The Lost Screens
Alright, here's the scoop. Occassionally I lose a few screens. I usually notice right away, but sometimes it's because the Oblivion INI doesn't update (damn you Trolfs Trick! Why
ALWAYS crash my game after using you once!). Other times, it's because I don't think the screen is good enough to be amongst my choices for uploading. And somtimes finally because they are just random screens I take for myself. Whatever the case, I have a few screens which haven't ever seen the light of day, which I figure it couldn't hurt if they did. Especially looking back on them now!
I 'aquired' a legion horse. And no, I didn't kill or steal. That poor soldier...True story. Some ayleid Ruin to the south-west of the Great bridge road had a single horse just lingering in the middle of the road. Didn't take me long to find a Poison Atronach and a dead Legion Soldier.
Come here...No I serious, come here!1st salute in the standard clothingUgh...It's amazing what a nose job and a ton of face texture tweaks can do.
Don't mind me...just a bit unnerved tonightThe names Glenn. Glenn Doppler Jr.Don't really know how I missed these. They definitely would've been in an normal update had I remembered them. Good thing I backup everything till I decide to delete them.
The earliest screen I have ever takenDrinking before the journeyViewing the distant towerLook it's a tower!I wonder how far it is?Praying to the tower, and to a safe journeyConsider yourselves blessed. These are the VERY first screens ever taken by me. Screenshot0, Screenshot4, screenshot1, screenshot2, screenshot3, and screenshot5 respectively. With the very first screen being taken on: Saturday, January 13, 2007, 7:14 AM. 9 months and 16 days ago!
Early Elven fetish with mask and with Elven HelmetEarly Elven fetish with mask and with Lich HelmetI think I remember mentioning how I had a thing for elven armor at one point. Golden Retex that is, the original texture is just horrible. I remember getting so happy when I finally got a full set, and I still enjoy it when I do take the armor out for a spin.
Poor RowhousesSolitary BeggarPanoramic view attempt: NorthPanoramic view attempt: SouthAh yes, my mythical WIP town/character hometown which I never finished. I probably should finish it, even if I do plan to reuse it someplace else. Maybe as a Cyrodilic version of the town or something. All it really needs anyway is interiors and people tweaks. As well as the right schedules, due to the types and amount of people there are. I think it was somewhere around 50 or so? Can't remember.
A moderate amount of evil is nature to all.
If one is to control their nature, then they
must accept both the light and the dark.
Doppler's Armory - I'll do something...eventually...