She does have some tasteful naked in the bath ones, but is not sure if she is allowed to link to them anymore.
What do you mean by that? As far as I know the policy on linking to pictures containing nudity hasn't changed

Posted 09 October 2007 - 11:10 AM
She does have some tasteful naked in the bath ones, but is not sure if she is allowed to link to them anymore.
Posted 09 October 2007 - 11:30 AM
She does have some tasteful naked in the bath ones, but is not sure if she is allowed to link to them anymore.
What do you mean by that? As far as I know the policy on linking to pictures containing nudity hasn't changed(it's just happening less and less)
Posted 09 October 2007 - 12:45 PM
The animation wouldn't be public, would it?? (crossing fingers)Thx 4 comments! Yes, home is a wonderful place
And yes I'm using 'specific animation'
Yes! I do believe that is the nameThanks. I think you mean Kakashi sensai ?
Much thanks for the mod link.Thanks. If your like me then you switch in and out of phases playing Oblivion (stop playing 2 weeks, play for 1 week, stop playing for a month,etc.)You always have such nice shots Alexander, not to mention your awesome poses. I understand about the not playing much thing. Lately I've really been finding that I don't have a huge desire to play OB, at least not like I used to. I am curious though, what boots are those? I've been trying to find some nice knee high boots that didn't look like they had been invented by a stripper.
I love your character Lorcan; great background story and composing of your shots.
Oh yes, the boots are from the Saber Cloth mod.
Advantages of being a Dremora (and being put on god-mode just for the heck of it)Chiglet's character is a relly cool guy. He takes a volley of arrows and keeps smiling
1)1. Until I can get a new chair the comment post is going to be the reduced version as I simply can't stand (no pun intended) to kneel/stand here any type for 1-2 hours (no matter how funny you might find it Chiglet
) No idea how long this will be though, might be a day or it might be a month (thats the problem with no steady income *sigh*)
2. Tomorrow I am going a trip down to Florida and wont be back till the following Tuesday. Since there is no internet down there (at least where I am going) there wont be a comment post until at least the 17/`8th. I am not sure if I will do a catch up post but knowing me there will be something at least. *prays to the chair god*
Chiglet: By the nine divines those arrows are huge! And he is still smiling...
Located. downloading when I get home from work.* - browse for the daedric coder on TES Nexus.
Good to see you! Take what time you need on the recuperation. (I'm alive, SS, just still recuperating
Posted 09 October 2007 - 01:22 PM
And you should know right? seeing that STAFF button under your Avatar
I think we all know what a nipple looks like but who knows what new kinds of bra's and stuff gets invented; it's just as good looking and there's more variation to it.
I'm alive, SS, just still recuperating
I actually really do feel your pain. Spent the first couple of months in my old apartment sand a computer desk OR chair. Had to choose to either have the system on the floor, or the kitchen counter (right next to the sink). Neither option was comfortable at all.
2) Have a safe trip!
Flloyd is pretty small.I think he just killed the bandits who had been shooting at him. Which may be why he's smiling.
Edited by Karandras, 09 October 2007 - 01:23 PM.
Posted 09 October 2007 - 03:03 PM
She does have some tasteful naked in the bath ones, but is not sure if she is allowed to link to them anymore.
What do you mean by that? As far as I know the policy on linking to pictures containing nudity hasn't changed(it's just happening less and less)
Posted 09 October 2007 - 03:13 PM
It was this that you said in the previous comments thread
"Comments: And the problem with this is...? Very nice shots, it seems the nudity phase we had here has gone as quickly as it arrived, even Soul_Slayer seems to have stopped "
Just was not certain if you were saying that nudity was not welcome, or not. So I just left them out. Not that any of them were porn or anything.
Posted 09 October 2007 - 03:20 PM
The animation wouldn't be public, would it?? (crossing fingers)Thx 4 comments! Yes, home is a wonderful place
And yes I'm using 'specific animation'
Kadaj X: Looks like someone joined the Knights of Order
Made by Sinharvest
Posted 09 October 2007 - 03:39 PM
Posted 10 October 2007 - 03:44 PM
Edited by Shadow', 10 October 2007 - 03:44 PM.
Posted 10 October 2007 - 04:43 PM
Posted 10 October 2007 - 09:21 PM
Posted 11 October 2007 - 04:14 AM
lol as of today shadow your the only one thats noticed lol, i think my most satisfied customer is Kadaj X lol i could be wrong though, anyways, im accepting requests!
Made by Sinharvest
Posted 11 October 2007 - 04:22 AM
Posted 11 October 2007 - 04:31 AM
Posted 11 October 2007 - 05:09 AM
Posted 11 October 2007 - 07:15 AM
Ryu - Glenn showing off = cute. I'm sorry, but it does. I lolled.
Posted 11 October 2007 - 08:03 AM
Have you tried going back to a previous save for her? I don't yet know how to add eyes and hair in the CS. I've seen a tutorial on it somewhere, so will have to try and find that again. Tried both cut and paste, and drag and drop, and neither worked. I didmanage to screw up something with the Orc eyes though.@ Chiglet, I used the original Imperial body texture as a basis and Bab uses the foot texture as a base, didn't change anything which is why there are no problems with it I suppose
the issue I'm having is certainly not texture related, it's something else entirely different When i loaded a save all the racial powers and abilities had dissapeared, adding them by console works only for a session, if I save and load I have to do it again so that's no option. I think I'll have to give up on that character and import her face for my new character.
I'm glad to hear you don't really need BP but as it didn't work with only vanilla oblivion I assumed that BP would be needed
Oh about those eyes: Can't you just add eyes in the CS? and then Wrye-patch em, don't know why that wouldn't work
@ everyone else keep it up !