Alright, since no one said anything about this new format the only conclusion I can come to is that it must be perfect, Woohoo!
Useless fact of the day: Chocolate contains the same chemical, phenylethylamine, that your brain produces when you fall in love.
Quote of the day: Learning is not compulsory... neither is survival.
Word of the day: Alluvion 1. soil, silt, or gravel deposited by flowing water, as it slows, in a river bed, delta, or estuary
Floydian1Picture(s)Post #26
Picture 1Post #32
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Post #35
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Picture 5Video(s)Post #13
Video 1Comments: Very nice as always

I really liked that outfit in post 26

Also, what is she going in prison? (Post 35 picture 5)
Things that pop into my head: The video was a bit dark but still watchable once again, makes me wish dragons had their lairs above ground
SinharvestPicture(s)Post #14
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Picture 5Picture 6Picture 7Picture 8Comments: Impressive

I really liked your first shot, where was that taken?
Things that pop into my head: Was really called for to cheer when you killed the tree? (pic
Lady BluePicture(s)Post #15
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Picture 5Picture 6Post #25
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Picture 5Picture 6Picture 7Picture 8Picture 9Picture 10Post #30
Picture 1Comments: Good news you found the flaw with my new system, it is a space hog

(Well, when there is a lot of pictures that is) Now lets see, those Imperial Legion shots are really neat (though she looks a bit small way back there

) As for the pants, in my opinion they don't fit, bit then again that might just be because I am used to her without them. For post #25, Did you make that armor (both types)? They look really good

And lastly: Love the retex designed to look like Cassandra's outfit.

(wait did someone else say this already?)
Things that pop into my head: Have you seen my brain? I think it left sometime during that mess of a comment section
Hector the HoodedPicture(s)Post #16
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Picture 5Post #20
Picture 1Picture 2Post #31
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Comments: Wow that is an awesome nice skin texture (if that is even close to what you have in real life you sure have led a rough life

Things that pop into my head: Eating brains now? *remembers the scene of The temple of Doom with monkey brains* How does it taste?
Ryu DopplerPicture(s)Post #17
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Post #18
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Comments: I think this is a first from you, more pictures without the hat than with

Oh and all the pictures in post 18 are awesome
Things that pop into my head: Just how did you balance that torch on your knee? (post 17 Pic 2)
FlucidityPicture(s)Post #19
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Comments: No arguing with that, pirates are just thugs on a boat while ninjas are deadly assassins, no contest in my opinion. (throw Amazons into the mix and we have another story

Things that pop into my head: How is it Oblivion looks so vibrant in your pictures? Is that due to some editing?
KadajXPicture(s)Post #21
Picture 1Picture 2Comments: Not only are those poses amazing, the rate at which you post new ones is even more so, it seems every time you post you have several new ones.
Things that pop into my head: In reference to your comment before concerning nudity, as long as they are linked (and labeled as such) you really don't need to worry about offending people here, trust me, that is really hard to do
Soul_SlayerPicture(s)Post #23
Picture 1Comments: Now that would be a very effective add for the new shop
Things that pop into my head: Did you make that chest? (simple questions for once

LuchairePicture(s)Post #24
Picture 1Comments: Welcome back

That face looks almost identical to the original
Things that pop into my head: So are we going to be getting any pictures of Nina, Suni, or Lydia anytime soon?

(my three favorite of your characters

HighpressurePicture(s)Post #27
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Picture 5Post #33
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Comments: I pity the imperial legion

Though seriously, what is there to rob is Cyrodil? There isn't a single vault anywhere
Things that pop into my head: Why does the red one not get a gun?
ChimeraPicture(s)Post #28
Picture 1 Comments: Another very nice one, you editing keeps getting better and better
Things that pop into my head: I think I liked the Amanda picture your avatar is made from a bit better, bonus points for the blurring on this one one however
GinnyfizzPicture(s)Post #29
Picture 1
Picture 2Picture 3Comments: It never does seem to take your girls long to reveal all

(In this case though I suspect that it's something other than what we are all thinking

Things that pop into my head: Is that a tattoo on her face or just some left over food?
Spike4072Picture(s)Post #34
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Comments: What, no pie eating contest?

I love how tired she looks in picture 3
Things that pop into my head: Hmm if the armor is borrowed then where did she get that really nice sword?
Rogue SunPicture(s)Post #36
Picture 1Comments: Awesome/amazing shot (I can't decide what word to use) It seems we have another amazing character by you
Things that pop into my head: Is this the start of a new series of pictures from you? ( I sure hope so

Shadow'Picture(s)Post #38
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Comments: Why is it every time I finish making up this post someone comes and post yet another shot? Oh well, no complaints here

(even more so in this case

Things that pop into my head: How did you get that sword to be
Added comment for Shadow': As to you post above, who knows? Maybe Lady Blue knows something neither of us do
Please, I implore you, suggestions (hopefully the little text will make more people notice
Edited by Karandras, 15 September 2007 - 08:01 PM.