@ Yorkmaster - Where is
that staff from? It looks sort of like the one from the Dremora Companion mod,
Great looking
puddy tat 
And much thanks for posting that facegen linky

@ Chimera - LOL
Great story 
Hope his horse won't get jealous.
Excellent job!
She looks just like Ben.
Impressing job on your new characters.
@ Ginnyfizz - Malana looks
none too happy about the clothing wearing thing.
@ KadajX - Notyhing better sometimes than a quiet evening at home,
stuggling with someone specialOne magical.
moonlit night He seems to be
calling down the rain @ JazzJR - Rotflmao!!!
Too funny!
Why is there a
hand sticking out of his helmet?
Mr Boney-butt looks like he's jumping for joy over something... Or did he just get hit by something?
@ DFSL - All
she needs now is a unicorn.
Beautiful unicorn. Though it looks like it's
speared that poor girl through her neck.
@ Ryu Doppler - The IC is definitely one city that has needed a
tweak or two. Far too clean and pretty for something that's supposed to be thousands of years old
I do jope Ryu isn't intending on helping with the
hedge trimming . He's an adventurer, not a gardener.
@ greatfool1 - Looks like AF's goof might have
angered some, but it's also caused
great amusement for others.
@ Flucidity - Beautifaul
detail, even in the background.
@ Lady Blue - Cool
character card . Well done
@ Karandras - From her quote,
Talaxia seems a rather practical type
@ Floydian1 - Battle of the
@ Kalia -
Deadly serious@ Radicus - Looks rather
epic Here. Take this
invisible sheet of instuctions, and make sure you follow them to the letter...
@ Treetop Smoker - Cool
oufit. Where is it from?
@ RGM2 - Very interesting facial
textures and coloration. Almost looks as if there is a painted on pattern.
1. It might have also come from this mod (kinda confusing but still some very nice stuff)
2. Well I am kinda out of the loop concerning Halloween, bafs could be some new thing I have never heard about
3. Yep, basic training will last 6 weeks and I think I will be leaving sometime around next march, not sure though. (Hilarious story btw
4. Strange, I have never heard that saying before...
5. Hmm must be something about how is face is that makes him looks like that, he is quite unique
(Impish as you put it is really fitting
6. me to....wait a minute...
10. Thats one heck of a tub toy 
11. Okay...no swimming for me for awhile...
1) Hmm. Ok. Didn't see it in any of the promo pics, but it just might be in there. I've been waiting for the final version of that to come out too as figuromg pit just what I'm supposed to download is a bit confusing.

Much thanks though
2) Hallowe'en is much the same as it's been. People get dressed up in costumes and go around begging for tasty morsels wrapped in cellophane (or head out to festicals and /or parties). The only onse who don't dress up are those who have achieved full wimpdomhood (t-shirts stating "this is my costume" are not considered costumes, but cop-outs). (Areas that don't have Hallowe'en are exampt from the wimp factor)
3) March huh? Well, that will at least give us time to prepare ourselves for your absence.
4) Ya learn something new every day

5) Thanks

10) better than a rubber ducky

11) Well. apparently cold=water lakes, and well=tended swiming pools are ok. The freaky critters are only being found in warmer climates and waters. Like near where I live.