There was chaos in Chorrol last night as the Gray Fox, accompanied by a most lascivious Dremora, descended upon the town. The purpose of their visit remains unknown, but they left a lasting impression to be sure. As they entered the town, one of Chorrol's finest stopped them and informed the Gray Fox that, "You're under arrest for all sorts of things. I can bring you in dead or alive, but I think you'll give me less trouble if you're dead.".
At which point the guard drew his sword and attacked. The Gray Fox, following the longstanding traditions of the Thieves Guild, refrained from striking back and simply defended herself with her shield. By this time, the Dremora who was with her had stepped in front of the Gray Fox, and was taking the full force of the guard's blows. Being true to his nature, though also following the laws of Cyrodil, this Dremora waited until he had been struck a number of times before brandishing his weapon (a rather large warhammer), and striking back. The guard, apparently overzealous in his attemps to bring in the Gray Fox, foolishly ignored the blows given to him by the Dremora until it was too late.
As this scuffle was ending, another guard entered the picture. Attempting to stay a safe distance away, this new guard opted to use range spells and archery to end the careers of both the Gray Fox and the Dremora. He did not succeed. A now enraged Dremora was loose on the streets of Chorrol. Cries of ""Run away!"!", "To arms!", and "Don't hurt me!" rang out as more guards came running to the area by the Great Oak, swords drawn and bows at the ready. While a few went after the Gray Fox, who continued to use only her shield in her defense, most concentrated on the battle hardened Dremora . Most of the townspeople in the immediate area had wisely departed, but a few had already been hit a number of times by errant arrows and spells. Peace between the races of Tamriel being tenuous at best, fights between townspeople and guards began, only adding to the chaos and confusion. It was during this distraction that the Gray Fox and her companion managed to gain entry into the private quartersof the castle.
As the two miscreants made their way towards the personal rooms of Countess Valga, it became apparent that security at Castle Chorrol was not as tight as one might think. Any attempts by the palace staff to halt the two proved futile. Embarrassingly, most took only one swing at the Dremora, if that, then ran away. When the pair came upon the Countess Valga, she showed her noble mettle in a tactical display that appeared irresolute, indecisive, wishy-washy, and not particularly effective. The sly Countess went from brandishing her weapon in a bold assault upon the Dremora, to fainting and screaming in fear, "Don't hurt me !", to resuming the attack once again. Ah, nobility.
By the next morning, over 1/2 the town guard had been slain, and quite a few of the residents injured, but all was peaceful in Chorrol again . Nobody seemed to notice the petite Dunmer female sitting next to a Dremora under the Great Oak perusing a book of rather interesting pictures.
The Chorrol town guard is now accepting applicants. If interested, inquire with Bittnold the Curse-Bringer.

Chaos in Chorrol
Started by Chiglet, Sep 30 2007 09:52 PM
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