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#441 Marvin



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Posted 19 March 2008 - 03:02 AM

The spell learning is already reduced by BGT itself, so you don't need the experience fixer for the scrols.

However, I found out that this does not work for Multiplayer games. The XP rate in Multiplayer games is still very high.


#442 Devlinor


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 06:24 AM

The spell learning is already reduced by BGT itself, so you don't need the experience fixer for the scrols.

However, I found out that this does not work for Multiplayer games. The XP rate in Multiplayer games is still very high.


Really? My Cleric/Mage scribed two third level scrolls (to clear them from the already crowded inventory) and Imoen jumped to level 3 and my character is now a 2/1 Cleric/Mage. Oh, I am not playing multi-player, never do. So I still need to know if I can install Def-Jam's experience fixer after I have end-biffed.

BTW I installed the following quest mods, TDD, SoS, CtB, DSotSC, NTotSC, SoBH. Again, is it possible to install the experience fixer after end-biffing, or is my game hosed???

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for they are quick to anger and you are good to eat.

Sherman - The Half-Orc Cleric/Fighter NPC for BGT(currently in dialog and scripting ALPHA phase, still due to Comp crash)

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#443 Hoppy


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 07:04 AM

Maybe extracting to override folder whatever files Def-Jam needs to write or change may work. Probably 2DA files. Hopefully not all the creatures and stuff, otherwise you may have to live without it. I didn't install that and my scrolls get 10-60XP for learning so I don't know what I have that you don't.
?May God defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies.? - Voltaire

"If you think that a size of the mod indicates an amount of bugs that it introduces and their severity you're totally wrong...
Try not to use next time a load of shitty "super-mega-improving-tweaking-revising" small mods that you have installed and try to meet Wulfgar once again."
- King Diamond

Posted Image The Definitive Guide to Trolls

"Finding food and a place to sleep is your own business. I imagine Paul the Cat should have some fun with you, too" - Potencius in The Darkest Day
"You have been warned, little bastard!" -Khelben to a young <CHARNAME>in Check the Bodies
There are those who will snivel, and offer nothing in return except criticism, meanwhile never lifting a finger to do other than to cut other peoples labor down simply for the fact that they lack the capability to put anything of their own together. -erebusant

#444 Devlinor


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 10:36 AM

Here is the skinny on this episode. I bit the bullet and installed the DEF-Jam fixer. I had already end-biffed. installed the music and the gui. I ONLY installed the fix for the thieving skills (knocking it down to 10%), and the NO XPs for Scroll scribing, and tested it with some scrolls. Results, no freeze, no CTD, and (more importantly) no experience for the two scrolls. It worked. I do not know if this should be considered for a normal install, but in my case (Slow P3 - 1 gig speed, Low memory 384 MB, and limited space on the ole HD) it was a desparation measure. And it panned out. I think that as long as you install ONLY the thieving skill and scroll scribing fixes, it will work. That is all I wanted. I leave it up to others to figure out if the rest of the fix would work in this situation. I do not want to have to spend another three days installing the various mods that I did.


Edited by Devlinor, 19 March 2008 - 10:38 AM.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for they are quick to anger and you are good to eat.

Sherman - The Half-Orc Cleric/Fighter NPC for BGT(currently in dialog and scripting ALPHA phase, still due to Comp crash)

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#445 10th

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 11:47 AM

@ Hoppy

You probably have BGT 1.05b installed ^_^ . 1.05 has reduced trap removal XP and spell learning XP as default. You can change that either by copying the unmodified .2da-files into your override folder or by installing the appropriate BGT-Tweaks component.

Avast! You cannot defeat our titan-mounted submarine staffed by cannibal vikings! - Nodwick

"I grab his deceased spirit and piledrive it back into his body, duplicating raise dead." - Psyren Oots board

#446 Devlinor


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 03:09 PM

@ Hoppy

You probably have BGT 1.05b installed ^_^ . 1.05 has reduced trap removal XP and spell learning XP as default. You can change that either by copying the unmodified .2da-files into your override folder or by installing the appropriate BGT-Tweaks component.


Already fixed. (see post above, by me) I think that as long as all you install are the Thief skills fix and the fix for the scribing spells then it will work. I bit the bullet and did it, and have not had a problem. I also have not had my Cleric-Mage get any experience from copying the scrolls into his spell book, which was what I was after. The adventure XP and the Monster XP are all that I want. I am an old D&Der from the days when it was called "ChainMail". Gygax was a bit on the psychotic side when it came to Rule following but he did put out a darn good game. And sometimes, if you put up with his tantrums, you could actually get him to change a rule or two to be more logical.

Anywho, I got the fixer parts that I wanted installed, My Cleric-Mage is proceeding nicely. And I am starting to get the itch to do some modding myself. Now if I can find a good tutorial, and a couple of patient folk to help me in a crash (pardon the pun :rolleyes: ) course in making an NPC, I might try to do one that would follow the PC from just outside of CandleKeep, to the final battle in ToB.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for they are quick to anger and you are good to eat.

Sherman - The Half-Orc Cleric/Fighter NPC for BGT(currently in dialog and scripting ALPHA phase, still due to Comp crash)

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#447 erebusant


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 03:11 PM

Here is the skinny on this episode. I bit the bullet and installed the DEF-Jam fixer. I had already end-biffed. installed the music and the gui. I ONLY installed the fix for the thieving skills (knocking it down to 10%), and the NO XPs for Scroll scribing, and tested it with some scrolls. Results, no freeze, no CTD, and (more importantly) no experience for the two scrolls. It worked. I do not know if this should be considered for a normal install, but in my case (Slow P3 - 1 gig speed, Low memory 384 MB, and limited space on the ole HD) it was a desparation measure. And it panned out. I think that as long as you install ONLY the thieving skill and scroll scribing fixes, it will work. That is all I wanted. I leave it up to others to figure out if the rest of the fix would work in this situation. I do not want to have to spend another three days installing the various mods that I did.


It doesn't matter if your game is biffed or not, as far as being able to run a mod afterwards. The resources that have been biffed are still resources in your game and are indexed by your chitin.key file. When you run another mod, that mod is going to locate the files it needs to check and/or modify regardless of whether they are biffed or not.

Edited by erebusant, 19 March 2008 - 03:12 PM.

It takes a village...

#448 Devlinor


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Posted 19 March 2008 - 03:35 PM

It doesn't matter if your game is biffed or not, as far as being able to run a mod afterwards. The resources that have been biffed are still resources in your game and are indexed by your chitin.key file. When you run another mod, that mod is going to locate the files it needs to check and/or modify regardless of whether they are biffed or not.

Thank you, erebusant for the techy knowledge. I thought that that might be the case, but was not sure. Thanks for the verification.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for they are quick to anger and you are good to eat.

Sherman - The Half-Orc Cleric/Fighter NPC for BGT(currently in dialog and scripting ALPHA phase, still due to Comp crash)

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#449 SirLancelot

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Posted 22 March 2008 - 04:26 PM

Why Store Prices mod is not included?

And why "Betters call for help" component from SCS II conflicts with BGT NPC managment?

Thank you. If this have been discussed before, you can blame me at your pleasure. Today i'm reluctant to search the answer for myself, i'm tired.
Where men gather, a bustle of chaos ensues. I would save them all, if I could.

#450 PinchIt

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Posted 24 March 2008 - 01:08 AM

I have just finished installing mods as per Big World Project instructions with only BG2 content and some minor changes to only a few mods. I am wondering if any one would be willing to give up a little time and check my WeiDU log and to give me any advice on the install order or the changes I have made. I know that asking anyone to give up their time is a BIG ask but I'm hoping someone will give some time to another keen BG2 player that is still learning about how mods work. I have already encountered one constant CTD but have posted that in another post. Thanks for any help given. Attached File  WeiDU.log   40.63K   248 downloads
If you can't buy it, PinchIt!!! So said PinchIt the Halfling!!!

#451 Leonardo Watson

Leonardo Watson
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Posted 24 March 2008 - 11:09 AM

Why Store Prices mod is not included?

It's quite simple: I didn't knew this mod before. I set it on my to-do-list

And why "Betters call for help" component from SCS II conflicts with BGT NPC managment?

When installing 'Better NPC management' component along with 'Better calls for help', 'Better NPC management' doesn't work on a BGT install. NPCs won't rejoin the party. When installed without 'Better calls for help' it works just fine.

see here for more information: http://forums.gibber...showtopic=12134

#452 --EarthquakeDamage--

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Posted 24 March 2008 - 04:54 PM

RE: Chloe

You can fix the BGT compatibility problem (and thus install her pre-SoA) by tweaking the relevant files (IIRC just one .d) to create something like CHLOED.dlg instead of CHLOE.dlg. A "quick" scan with grep through my entire BG2 directory didn't find any reference to that file in BG2 mods (some BG1/T refs exist). I assume that's because any crossmod content looks for CHLOEJ.dlg (or CHLOEP or whatever) instead.

My point: Currently, there doesn't seem to be anything aside from the Chloe mod itself that looks for that file, so you can tweak the mod to use a different filename instead. This lets you install it with the other BG2 NPC mods rather than "after the transition to SoA."

#453 SirLancelot

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Posted 24 March 2008 - 05:57 PM

Thx, Leonardo. It's major issue for me.
Where men gather, a bustle of chaos ensues. I would save them all, if I could.

#454 Leonardo Watson

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Posted 24 March 2008 - 11:35 PM

@ EarthquakeDamage

RE: Chloe
Thanks for your suggestion. I put it on my to-do-list.

#455 Mythrantar

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Posted 25 March 2008 - 08:56 AM

Quick update as I plow through BiG. I am using a modified version of the mod (i.e. not all the mods listed and some of the componenets added or removed - will post the log when I get home).

So far, everything has been running smoothly except:

- North Sword Coast area: Would keep CTD'ing upon loading. I could not figure out what the issue was, however when I used AR4200 from the BGT installation package the area loaded properly and I did not notice any issues. Maybe the original file got corrupted during installation.

- The group of Lamalha (you encounter it right after exiting the Nashkel mines) did not spawn although the variables seemed to be properly set (according to NI). I CLUA'ed them in and it worked just fine.

- The group you encounter outside Gullykin: Same issue as Lamalha's group.

- In the same area where Lamalha was supposed to spawn, I was attacked by another NPC (Natalka IIRC) which I had never encountered before. I guess some mod added her and it may be the one responsible for Lamalha's diappearance.

- Doing Bonehill, some variables would not update correctly and I had to manually edit them (Gnoll progress update, and the druir message quest).

More info as it comes in :)

#456 10th

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Posted 25 March 2008 - 11:25 AM

- The group of Lamalha (you encounter it right after exiting the Nashkel mines) did not spawn although the variables seemed to be properly set (according to NI). I CLUA'ed them in and it worked just fine.

- The group you encounter outside Gullykin: Same issue as Lamalha's group.

- In the same area where Lamalha was supposed to spawn, I was attacked by another NPC (Natalka IIRC) which I had never encountered before. I guess some mod added her and it may be the one responsible for Lamalha's diappearance.

SCS and its a feature. Why should hired assassins wait for you to be slaugthered at you leisure? It would be more fun if they hunt you down. And that happens if you install 'Improved deployment for parties of assassins'.

Avast! You cannot defeat our titan-mounted submarine staffed by cannibal vikings! - Nodwick

"I grab his deceased spirit and piledrive it back into his body, duplicating raise dead." - Psyren Oots board

#457 Mythrantar

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Posted 25 March 2008 - 02:58 PM

SCS and its a feature. Why should hired assassins wait for you to be slaugthered at you leisure? It would be more fun if they hunt you down. And that happens if you install 'Improved deployment for parties of assassins'.


Thanks for the heads-up! I did not remove that component, so I guess I will be running into them (again) any time now! :)

#458 Devlinor


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Posted 26 March 2008 - 02:40 PM

ok, Finally got a party that is survivable. Got a + 1 dagger, rescued Melincamp, got him de-chickenized, got Thalentyr to upgrade the +1 dagger to the Throwing dagger +1 that returns. Cleared Nashkell mines, killed the assassins in Nashkell. Now here is where I run into a prob. The mayor tells me to take the samples of the mineral poison to Thalentyr and the ore samples to Teurome (I goofed on the spelling, I know). I go to High Hedge and try to talk to Thalentyr, but all I get is the option to buy or sell something, and alter something. I get no option to give him the poison samples. I thing there is a global that needs to be reset. Does anybody know which one, and what it needs to be set to?

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for they are quick to anger and you are good to eat.

Sherman - The Half-Orc Cleric/Fighter NPC for BGT(currently in dialog and scripting ALPHA phase, still due to Comp crash)

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#459 dragonian

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Posted 26 March 2008 - 10:16 PM

As far as i remember there was a problem with Thalantyr Upragede Mod if you spoke to Thalantyr before doing this quest it was unsolvable without setting globals.

#460 Devlinor


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Posted 27 March 2008 - 09:45 AM

As far as i remember there was a problem with Thalantyr Upragede Mod if you spoke to Thalantyr before doing this quest it was unsolvable without setting globals.

I did a search on this and found a possible solution by Ascension64, this is a temporary stop-gap IMO. I CLUAConsole(ed) in a second THALAN and talked to him. Results: Got 750 xp and that part of the quest was complete. As I said, this seems to be a temp measure. A more permanent measure requires a detailed examination of the files for the Thalantyr Item Upgrade. Erubusant is already looking into it.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for they are quick to anger and you are good to eat.

Sherman - The Half-Orc Cleric/Fighter NPC for BGT(currently in dialog and scripting ALPHA phase, still due to Comp crash)

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