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#901 -Guest-

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 01:08 PM

Thanks for this quick answer! And sorry for the question, I missed that vital information!

I have another problem after that.

The BiG World Install.dat asks me to add two things in the BGII folder : BG2 Fixpack and TxtMusic.
Again, the two files are already in my folder.

The fixpack is under the name "bg2fixpack-v9.exe (is this the right file ?).
The txt folder is under the name "txtmusic" (folder : C:\BWP\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\txtmusic\language\french). I tried to copy the files (.ogg) in my language folder (C:\BWP\Black Isle\BGII - SoA\french) and to replace the old files .ogg, but the BWP still ask me to set the mods and says : "The listed mods do not exist in your BGII - SoA directory".

Again, thanks for any help you can provide. : )

#902 Beleg33


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Posted 02 July 2012 - 01:53 PM

Txtmusic core package & Txtmusic French language pack

You need to have both core package and desired language pack (English/German/Castillian/French)

Extract both in game root so you get all files in txtmusic folder.

J'ai déjà répondu à une question avec le problème inverse sur la Couronne de Cuivre y a 2 semaines :P

Edited by Beleg33, 02 July 2012 - 01:57 PM.

Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#903 -Guest-

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Posted 03 July 2012 - 01:59 AM

Yeah, I discovered I had forgotten the Core Package. Thanks again!

Désolé, mais y a une masse de sujets sur la Couronne de Cuivre et pour trouver ce qu'on cherche c'est un peu galère (surtout quand on a pas suivi le modding de BG depuis des années et qu'on revient ^^). : )
J'ai suivi ce sujet : http://www.baldursga...ld-project.html
Et ils mettaient en évidence le fichier txt french language mais pas le core de base (j'ai fini par le déduire en le voyant sur la page qui recence tous les mods de BWP entre temps). Je me demande s'il faudrait pas l'ajouter au sujet d'ailleurs, car je ne pense pas être le seul à m'être posé la question (enfin j'espère :P). ^^

Two other questions about the installation :

- Before the installation, I have to choose between some type of files : Recommanded, standard, Expert and tactics... Can I choose to install all these mods in one time? I can't find a way to choose more than only one choice at the time.
- Can I add some mods after the main installation without reinstall all the mods? I managed to install the BWP, and it worked, but I forgot a mod, and when I tried to add it with BWP, I think it install all the other mods again (and the game didn't work anymore after that).

Thanks for your help. : )

#904 Truman

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Posted 11 July 2012 - 03:23 AM

I don't know if this is the proper place for it, but here goes. I follow the install order for BWP when i install BG2/TOB. The guide list installing TS25mini before Lucy The Wyvern. I have discovered, or i think i have, that they both overwrite the same file. It always comes up as Lucy the Wyvern when i play. I have never seen the TS25mini content for the section called Lady, and have never done it. Perhaps you can double check my findings and if i am right change the BWP install guide.

Thank you

My posting was premature. I discovered that a lot of the mods that i had sitting around on my hard drive were Version 0.1 or slightly higher, just under version 2. I have reinstalled everything, all the way back to the CD's, with the lastest of everything that i could find. What ever was causing my problem with TS25mini, has been lost in the ether somewhere and gone, it is no longer a problem.

Edited by Truman, 02 September 2012 - 07:36 PM.

#905 Beleg33


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Posted 11 July 2012 - 06:34 AM

Never used that mod (TS25mini) since it seems to be in japanese/german only. You mean the component translated to [The request of a Noble Lady] overwrites the content from Lucy the Wyvern? I'll take a look some day when I'm done cross-checking the mods I commonly use, if no one knows better until then.

Edited by Beleg33, 11 July 2012 - 06:35 AM.

Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#906 Truman

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Posted 11 July 2012 - 08:15 PM

Never used that mod (TS25mini) since it seems to be in japanese/german only. You mean the component translated to [The request of a Noble Lady] overwrites the content from Lucy the Wyvern? I'll take a look some day when I'm done cross-checking the mods I commonly use, if no one knows better until then.

Yes, that is exactly the mod section i was refering to, but the other way around. The Lucy mod is conflicting with TS25mini. I have been rummaging around the Rosenranken and Kerzenburg web sites, and i pick up a few things, but i haven't stumbled across anything of use. My German is terrible, but i prefer it to the Bing Translator, which is awful.
The mod was translated from Japanese into German, but there are sections of dialog in the Request of a Noble Lady that is nothing but question (?) marks. Very hard to read.
The file that both TS25mini and Lucy the Wyvern access is AMWYVERN.cre. They are supposed to append a dialog file to it. It could be that my copy of the mod is corrupted or it is being corrurpted by something else. Don't know. What i do know is i am getting the dialog options for Lucy the Wyvern in the TS25mini quest. The Lucy mod i do in chapter 2. TS25mini i do in chapter 6.

Any help you can give i would appreciate.

Please disregard and scroll up 2 posts for an explanation.

Thank you

Edited by Truman, 02 September 2012 - 07:34 PM.

#907 Vazeron1

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Posted 17 July 2012 - 12:04 AM

Uh, quick and annoying issue with the installpack. I've installed both Baldur's Gate and BGII in a BWP folder on my C: drive, but whenever I run the install batch file, it says that the 25movies.bif and the ToB patch is not installed.

Seeing as I have the 25movies.bif file, and the ToB patch this is rather annoying. Am I screwing something up spectacularly, or is there some line I can edit within the .bat file itself? I took a poke around in Notepad++, but, regretfully, found nothing. And before you ask, I've tried running the .bat file both in the BGII folder, as well as in a separate folder entirely.

Ah, nevermind. Made a stupid mistake and fixed it.

Edited by Vazeron1, 17 July 2012 - 12:09 AM.

#908 -luckyluke-

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Posted 29 July 2012 - 08:30 AM

Hi guys,
I have played BG and BG 2 like 10 years ago and I am thinking about replaying it with all the cool content the people have created over the years. I did some research and I think I have to install this thing BG2 Big World v 11. I have original CD rom versions of the games (I assume I will have to download patches), but I would like to ask the question of how should I prepare for this install? Is there a central repository for files for Big World, does the installer download them itself (or give you the urls where to get it from?). Or will the installer just walk me through the whole installation and downloading project?
Also a maybe stupid but for me relevant question... Does big world contain Baldur's gate trilogy, or do I have to play Baldurs gate 1 and ToTE separately?
thanks for answering.

#909 dreamer2007

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Posted 29 July 2012 - 12:23 PM

The BWS will download and install all the mods you want, just follow the instructions once you start it. The only problem is that I think its still a little outdated. I believe it needs a small update for the latest BWP Fixpack and Installpack released by Leonardo a few days ago.

Edited by dreamer2007, 29 July 2012 - 12:24 PM.

#910 dabus

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Posted 30 July 2012 - 12:50 AM

The links are fetched via the Kerzenburg and if those links are updated (Jarl did that), the BWS gets new links and version-numbers and such...
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#911 dreamer2007

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Posted 30 July 2012 - 02:49 AM

The links are fetched via the Kerzenburg and if those links are updated (Jarl did that), the BWS gets new links and version-numbers and such...

Yes, its fully updated now, I just finished a new install. Btw, great work on the new download system, it looks great and makes everything go a lot faster! :cheers:

Edited by dreamer2007, 30 July 2012 - 02:50 AM.

#912 Beleg33


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 02:52 AM

Some updated mods that seem to have been missed, for the Kerzenburg people who update the BWS mod.ini :

-aTweaks v3.91 : https://github.com/F...weaks/downloads

-RR v4.50 : https://github.com/F...en/rr/downloads
Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#913 SLN

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Posted 09 August 2012 - 03:02 AM


I'm trying to to a megamod install so I have installed BG1+TOTSC+BG2+TOB, patched them (INTL ver), downloaded each of the desired mod, unzipped them in my SOA folder and clicked on INSTALL...

One of the mod I try to install is Dark Tales Of the Sword Coast.

I run into a problem here :

SKIPPING: [Alternate Bardo Portrait]
This component requires the main DSotSC component.
SKIPPING: [Alternate Bub Snikt Portrait]
This component requires the main DSotSC component.
SKIPPING: [Alternate Conchobhair Portrait]
This component requires the main DSotSC component.
SKIPPING: [Alternate CuChoinneach Portrait]
This component requires the main DSotSC component.
SKIPPING: [Alternate Ferthgil Portrait]
This component requires the main DSotSC component.
SKIPPING: [Alternate Jet'laya Portrait]
This component requires the main DSotSC component.
SKIPPING: [Alternate Keiria Portrait]
This component requires the main DSotSC component.
SKIPPING: [Alternate Skeezer Portrait]
This component requires the main DSotSC component.
SKIPPING: [Alternate Thorfinn Portrait]
This component requires the main DSotSC component.
[dialog.tlk] created, 118458 string entries
[dialogf.tlk] created, 118458 string entries
SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED	  Dark Side Interparty Banter
[Setup-NTotSC.exe] WeiDU version 23102
This is a non-stable version. Unless you're sure about what you're doing, consider downgrading.
[Setup-NTotSC.exe] Using scripting style "BG2"
Using Language [English]
Installing [NTotSC for BGT-Weidu] [v1.70a BWP Fix]
This mod should be installed after DSotSC.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [NTotSC for BGT-Weidu], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall   0 files for [SETUP-NTOTSC.TP2] component 0.
Uninstalled	  0 files for [SETUP-NTOTSC.TP2] component 0.
Fichier introuvable - data\NTOTSC1.bif
Fichier introuvable - data\NTOTSC2.bif
Fichier introuvable - data\NTOTSC3.bif
Le fichier sp‚cifi‚ est introuvable.
0 fichier(s) copi‚(s)
ERROR: Failure("This mod should be installed after DSotSC.")
PLEASE email the file SETUP-NTOTSC.DEBUG to SirBillyBob@gmail.com & erebusant@verizon.net
Automatically Skipping [NTotSC for BGT-Weidu] because of error.
Using Language [English]
Press ENTER to exit.
[Setup-BoneHillv275.exe] WeiDU version 23102
This is a non-stable version. Unless you're sure about what you're doing, consider downgrading.
ERROR: Unable to find CHITIN.KEY in:
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
D:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
FATAL ERROR: Failure("Unable to find CHITIN.KEY: run me in an Infinity Engine game directory")
Press ENTER to exit.
.\BiG World Fixpack\_override\worldmap\worldmap.wmp
	    1 fichier(s) copi‚(s).
[Setup-drizztsaga.exe] WeiDU version 23102
This is a non-stable version. Unless you're sure about what you're doing, consider downgrading.
ERROR: Unable to find CHITIN.KEY in:
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
D:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
FATAL ERROR: Failure("Unable to find CHITIN.KEY: run me in an Infinity Engine game directory")
Press ENTER to exit.
[Setup-Vault.exe] WeiDU version 23102
This is a non-stable version. Unless you're sure about what you're doing, consider downgrading.
ERROR: Unable to find CHITIN.KEY in:
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
D:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
FATAL ERROR: Failure("Unable to find CHITIN.KEY: run me in an Infinity Engine game directory")
Press ENTER to exit.
[Setup-bgqe.exe] WeiDU version 23102
This is a non-stable version. Unless you're sure about what you're doing, consider downgrading.
ERROR: Unable to find CHITIN.KEY in:
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
D:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
FATAL ERROR: Failure("Unable to find CHITIN.KEY: run me in an Infinity Engine game directory")
Press ENTER to exit.
[Setup-TGC1E.exe] WeiDU version 23102
This is a non-stable version. Unless you're sure about what you're doing, consider downgrading.
ERROR: Unable to find CHITIN.KEY in:
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
D:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
FATAL ERROR: Failure("Unable to find CHITIN.KEY: run me in an Infinity Engine game directory")
Press ENTER to exit.
[Setup-SirinesCall.exe] WeiDU version 23102
This is a non-stable version. Unless you're sure about what you're doing, consider downgrading.
ERROR: Unable to find CHITIN.KEY in:
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
D:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
FATAL ERROR: Failure("Unable to find CHITIN.KEY: run me in an Infinity Engine game directory")
Press ENTER to exit.
.\BiG World Fixpack\_override\worldmap\worldmap.wmp
	    1 fichier(s) copi‚(s).
[Setup-SOA.exe] WeiDU version 23102
This is a non-stable version. Unless you're sure about what you're doing, consider downgrading.
ERROR: Unable to find CHITIN.KEY in:
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
D:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
FATAL ERROR: Failure("Unable to find CHITIN.KEY: run me in an Infinity Engine game directory")
Press ENTER to exit.
[Setup-BW_Herbs.exe] WeiDU version 23102
This is a non-stable version. Unless you're sure about what you're doing, consider downgrading.
ERROR: Unable to find CHITIN.KEY in:
C:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
D:\Program Files\Black Isle\BGII - SoA
FATAL ERROR: Failure("Unable to find CHITIN.KEY: run me in an Infinity Engine game directory")
Press ENTER to exit.
[Setup-thalan.exe] WeiDU version 23102
This is a non-stable version. Unless you're sure about what you're doing, consider downgrading.

And that go on, and go on, and go on...
Everything ok and BAM DTOSC can't be installed and CHITIN.KEY is missing and nothing else can be installed.

My choice from BP debug :
.\BiG World Installpack\French\strings.txt
	    1 fichier(s) copi‚(s).
								 S U M M A R Y

   You have done the following settings:
	   Game:			 entire BWP with BG1 and BG2
	   Version:		  Standard with Tactic
	   Mod Deselection:  no mods deselected
	   Kits selection:   AoE Kits
	   AI Selection:	 BP instead of SCS
	   Rule System:	  Standard Rule System
	   Language:		 english only
	   Language:		 english only
	   Sprache:		  zweisprachig deutsch und englisch
	   Widescreen-Mod:   selected; width / height:
	   Some of the selected mods include adult content!

Except than french is my selected language and not zweisprachig deutsch, everythings ok.

My Weidu log : http://pastebin.com/f1xfJke8
and my BiG World Debug : http://dl.free.fr/ge...?file=/S3pYMJ9E

So please can you help me?
Does I need to d a manual installation?
Does I need to modify something? How?

I juste want to have back minsc and edwin :crying:

#914 dabus

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Posted 09 August 2012 - 09:37 AM

Load the German fix for DSotSC and replace the TP2-file that is in you DSotSC-folder. You should do that before the installation via the batch-file begins.

After you did that, the German DSOTSC-install will work as expected, NTotSC will install too and the rest of the mods will install as well. I don't know if you are able to edit the batch-file on your own or if you made backups or how the mods did install after DSotSC (since I did not download them), but you either have to remove the changes since then and install from there or clean everything up and install anew.
THINK! - It's not illegal.

#915 SLN

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Posted 09 August 2012 - 09:42 PM

Load the German fix for DSotSC and replace the TP2-file that is in you DSotSC-folder. You should do that before the installation via the batch-file begins.

After you did that, the German DSOTSC-install will work as expected, NTotSC will install too and the rest of the mods will install as well. I don't know if you are able to edit the batch-file on your own or if you made backups or how the mods did install after DSotSC (since I did not download them), but you either have to remove the changes since then and install from there or clean everything up and install anew.

Thanks for your fast answer but that doesn't works I have the exact same problem with a brand new installation and the german file -why german patch by the way? -.

I have found this topic : http://www.shsforums...-selfrighteous/ and this http://www.shsforums...n-216-released/

Unfortunately if I delete DSOTSC folder's as asked installation doesn't work anymore: missing files :/

If you can help me...

EDIT // I just found that the BWP on Spellhold Studio is outdated so I will try anew with the one found here : http://www.shsforums...post__p__544214

Edited by SLN, 09 August 2012 - 11:48 PM.

#916 Beleg33


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Posted 09 August 2012 - 10:32 PM

That advice to delete BiG World Fixpack\DSotSC is outdated, the fixpack has been updated since and it now only contains fixes for v2.16.

I don't know what's wrong with your install but I would advise to use the BWS-type install instead of the batch-type install, since I haven't had any such issue with BWS.
Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#917 SLN

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Posted 10 August 2012 - 03:11 AM

That advice to delete BiG World Fixpack\DSotSC is outdated, the fixpack has been updated since and it now only contains fixes for v2.16.

I don't know what's wrong with your install but I would advise to use the BWS-type install instead of the batch-type install, since I haven't had any such issue with BWS.

Problem Solved!

BW Install found on Spellhold is outdated, I just downloaded the latest version one the author website and everything going smoothly, DSOTSC is installed as any big mod which come after him.
My install is still ongoing but at least it's doesn't crash with DSOTSC! :new_thumbs:

#918 Beleg33


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Posted 10 August 2012 - 03:50 AM

Okay that was an issue of install.bat trying to install component 0 of DSotSC (now it is component 5). Still don't understand the issue with missing chitin.key.

Ok I think I understand what is going on. I don't know much about WeiDU but I'll assume AT_INTERACTIVE_UNINSTALL is called when the mod/component is uninstalled due to errors. Setup-ntotsc.tp2 calls for AT_INTERACTIVE_UNINSTALL ~NTUninstaller.bat~, that command batch is supposed to delete the chitin.key and restore the one it has backed up (COPY + ~chitin.key~ ~NTotSC/chitin.nts~). Except that chitin.key backing-up is deleted by the Trimpack, so it can't restore anything if NTotSC fails to install and then the rest of the install is screwed because there is no chitin.key anymore.

This is all under the assumption that AT_INTERACTIVE_UNINSTALL does what I think it does.

I suspect I'm wrong about the A_I_U behaviour but something like --force-install-list command makes it look like player input?

Edited by Beleg33, 10 August 2012 - 04:25 AM.

Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc

#919 dabus

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Posted 10 August 2012 - 07:35 AM

Sorry but which version is outdated?
2.16 is the latest I know.

I and I assumed you use German since you've got:

Sprache: zweisprachig deutsch und englisch

But you also got:

Language: english only
Language: english only

I'm kind of puzzled.
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#920 Beleg33


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Posted 10 August 2012 - 07:47 AM

I think he means the versions of BiG World stuff in the download manager here on SHS.

As for me I was referring to Turambar's advice to remove the fixpack fixes to DSotSC, which are no relevant again since fixes for 2.15 have been deleted and new fixes for 2.16 have been provided.

Edited by Beleg33, 10 August 2012 - 07:47 AM.

Random spambot #8434678 said :

you should liquor multiplying great deal supplment your to office apparel predicated copy may possibly be an go through check out this behave as more busy den has an interest in pc