Warning, Reading this post might cause your heart suddenly turn to lead, plunge into your stomach, while, at the same time your stomach knots up and wedges itself into your chest, your throat tighten and you get shaky all over(Blame Chiglet for this
)I have a chair once again! woohoo!
and more importantly...
Happy Birthday SeV! (for once I am not late
) dang took to long to finish the post
I am once again working on reworking my comment post so this will be in the basic format (finding the perfect format seems to be an obsession for me)
Interesting thread of the day:
Funny/stupid things you've been told (Hilarious thread)
Phobia of the day: Barophobia- Fear of gravity
Sign of the day: In a Pennsylvania cemetery: Persons are prohibited from picking flowers from any but their own graves.
Useless fact of the day: The largest school in the world is a k-12 school in the Philippines, with an enrollment of about 25,000.
CommentsThread #21 page 10Rogue Sun: What mod do you use to get all that detail in the landscape? QTP3?
Yorkmaster: Thank you

Jalaya Looks great
Floydian1: Hmm all our picture have gone dead for some reason
jaxson: Very nice, where did you get the ankle bracelet?
Hector the Hooded: Don't worry I wont move it

Very nice story, seems Hector is in for some problems
Kadaj X: Wow, I love those hanging lanterns you have there (also, my compliments to whoever made that pose, getting those hands right must have taken a long time to get right

jaxson: I agree that she looks wonderful in black luster

(also in everything else as well that I have seen so far

DFSL: Very nice, I just love that blue flame, it goes great with that sword.

(By the way I just noticed you haven't registered here yet

Any plans to change that?

Thread #21 Page 11Floydian1: Strange, this picture I can see

Well thats a good thing so no complains here

Great looking armor set, is that a combination of the iron, rogue, and Amazon armors retextured to match?
Thread #22 Page 1Yormaster: (I think I messed that link up, sorry) Amazing pictures, That star in the last one looks great.
Radicus: Wonderful shots of both Bo' and Rad, I think I like the 5th one best
Floydian1: I am guessing she likes flowers

(either that or she is an alchemist

Soul_Slayer: Very nice though it seems a bit flat (might just be the lack of a texture so far) I do quite like the overall shape of it so far, keep it up

Replies to comment post comments (that always sounds strange...)
Blue Shift:
[shameless plug]
Note that said mod contains all the released armor sets, and the one from the screenshot is only on my private version. Seeing as that character died yesterday, there's a chance I'll release the armor eventually. Also, there's another release planned for sometime in the next few months, so you may want to wait until then to dl (if indeed downloading is your intent).
That was a hit-and-run post; I almost didn't hang around long enough to read your comment. Who knows; perhaps I'll stick around.
[Blue Shift /out]
Ah so thats who you are, Welcome to Spellhold

I have downloaded your mod several times and yet for some reason have never gotten around to installing it

I guess one of these days when I have time to play again I will get to it

By the Nine, Karandras! Do you have any idea what it's like to have your heart suddenly turn to lead, plunge inro your stomache, while, at the same time your stomache knots up and wedges itself into your chest, your throat tighten and you get shakey all over??? Gods that post title gave me a scare. And right before bed too. New rule for me. No reading Karandras's posts right before I'm supposed to go to sleep. crying.gif unsure.gif crying.gif
I hope your happy now

*points to the top of the post*
1- We will all have to learn to comment on each others posts then. smile.gif Otherwise we'll end up with a dearth of vomments like we did while you were gone.
2 and 3 - Yay!!! Make time to get one today. smile.gif
4 - Much thanks for the mod linky. Looks nice
5 - Only 50 emoticons per post, huh? Well, that is a lot better than what the official forums allow. smile.gif
1. I sure hope so, I would hate for this place to dry up when I leave

(wow that sounded egocentric, sorry about that)
2/3. Get a new one from Staples this afternoon and then messed up putting it together

All is well now though

4. Your welcome

5. Yep, Perhaps I should have split that post into several sections but my head was kinda fogged up when I did that