@ enderandrew
Have you used v5.1?
Have you followed the order by each installation:
1.) Unpack all needed mods in a separate folder (only at the beginning)
2.) Install BG1 and BG2
3.) Copy the unpacking mods from the separate folder into the BG2 directory
4.) Run the "BiG World Fixpack.bat"
5.) Run the "BiG World Install english.bat"
There are important notes by unpacking your mods (Point 1). You can seen them in the updated Link-List, now.
Some mods need in addition after the unpacking manual things to do. Without this, your files are not ready for point 4 and 5.
Many greetings Leomar
I have been following and using 5.1
I noted that some mods just unpack easily with 7-zip, where as others are executables that 7-zip can't open, so I install the mod to a separate folder and then move the files over.
I downloaded most of the mods before the link list was updated. I went back, saw that you put some missing mods up on Fastshare, and then grabbed those. If you updated any mods, or versions of mods recently, then I may need to double-check everything I downloaded. I'll wait for that one TP2 file to be updated as well.
Thanks for all the work putting this together, and helping me troubleshoot the problems!
I've got a clean (patched) version of BG1 and BG2 waiting for the next attempt. And speaking of patches, I'm curious why the instructions state not to use the DX8+ patch for BG1. In one sense, that patch shouldn't matter too much with BGT, since we're using the BGII engine to run everything. But is that patch actually harmful to this project?