@Rogue Sun: Nice work on the
modified screen! I dabble in bit in image editors myself (just a part of being a semi-Omni-modder), so it must have taken some time to get it just right.
@Chiglet: Ah, it's always nice to get some
good quiet time in between times of work. And being
rulers must make it even sweeter!
@Hector the Hooded: Nice work on Hector's disguise. Although to be honest I never could find a liking to the feminine face textures for guys. Always made male faces way too weird looking for me. I even tried to mix and layer every human face texture I could find to see if I could reach a good medium. But I always just ended up leaving the feminine stuff out.
Heh, Deadly Reflexes is such fun
isn't it? Course, I don't know if Orcs are the best to dine upon though.
@Shadow': What a
lovely picture! Although it does remind me of how little romance Oblivion has. But thats to be expected. Oh,
hunting would-be heros now is he? Hope he doesn't think about trying to hunt Ryu down though. Ryu might not be a hero, but it doesn't mean he doesn't know how. Plus I can think of a certain someone that might get really pissed.
@Floydian1: Nice videos.
Taking down goblins are always fun! Except for Goblin Assassins. They're just a pain in the ass with their critical strike. Now that is what I call,
one heck of a dragon! One of the things Oblivion really lacks is the behemoth monster fights! And the whole play on how a dragon guards a bunch of treasure is a great touch too.
@Ginnyfizz: Cat Succubui are always nice to see. Although it's a shame that
her morale boosts had sort of the opposite effect! Jealousy from the watch captains sounds like the real culprit on why drooling is so bad!
It does remind me that someone needs to tweak the Lantern model though. Maybe with a curved handle or something.
@JazzJR: Your thief certainly is
good at his job! That trick never gets old! Although I do feel bad that
his escape wasn't so sneaky! Damn guards.
@Treetop Smoker: Here's hoping that your new screens don't get removed too! I especially like
this one as she looks quite relaxed there. Well done!
@Sinharvest: I missed your screenshots! Course I miss other people too (Grimdeath! You're killing me here!

). She certainly is
proud of killing that spriggin eh? Keep up the good work.
@Lady Blue: Isn't that first shot at one of the testing places? I'm fairly certain I remember visiting it once. Still
Erika keeps on looking cute, even in that
Bonemold of hers! Been on any adventures has she?
I also like your shots of Tae too. Especially
this one of her standing with her unit. Hope she isn't getting too deep into things though. And your
other pictures are
very nice too.
Edited by Ryu Doppler, 14 September 2007 - 09:54 PM.