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Candlekeep remake

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#181 -S-K-

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 02:50 AM

I have an account but have problems staying logged in to post (talked to Kal but either he cant find/fix or does not have the time to fix even tho it has been over a year :P )
name is Sir-Kill so that would fall under the dude category ;)
I remade an area for CA http://ca.spellholds...tmoor_large.jpg in 3ds 7 most of my work is in hidden forums at bwl.
I am making the interior of another area for CA one that you made the exterior for. ask leahnkain for a screenshot if you want (and if he still has it)

#182 Big Poppa

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 03:18 AM

Ah, I remember. That would be the hill climbing up to the giant's fort area I made right?

Oh, and I use 3ds7 as well

Edited by Big Poppa, 12 September 2008 - 03:20 AM.

Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#183 -S-K-

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 03:42 AM

heh reading through I see that you have mentioned that you use 3ds what 5 times now :D

there was a post back about using 0,151,151 for the background and you said that the shadows effect the color.
if you used a plane with that color instead of environment color you could change the properties of the plane to not cast nor receive shadows, however lights might change the color (all a bit late now).

have you had some of this stuff laying around cause you are pretty fast if not

#184 Big Poppa

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 03:53 AM

Yeah, I remember making that windmill and water cog animation. I really made life hard for myself they. They ended up great though.
I started the areas in this topic, probably 10 months ago. They have been sat dormant for the last 5 though as I had to put things on hold for a while. After you get used to the tricks though, you can bang out very good, detailed areas in short time.
I have found a new drive though and am getting back in to it.
leahnkain want's me to help him out with a castle which I would like to do in a while. For now, I am getting creative with my own project though.

Ps. Nice area yourself.

Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#185 Sir-Kill

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 07:38 AM

yeah I really liked the water mill (too)
you can definitely get burned out. funny when ya do get back to doing it (at least for me) I wonder why I got burned in the first place.
(logged in at this work comp keeps me in after 3 tries )

Edited by Sir-Kill, 12 September 2008 - 07:39 AM.

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#186 Big Poppa

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 05:53 PM

Yeah, it helps to take time out for a while.

Another small interior.


Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#187 leahnkain

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 09:02 PM

Yeah, it helps to take time out for a while.

Another small interior.


The interiors look great. It has a nice IWD feel to it.

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#188 Big Poppa

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Posted 12 September 2008 - 09:17 PM

Yeah, I went for that dark look with warm red colours from the torches etc. Some of the old BG1 areas look a bit naf these days. I found though with some editing, you can change their colour scheme, add lighting glow where candles are etc and make them look alot nicer. I don't really plan on recycling areas too often like that, but it did work well for the top floor of the candlekeep inn/tavern.

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BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#189 leahnkain

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Posted 13 September 2008 - 02:10 AM

The warm red colors from the torches and the candle glow really makes a big difference.

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#190 Big Poppa

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Posted 13 September 2008 - 03:47 AM

Yeah, I like the look.


Anyone had a look at the gorgoius graphics of the new diablo game. I love the almost soft cartoony look they have going on.

Edited by Big Poppa, 13 September 2008 - 04:46 AM.

Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#191 leahnkain

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Posted 13 September 2008 - 06:28 AM

They just keep getting better and better. I agree the new diablo game looks sweet.

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#192 Epantiras


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Posted 13 September 2008 - 06:35 AM

your area remakes are wonderful!! Keep working on them ^_^

Anyone had a look at the gorgoius graphics of the new diablo game. I love the almost soft cartoony look they have going on.

I did, and I am one of those who signed the petition against the art direction ;-) but don't worry, I'm not one of those trolls who will flame people on sight. I respect other people's opinions.
Diablo 3 will be awesome even with cartoony / WoW like graphics. I just wish it wil be a bit more darker (but not as dark and desaturated like those photoshopped screenshots made by other 'art direction haters') and if it will not, I'll change the video settings manually ^_^

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#193 Big Poppa

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Posted 13 September 2008 - 08:00 AM

Here's my little hobbit hole like home. Cheep n cheerful



Clad you guys like what u see :)

Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#194 Big Poppa

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Posted 13 September 2008 - 10:10 AM

Ok, time to stop posting stuff hehe. Here's the plan before I get things on the mod front rolling.


These are master areas

1 Candlekeep
2 Lion's Crag Hamlet
3 Way Of The Lion West
4 Way Of The Lion Central
5 Way Of The Lion east
6 Coast Way North
7 South Friendly Arm
8 Friendly Arm Inn

Obviously, the first 2 are way more time consuming as they have many sub areas and buildings.

RH0000 - Lion's Crag Hamlet (Masterarea)
RH0001 - Lion's Crag Hamlet Your House
RH0002 - Lion's Crag Hamlet 2nd ward House
RH0003 - Lion's Crag Hamlet 3rd ward Fishing House
RH0004 - Lion's Crag Hamlet Hobbit hole
RH0005 - Lion's Crag Hamlet Giant Hobbit Hole
RH0006 - Lion's Crag Hamlet Fruit n Veg Storehouse
RH0007 - Lion's Crag Hamlet Windmill
RH0008 - Lion's Crag Hamlet Watermill
RH0009 - Lion's Crag Hamlet Sawmill
RH0010 - Lion's Crag Hamlet Inn Ground Floor
RH0011 - Lion's Crag Hamlet Inn Top Floor
RH0012 - Lion's Crag Hamlet Hobbit hole

RH1000 - CandleKeep (Masterarea)
RH1001 - Candlekeep Tavern 1st Floor
R1001D - Candlekeep Tavern Basement
R1000U - Candlekeep Tavern 2nd Floor
RH1002 - Candlekeep Priest House
RH1003 - Candlekeep Temple Of Oghma
RH1004 - Candlekeep Guest House
RH1005 - Candlekeep Bakery
RH1006 - Candlekeep Candlekeep Interior 1st Floor (Not Made Yet) !!!!!!!!!!!!!
RH1007 - Candlekeep Bunkhouse
RH1008 - Candlekeep Guardhouse
R1008B - Candlekeep Guardhouse Basement
RH1009 - Candlekeep Blacksmith
RH1010 - Candlekeep Infirmary
RH1011 - Candlekeep Guest House
RH1012 - Candlekeep Storehouse
RH1013 - Candlekeep Storehouse Basement
RH1014 - Candlekeep Public Bathhouse
RH1015 - Candlekeep UnderWell
RH1016 - Candlekeep Burial Catacomb
RH1017 - Candlekeep Beach Cove

RH1100 - Way Of The Lion West (Masterarea) (Not Made Yet) !!!!!!!!!!!!!

RH1200 - Way Of The Lion Central (Masterarea) (Not Made Yet) !!!!!!!!!!!!!

RH1300 - Way Of The Lion East (Masterarea) (Not Made Yet) !!!!!!!!!!!!!

RH1400 - Coast Way North (Masterarea) (Not Made Yet) !!!!!!!!!!!!!

RH1500 - Frendly Arm Inn (Masterarea) (Not Made Yet) !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#195 leahnkain

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 06:07 AM

The hobbit's home looks great. I wonder if the new diablo game will influence your stlye.

Longing for the old pen and paper modules of the 70's and 80's. Experience AD&D's greatest adventures using the infinity engine: Visit our homepage at http://classicadventuresmod.com/

#196 Epantiras


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Posted 14 September 2008 - 06:16 AM

^_^ hobbit house!!!! And a small chimney coming out from the ground!! I hope it will have a smoke animation.

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Oh, and Epantiras, you're simply Epantirastic.

(and no, I'M not egocentric!)

I Hate Elminster! (proud member of the We Hate Elminster club)

#197 Big Poppa

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Posted 14 September 2008 - 07:03 AM

Yeah, it has smoke :( . I also try to make sure that every interior has some kinda animation going on. If that is as little as a candle flicker or fires, stoves, machinery etc. It helps to bring an area to life and you don't have to rely solely on ambients for an area to have feel.
I don't think my style will be influenced. Every artist brings their own thing to the table and it's good to pick up tips. I think my areas have a very unique style. To the point where if you lined several areas up, you could probably tell which ones are mine and which are not. I like to think that other area makers here on this site take things away from my work.

Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#198 Deathsangel


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Posted 14 September 2008 - 09:59 AM

He I had missed this was going on again after the summer. Cool, I like these areas as I said before. They have a nice unique look, and I enjoy new areas that are such creative.

Still modding the Mod for the Wicked... It is a big project you know... And I got sidetracked (several times) a bit... sorry.
However, as we all know, Evil never really sleeps.

Sentences marking (my) life:

Winds of change... Endure them, and in Enduring grow Stronger
It takes a fool to look for logic in a man's heart
Never question the sanity of the insane
The Harmony of Life is Chaos
Living on Wings of Dreams

(1st march 2009) SHS women over me:
Kat: if there were more guys that looked like you out here, people's offspring wouldnt be so damn ugly
Noctalys: you are adorable :P

~~ I love it, and I am humbled! Yay! ~~

#199 Big Poppa

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Posted 15 September 2008 - 03:02 AM


Edited by Big Poppa, 15 September 2008 - 03:15 AM.

Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england

#200 Big Poppa

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Posted 15 September 2008 - 03:02 AM

Here's the larger hobbit hole

If anyone has any suggestions of something cool that could be in one of these areas, just throw em in thyere :)


Quality over quantity baby

BG - A Tale Retold

Facebook, Richard Haines, westmidlands, england