Version: 1.2
Date: 31/03/2007
Category: Gameplay Effects and Changes
Requirements: Oblivion Patch
Author: brucevayne
Source: http://www.tesnexus....le.php?id=13329
Bored with your flat companion? Want to lead a group of individualists? Now you can. This mod gives you passibility to customize your companions, endow them with unique voices.From now on you will hear your companion commenting about 30 various events through the game.This includes diverse battle-cries during combat, differential comments while wandering Tamriel, while venturing in the ruins/dungeons, while wandering during the day/night, and many, many more(~35 comments per will have to discover them by yourself

IMPORTANT: This mod doesn't add any companions to the game, only sound sets. For the info on how to use them read Usage section below.
Those sound sets wasn't recorded by me, some of them are from Baldurs Gate, part of them was recorded by various voiceactors: VoxPopuli group, Steve Boyes (Ibsen's Ghost).
You can now choose a sound set for your companion. Note that some of them are aimed for good NPC's, some for evil ones. You should also pay attention to class of char you want to use it with, some sound sets are to be used for warrior types chars, while other are created for thieves or mages.
Note that decisions you make will affect how much your companion likes you, so take note on the character's alignment when choosing sound set for your companion.
There are many comments you can hear during the game, some of them will be quite common, some will be heard less frequently, and some are very rare. This will depend on your gameplay, and decisions you make.
Currently there are only fourteen sound sets to chose, more of them will come soon.
Here is a short description of currently available soundsets:
Calisto: an evil female , perfect for assasin/thief char. Sexy and ruthless.
Mazzy Fentan: a female character with good alignment, aimed for warrior PC's, excellent for palladin types. Her faith in justice is her armour.
Keldorn Firecam: a male character with good alignment, designed for a warrior, especially palladin. A zealot waging his own war with evil, while preserving the justice.
Rhett: "A cocky gent with a wry grin on his face, ready to look Death right in the eye and cheat him at cards while doing so. Use him for your rogue... swashbuckling fighter... heck, even a flamboyant mage wouldn't be too far out of the question." - Clint(Vox Populi)
Nalia: a female character with good alignment. Recommended for mages, although any class should fit, as long as it's not a thief nor an assasin.
Edwin: a male character designed for evil PC's, especially mages. He's ill-manered and sarcastic, but playing this character can bring a lot of fun, and hearing his "Why do I suffer these fools" may sometimes sound suspiciously ... real?
Safana: a very sensual woman, endowed with alluring, silky voice. Originally Safana was a thief, but this sound set may be used for any female character with neutral/evil personallity.
Sarevok: an evil male character from BG series, perfect for a Dark Knight.
Jaheira: some of you still remember this character...for those that don't: she is a fierce druid/ranger with good alignment. Her bonds with nature are very strong, which you will hear more than once.
Cernd: a neutral/good male for ranger or druid character. "Balance be served", as he would say.
Imoen: most of you know this char, so you know what to expact, for those that dont - she is a female thief(will work well as a mage, too), with neutral/good alignment.
Jon Irenicus: an evil male character, perfect for a mage or a warlock. Powerful and formidable.
Jeremiah: "The Hammerite Missionary; he comes from a far-off continent unbeknown to the Empire in a wealthy city named Auldale and he has traveled far so that the heretics and savages of Cyrodiil can receive the word of his God, the Master Builder." - Steve Boyes (Ibsen's Ghost)
Ja-Kha'iit-myr: he's a "Khajiit Assassin of the Suthay-Raht Clan (Ja-Kha'iit-myr translates as 'Great Moonwalker')." - Steve Boyes (Ibsen's Ghost); This sound set strongly refers to Elderscrolls lore. If you want to know more about it, see the 'Custom content' section in the readme.
1. Extract the files to a temporary location.
2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary.
3. Copy files to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\
4. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the cssBase.esm and appropriate .esp file.
For all those who wish to use cssMerged12Sets.esp:
This file can be used instead of other .esps, useful when you have almost reached mod limit mumber. IT CONTAINS TWELVE SETS(only .esps): CALISTO, MAZZY, KELDORN, RHETT, NALIA, EDWIN, SAFANA, SAREVOK, JAHEIRA, CERND, IMOEN, IRENICUS.
to get cssMerged12Sets working you should:
1. In Data\Sound\Voice create cssMerged12Sets.esp folder
2. Copy contents of Data\Sound\Voice\cssCharName.esp(where CharName is sound set's name, e.g. Jaheira, Mazzy, Keldorn...) into Data\Sound\Voice\cssMerged12Sets.esp. Do this for all twelve sound sets. When asked if you want to overwrite its contents choose yes.
3. In Oblivion Launcher place a checkmark beside the cssMerged10Sets.esm.
You can also try to merge all .esps by yourself with Tes4Gecko, it'll automatically do points 1. and 2. for you.
You will find the procedure in the readme inside the archive.
After launching the game with this mod enabled you will receive two spells per sound set: cssCharacterName and cssCharacterNameDeselect. To select a companion just cast cssCharacterName spell on him. To deselect use the second one. Note that deselecting doesn't require your selected companion to be anywhere around PC.
If you want to change sound set for the chatacter that is currently using any other sound set, remember to use appropriate deselecting spell first.
If you have more than one companion, and want to "transfer" sound set from one companion to another, simply cast appropriate selecting spell on the second companion. Previously selected companion will be deselected automatically.
You can load as many sound sets as you want at the time, with every companion using different sound set.
Remember that all sound sets need cssBase.esm to be loaded in order to work.
None found yet. If you find this mod not working correctly with your companion, let me know.
Known Issues or Bugs
It is strongly unrecommended to use this mod with quest related companions, as this may broke the quest.
Sometimes you can still hear your companions speaking some of the original lines, especially when he/she will speak with other NPC's, also within the persuasion minigame.
Those sounds wasn't recorded for Oblivion, therefore sometimes you can
hear your char calling the name of a god that doesn't exist in Tamriel.
There are no other known at the moment, please contact me if you find
Custom race companions info
1. Ainmhi race, Tabaxi race, Skeleton race:
create an "Ainmhi" and/or "Tabaxi" and/or "Skeleton" folder in data\sound\Voice\cssCHARNAME.esp and then copy contents of any other race folder(e.g. Imperial) located in here(data\sound\Voice\cssCHARNAME.esp) to this newly created folder and everything should be ok.
2. Dremora, Sephiroth and Mystic Elves will work just fine without any problems.
31/03/2008 - new sound set added: Ja-Khaiit-myr;
14/03/2008 - new sound set added: Jeremiah; currently only this set contains new version(1.2), expect other sets to be updated soon;
new version changes:
- now your companion will comment a situation when standind still for more than 45 seconds;
- major script optimization
5/01/2008 - uploaded v. 1.1 patch; New version changes:
- fixed a bug that could prevent NPC's battlecries from being played(thanks for noticeing that _BILLY_);
- added support for Shivering Isles official addon(note that this mod does't require SI to work);
- improved battle comments algoritm;
- fixed the spelling;
- fixed few small bugs;
10/28/2007 - new sound set added: Irenicus, added cssMerged12Sets.esp
10/20/2007 - new sound set added: Imoen, replaced cssMerged10Sets with cssMerged11Sets
10/15/2007 - new sound set added: Cernd, replaced cssMerged9Sets with cssMerged10Sets
10/09/2007 - new sound set added: Jaheira
10/05/2007 - new sound set added: Sarevok
10/02/2007 - new sound set added: Safana
10/01/2007 - initial release.
You can find me on the official Elder Scrolls forums as 'brucevayne'
You can find me on as 'brucevayne'
You can send me an email here:
All credits for recordind sounds goes to:
Black Isle (BG Chars)
VoxPopuli group (Calisto, Rhett)
Steve Boyes (a.k.a. Ibsen's Ghost; Jeremiah, Ja-Khaiit-myr).
All guys from the forum that helped me, spacially to:
Scruggsy wugsy the ferret
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
Thanks to lhammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.
Thanks to The Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki.
I would appreciate it if you would contact me and obtain my permission
before re-packaging any part of this mod.
Edited by brucevayne, 31 March 2008 - 02:26 PM.