Betcha didn't know -
Alaska - More than half of the coastline of the entire United States is in Alaska
Fun tune of the day -
One Meatball@ highpressure - Now I know they're all sitting on the floor, but it looks like they're
floating a few inches above it.
@ KadajX - Nicely done
face@ Rogue Sun - You have discovered where the
Wild Things are.
intense post-battle shot
I like the
look, but could you also post a "before" pic?
@ Karandras -
Very cool. Seems Oblivion stil has some surprises.
@ DFSL - Ok. I admit I snagged your pic to blow it up and see
what was missing. I give up. What's missing?
While this outfit might be
barely legal in some areas, I think the addition of the straps on the front suits ot rather nicely
I want this outfit!
@ Treetop Smoker - Whoever is on this end should
duckLipgloss has officially taken Cyrodiil by storm. Nice outfit btw.
@ Spike4072 - Love the
t-shirt@ Alexander Wolf -
@ greatfool1 -
That position really does not look comfortable at all.
AF just doesn't
listen very well, does he?
A fish tank. Where from?
Right here
Thank you!
By the way, people, I see you talking about latex... tell me when is the time of leather straps, gags, whips and the other things...
This weekend, starts around 10pm. Things'll really get going around midnight/1 am after the youngest ones are in bed. Body paionting might be available as well. Depends on if someone brings any tempura paints.
General: Bad Maraat! No playing rough with the little elves, just because they are asking for it doesn't mean you should kill them
Eye-catching effects, poses, and items: Very nice combination of the Dark Seducer and Goth shop armor, it makes Maraat look very impressive
Something else I noticed: Maybe I'm wrong but something looks a bit off with the skin texture of those elves, kinda like it's not aligned right.
1) Maraat does like playing with his toys. He's a baaaaad kitty, but he's so good at it.
2) My thanks go to Alienslof and Kikaimegami. Those 2 do such fantastic work, and making sure items are mix and match is an added bonus.
3) Something wrong with the testures in my game?? Why whatever could you mean?
Yeah, body textures have been a prob for a whiile now. Though it might be due to the TS function in those pics. I've just reinstalled Oblivion, KOTN, and SI, and will slowly be adding my mods back on. So, hopefully things will look a bit better now.
Strange video of the day: Fallen Artt (very strange, if there is some kind of hidden message in this video it is very well hidden )
Definitely strange. Though, somehow oddly amusing as well
Nude pics from me. (shocking, huh?)
Here mousy, mousy...
Aww! I just want to play with you!
Shocking, indeed! What is this Forum coming to when Chiglet is posting nudies???
gf1: Now you got me all excited, Chiglet...
Posting nudies, talking about how to adhere latex outfits to one's self, body painting,... What's next?
WooHoo!! I got someone excited! /looks around. Shrugs. - Well, that didn't last very long.
And yet another technical question. Can anyone tell me what the difference bis with OBMM manual, OBMM installer version, and Wrye Bash? Which is best? Can more thanone be used, and would you want to? I'm used to putting everything in by hand, but it got a bit cumbersome, and I think might have been one of the reasons for the weird textures. Any help would be appreciated.