DM: Reneer's Gold Mod 1.2
Posted 29 September 2007 - 11:33 PM
File Submitter: Reneer
File Submitted: 30 Sep 2007
File Updated: 14 Dec 2007
File Category: Gameplay Changes
Reneer's Gold Mod 1.2
By: Reneer
This mod allows the player to drop gold and place it into containers. Also, it makes the gold weighted, so you cannot carry around massive amounts of gold at the same time. This mod is (currently) intended to be used alongside a banking mod, though in the future this mod may feature its own banking system.
Using the Gold Configuration Ring, you can change the weight of the gold, as well as how much gold per actual gold piece is dropped from your inventory. Also, you can change the behavior of NPCs ? they can either give you gold in transactions, or bank notes.
Please note that this mod is currently in beta, and will more than likely cause minor problems, specifically related to your dubloons / gold. You may become a beggar much sooner than you think. If you find any bugs in this mod, please send me an e-mail!
1.2 - Fixed problems with enchanting menus, repair menus, etc.
1.1 - Fixed some major issues with bank notes and some odd happenings. Everything should be working correctly now, as I did some testing of buying/selling with bank notes and without bank notes.
1.0a - Fixed minor issues. Added another Easter Egg. No peeking.
1.0 - Added in some new Configuration Menu options, mostly concerning Bank Notes. Bank Notes can now expire, if the player so chooses. The time it takes for a bank note to expire can be changed. Did some testing concerning some reported bugs - could not replicate said bugs, so more testing will be needed.
0.99d - Changed some internal safe-guards to fix compatibility issues. Fixed some other minor issues.
0.99c - Fixed some errors with Bank Notes. Bank notes are now only in denominations greater than or equal to 1000 Septims.
0.99b - Added a new option to the Configuration Menu ? it allows NPCs to give the player bank notes instead of gold coins in any transaction ? that includes removing gold from the bank.
0.99a - Fixed some minor compatibility problems.
0.99 - Gold can now be retrieved correctly from containers (gold that was placed in containers by a mod or vanilla) and there is a working implementation of bank notes, though they are not featured in the mod just yet.
0.98 - Fixed problems with gold weight not being applied.
0.97 - Circumvented message problems to avoid issues with other mods.
0.96 - Fixed message spam issues.
0.95 - Fixed problems with using console commands, and fixed problems with banking mods.
0.94 - Fixed compatibility issues with some banking mods.
0.93 - Fixed problems with containers / merchants and gold not being added / deducted accordingly.
0.92 - Added in more redundancy to gold checking systems. Fixed some bugs that caused gold not to drop properly.
0.91 - Changed how gold is dropped ? it should be much more accurate now. Also disabled the player's controls when dropping gold to avoid bugs.
0.9 - Initial Release.
Click here to download this file

My Oblivion Mods at:
Spellhold Studios (RGO 1.67d, Corpse Mod 0.98)
Planet Elder Scrolls (RGO 1.67d, Corpse Mod 0.98)
Posted 30 September 2007 - 06:35 AM
Sweet mod, I think I got most of yours running except the decay one, I'm trying to cut down on the mod frenzy

Posted 30 September 2007 - 11:38 AM

My Oblivion Mods at:
Spellhold Studios (RGO 1.67d, Corpse Mod 0.98)
Planet Elder Scrolls (RGO 1.67d, Corpse Mod 0.98)
Posted 01 October 2007 - 01:02 AM
First encountered it when paying taxes with Ravidas Tax mod. Tax was about 1650gold, I get the message that the amount is drawn *ke-ching* and then the messega announcer get stuck on empty. I have a symbol for when a message is given, and that just hangs and no new messages are displayed - like selling and thus gaining gold, hungry notifications and other messages - no sounds of gold changing hands is played either. All game mechanics work, but there is no more messages displayed cause of the stuck one.
Also tried it when buying something over 1500 gold (about 7000 gold, a pair of ninja gauntlets) - then also it get stuck.
When using a mod like Gold Bagger that can exchange gold to coffin's of gold and the like there is no problem adjusting gold amount up to 10.000 gold, all this done in you own inventory menu.
Posted 01 October 2007 - 01:44 AM
I'll get back to you if I run into any more trouble.
Edited by Locksley, 01 October 2007 - 01:50 AM.
Posted 01 October 2007 - 05:43 AM

My Oblivion Mods at:
Spellhold Studios (RGO 1.67d, Corpse Mod 0.98)
Planet Elder Scrolls (RGO 1.67d, Corpse Mod 0.98)
Posted 01 October 2007 - 05:50 AM
Only when doing really large transactions do I get the "added ring" message, but nowhere near the spamming I was expecting. Hardly noticeable but I know there are players who think it is immersion breaking; but since I already got a symbol every time there is a message, whether it is displayed or not, I don't mind.
EDIT: And yeah, I know not all of the scripts do something right now - like letters of credit and stuff. I just wanted a quick fix without looking to much on what you've done. I am not very good at scripting and the likes.
Edited by Locksley, 01 October 2007 - 05:54 AM.
Posted 03 October 2007 - 02:32 AM
Works with withdrawing and depositing money in Bank (never noticed any problem before, but I wasn't paying attention so...)
Still have to remove message " " to get other messages displayed. I have no idea why this is so. I am using Prometheus Governing Attributes and he uses the same technique, adding and removing 10-50 messages at a time without hick ups.
I've modified Midas Magic to cost money when casting certain spells (remove player.gold001 scripting) and that get instantly added back. First I thought it was some issue with using it in scripts but the same thing happens when dropping gold, get added back. Boy, wish it worked the same way in my world, quick way to get rich

Posted 03 October 2007 - 05:26 AM
It still is messing with the messagebox system? Ugh... I thought the latest implementation would fix it. I even made sure to throughly test it this time...Update on using 0.96v
Works with withdrawing and depositing money in Bank (never noticed any problem before, but I wasn't paying attention so...)
Still have to remove message " " to get other messages displayed. I have no idea why this is so. I am using Prometheus Governing Attributes and he uses the same technique, adding and removing 10-50 messages at a time without hick ups.
I've modified Midas Magic to cost money when casting certain spells (remove player.gold001 scripting) and that get instantly added back. First I thought it was some issue with using it in scripts but the same thing happens when dropping gold, get added back. Boy, wish it worked the same way in my world, quick way to get rich
And the dropping / adding gold issue is because you are trying to drop / add gold directly in GameMode, which currently isn't supported by the mod without going through a menu first. I'll figure out a way to make it work for 0.97.
Edited by Reneer, 03 October 2007 - 05:27 AM.

My Oblivion Mods at:
Spellhold Studios (RGO 1.67d, Corpse Mod 0.98)
Planet Elder Scrolls (RGO 1.67d, Corpse Mod 0.98)
Posted 03 October 2007 - 08:48 AM
I guess the adding back of gold in gamemode is a failsafe - but for me it even adds back gold when using your "drop gold" from within the Inventory menu; guess you forgot to add that menumode to the list of menus to support?
Keep up the good work

Posted 03 October 2007 - 08:58 AM
No, that is how the mod is supposed to work. In order to reflect the changes in MenuMode, I need to remove the gold from the player's inventory. To drop the gold, it needs to be in the player's inventory, so I need to add it back. I've come up with a solution that, while unwieldy, will remove all the message problems.About message spam. When you upload a new v. I'll try just removing all the Message " " except the one's for the adjusting of Weight rings - since that is the only message I get now when I've removed all the others.
I guess the adding back of gold in gamemode is a failsafe - but for me it even adds back gold when using your "drop gold" from within the Inventory menu; guess you forgot to add that menumode to the list of menus to support?
Keep up the good work

My Oblivion Mods at:
Spellhold Studios (RGO 1.67d, Corpse Mod 0.98)
Planet Elder Scrolls (RGO 1.67d, Corpse Mod 0.98)
Posted 04 October 2007 - 12:32 PM

About Letter of credit; saw the question at Bethsedas forums in your release thread. Why not add the option to all the merchants in Oblivion, maybe do an addon for SI - maybe SI letters of credit is different from Cyrodiil and so player can't just interchange.
And now the problem. Seems like I am the only one experiencing this since none else has spoken up. When using a clean 98v whenever I loot gold from fallen foes it gets detracted; yes I am losing gold (EDIT:that was unclear - what I mean is I loot 50gold then those fifty are detracted from my gold so I end up plus minus zero, no change in gold status, no gain no loss). This I have checked, there might be other instances when gold is added or removed but as of now I haven't double checked on those.
As of right now I am using a modified v98, I went and made the checks for gold weight in gamemode inactive so now I can remove gold with scripts in gamemode and also use the GoldBaging mod. This probably broke your gold drop thingy? I forgot to check because I use the GoldBag instead for now.
It works, the gold weight might not be updated the instant I add or remove gold through looting or scripts but it does update fairly soon anyway so there really isn't so much of a detraction.
The new messagebox system works great!

Edited by Locksley, 04 October 2007 - 12:46 PM.
Posted 26 October 2007 - 03:45 AM
Since they are adding a complete economical system if your planning to mod a banking system it would be fine to merge your work, providing the common goal ?
Anyway good work Reneer.