Useless fact of the day: The most expensive perfume in the world is Parfum VI, which was made by Arthur Burnham. A 4 inch bottle which is covered with diamonds and 24-carat gold costs $71,380.
Quote of the day: The first time I see a jogger smiling, I'll consider it.
Word of the day: mendacious \men-DAY-shuhs\, adjective: 1. Given to deception or falsehood; lying; untruthful; as, a mendacious person.


My Favorite Picture of Yours Today
Comments: That shot is amazing

I really like the changes you made to Sable and the location that picture was taken at (not to mention the lighting)
Questions: Where is that little pool located? It looks kinda like one of Trollf's houses
Runners-up for Favorite Picture:

My Favorite Picture of Yours Today
Comments: Wow, that is an incredible face she has, plus the detail around it only adds to the effect
Questions: How did you get all those gems in your other shots? (
Example )
Runners-up for Favorite Picture:

My Favorite Picture of Yours Today
Comments: Doing a little testing with the brightness controls are we?
Questions: Might just be me, but isn't that necklace a bit out of place for going to school?
Runners-up for Favorite Picture:

My Favorite Picture of Yours Today
Comments: I gotta agree, those legs look they will snap under the weight also, that axe, while a bit silly, is still cool neat looking
Questions: Have a link to that armor? (one of these days I am gonna have to learn how to search for thing

Runners-up for Favorite Picture:

My Favorite Picture of Yours Today
Comments: I suspect he will receive a warm welcome from Trinity

(wonderful job on that face

Questions: Did he take a boat to get there? He looks a bit seasick

(i.e. green

Runners-up for Favorite Picture:

My Favorite Picture of Yours Today
Comments: I never have understood the hype around the halo series...*smacks self for going off topic* Anyway very nice shots of Radicus

I kinda miss Bo (

) but Radicus is still a really neat looking character
Questions: What gloves are those he is wearing? Are they just fur retextured to be black?
Runners-up for Favorite Picture:

My Favorite Picture of Yours Today
Comments: Oooo, a flaming, snake headed staff, neat
Questions: Is that a rose in her hair on the right side of her face?
Runners-up for Favorite Picture:

My Favorite Picture of Yours Today
Comments: The cats are going to war! Seriously thought that is am amazing picture
Questions: You know...I think I am not going to ask how this one was done, figuring it out would just make it less unique.
Runners-up for Favorite Picture:

My Favorite Picture of Yours Today
Comments: Those are some great shots, she does look really relaxed
Questions: You are going to burn that house down and let a gatekeeper run around aren't you?
Runners-up for Favorite Picture:

My Favorite Picture of Yours Today
Comments: I love the lighting in that shot above

Also her pet looks really neat

Questions: I have to ask, is Serena going to be joining the Outlawz or is she going to be against them?
Runners-up for Favorite Picture:
PictureRyu Doppler

My Favorite Picture of Yours Today
Comments: You know, Ryu kinda reminds me of Indiana Jones, only with more gore
Questions: How did you make that "rock" fist? (
Runners-up for Favorite Picture:
Great shots everyone, and great joy to report my end. The recalcitrant PC is mended!!!! 'Twas the motherboard that had croaked, but seeing as it was a warranty job and the engineer had come with a new vid card and memory cards as well, he stuck them in, too.
Glad to hear you got it fixed, with a new video card and memory to boot

Alright so what does everyone think? Unlike my other types I am attempting to include pictures that aren't links and yet wont slow down loading the page (I hope) The biggest problem I see with this style is I am kinda using other peoples screenshots

(If anyone has a problem with this I will remove them)
Overall I do like it a lot (The banners are the part I am most happy about

) but it is a ton of work so I might make some changes to it. If you can think of anything please let me know