File Submitter: Yorkmaster
File Submitted: 29 Sep 2007
File Category: Races/Hair/Eyes
here it is my first Custom race
a crossbreed between Altmer and some unnamed deamonrace
male female
Str 30 30
Int 50 50
Wil 45 45
AGl 40 40
Spd 30 40
End 40 30
Luc 50 50
Per 35 35
Alchemy 5
Alteration 10
Conjuration 15
Destruction 10
Blunt 5
Light armor 5
It was my idea to use OBSE and deadly reflexes for the skullcrushing ability (yumm brains

You need beautifull people for this mod I used 2.7 but earlier versions might also work I'm not sure.
Click here to download this file
Edited by Yorkmaster, 29 September 2007 - 08:13 AM.