Just an advance warning, tomorrows comment post will be in the afternoon because I am going to be busy tomorrow night. Oh and the day after that it is going to be a late post, just so you know.
Useless fact of the day: If you put alcohol on a scorpion it stings itself to death.
Quote of the day: Just once, I wish we would encounter an alien menace that wasn't immune to bullets.
Word of the day: panacea \pan-uh-SEE-uh\, noun: A remedy for all diseases, problems, or evils; a universal medicine; a cure-all.
Evil number of today: Still 21.3
Shadow'Picture(s)Post #179
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Picture 5Post #183
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Comments: Some of those shots in post 179 were a bit over-blurred in my opinion but still wonderful overall

(post 183 was amazing

Things that pop into my head: That was an awesome sequence of running up Dagon (post 179) and running away from the burning farm (post 183 picture 3)
RGM2Picture(s)Post #181
Picture 1Comments:

Nice hiding place
Things that pop into my head: You know, you would think one of them would look up just once and notice something was wrong with the window
Floydian1Picture(s)Post #182
Picture 1Post #193
Picture 1Picture 2Post #196
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Comments: Very nice, it has been awhile since we saw any pictures of that wheat field (post 193)
Things that pop into my head: Is it just me or is white-gold tower taller in post 182?
FlucidityPicture(s)Post #184
Picture 1Picture 2Comments: Wow..that is an awesome retexture
Things that pop into my head: Never mind my question from yesterday, I found you did release it
Kadaj xPicture(s)Post #185
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Post #187
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Comments: Okay who let the Night Elves in?

(you would think they would be happy to just destroy Azeroth, not Cyrodil as well)
Things that pop into my head: What mod adds that tower in the background of picture 1? (post #185)
HighpressurePicture(s)Post #188
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Comments: Very nice as always

I really liked picture 3
Things that pop into my head: Is there no outfit those girls wear they don't make look good?
ChimeraPicture(s)Post #190
Picture 1Comments: *Kicks himself for not remembering if this is an old or new character* Very nicely done either way
Things that pop into my head: Any relation to the Stargate Vala or is it just a name?
ChigletPicture(s)Post #191
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Comments: Really nice, those clouds look awesome
Things that pop into my head: *whispers* um a good idea when taking over an evil stronghold is to get rid of the corpses right away before they start to smell

(picture 2)
Treetop SmokerPicture(s)Post #194
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Post #198
Picture 1Comments: Beautiful
Things that pop into my head: I love that last shot, she looks stunning
DFSLPicture(s)Post #195
Picture 1Picture 2Comments: Wonderful looking character, That hair looks really nice
Things that pop into my head: What is that staff she is holding in picture 2?
YorkmasterPicture(s)Post #197
Picture 1Comments: Congrats on your first custom race, hopefully the first of many
Things that pop into my head: Stealing all the books? This will be one heak of an explanation...
Nostalgia Moment:
An old shot from well, me 
(one of my cuter characters who stole everything she could
