Seems fate hates my new plan about comments, this morning the internet went out

On the plus side I finished Portal

Today in History: Congress investigates "Reds" in Hollywood (yea I know, boring day)
Kadaj X
General: Okay...thats kinda creepy he can do that, does this mean that picture you posted awhile ago with those cute little female fairies were...?
Eye-catching effects, poses, and items: As always incredibly well done poses

Also I love that rainbow in the background of that third picture
Pictures With Nudity:
1 2 3General: Bad Maraat! No playing rough with the little elves, just because they are asking for it doesn't mean you should kill them
Eye-catching effects, poses, and items: Very nice combination of the Dark Seducer and Goth shop armor, it makes Maraat look very impressive
Something else I noticed: Maybe I'm wrong but something looks a bit off with the skin texture of those elves, kinda like it's not aligned right.
General: It's kinda funny, I looked at that first picture for a good 2-3 minutes and failed to notice a single thing different between the two sides. Then I looked at the second one and figured it out in less than ten seconds

After that the change in the first picture became a little clearer
Eye-catching effects, poses, and items: Congratulations on converting that armor, from all the posts I read of Ratchild's when he was working on it it was a huge pain to convert, have a cookie

or two
Rogue Sun
General: Wow, another amazing picture from you

Is that area added by a UL mod? Sure looks great enough to have been....
Eye-catching effects, poses, and items: That fog in the background really adds a lot, did you edit the fog in or is that picture unedited?
General: Another one?! Do you ever all?
Eye-catching effects, poses, and items: All of these new outfits from you and Kalia are really giving Bab a lot more options.

They all look wonderful and they seem to be getting better and better
Something else I noticed: Why is it her head is darker than the rest of her? I have always had the reverse issue, the head is might lighter than the rest of the body (a lot of tweaking the skin tones normally fixes that for me though)
Hmm I need to do something ablout the names, they look a bit dull just being