolutely....

But aren't there too much mushrooms...? ;)

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#114 Pixel Kaiser

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Posted 19 December 2007 - 02:01 AM

These are absolutely amazing; and like the others have said, there is always room for more people with the ability to make new areas.

You have my respect, Big Poppa. Crazy good work.

#115 Big Poppa

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Posted 19 December 2007 - 04:06 AM


Yeah, there are alot of mushrooms hehe but having them with all the little rocks and flowers kinda makes to place feel more untouched and farmlandish as supposed to built up. They are not overwhelming though when at 100% scale and it just seems to look better than just grass on its own. I did fill a field with cow shit as supposed to mushies though which made for a change hehe

Edited by Big Poppa, 19 December 2007 - 05:52 AM.

Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#116 Miloch



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Posted 19 December 2007 - 02:43 PM

This makes Gullykin look like a desert. Well it kind of is, I guess, but it should look more halfling-ish.

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#117 Big Poppa

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Posted 20 December 2007 - 10:14 AM

Check our my fruit n 2 veg. I found a nice cookery website that had loads of images of the stuff so I took some time to model some of it.


Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#118 Miloch



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Posted 20 December 2007 - 10:52 AM

Nifty. Why do the two big pumpkins look like they're hotwired together though? Are these some of Gandalf's fireworks he left lying around? :huh:

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#119 Big Poppa

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Posted 20 December 2007 - 11:14 AM

Just the fat vines they seem to grow from making their way to the ground, or that's the way my pumpkin patch reference pic made em look. Not some strange explosive divice heh .. or maybe it is

Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#120 Big Poppa

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Posted 22 December 2007 - 08:15 AM


Edited by Big Poppa, 23 December 2007 - 12:55 AM.

Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england