Edit: Something I just learned about: If you have Doxophobia please do not read this post!
@Karandras, the pauldrons are from babarized exnem vampiress armor, I retextured them and added them to the bloodrayne dress Sia is wearing and kalia added them to the outfit Crystal is wearing.
Ah okay, that explains that

@Karandras: Thanx:D
I placed a portal to that plane in one of the testing hall's doors 
Hmm thats a good idea...*Puts up a quick portal to the CS and runs through*
@ Karandras - Nope, not *made* - mashed *together*
Those are all bits from released stuff, the jdayt satyr beta female stuff & the warlock gear specifically. back spikes are from the warlock gear, as well as the beribboned horns, the rest of the spikey/horny bits are from the satyr stuff - just put together in nifskope in a custom combo kinda way.
Mashed together works

All those spikes make her look very chaotic (in a good way if you know what I mean)

Thanks. I am not planing on leaving her like that I just don't know how I want her to regain her power yet.
hmm well in case you are looking for ideas:
1. Long trip to Blackmarsh lasting several years.
2. Grand duel in some scenic location.
3. Dance competition.
4: Cookie making contest.
5: Look alike contest.
6: Pie eating contest.
7. Trivia of the Stargate episode "Counterstrike"
8: Take the SAT.
9: Create a more worthless list of contests than this one.
Thats all for now

Btw, I have to say, I am having trouble with that evil little minx, Emilie. She says she will not come out to play until the shop is released. The little strumpet wants to flaunt herself in front of Jasmine to make Lucien jealous...
Well at least this can be added to the list of things to look forward to

karandas, i wish i was in the beta.... but 25th demo comes out yay!
Very true, I can't wait

The only problem I have found with the game is that you wont be able to cut down trees with bullets unless you have a DX10 graphics card

(also no day/night cycle) (Sorry about the off-topic Hector, I will get back to Oblivion soon enough

Now for the comments on all 7 posts today...wow slow day...I need to post some pictures again...and a movie, and work on some UFF mods, and work on butter...so why the heak do I keep playing Bioshock?! Oh well
Quote of the day: An inventor is simply a fellow who doesn't take his education too seriously.
Useless fact of the day: Al Capone's business card said he was a used furniture dealer.
Word of the day: ignoramus \ig-nuh-RAY-mus\, noun: An ignorant person; a dunce.
Rogue SunPicture(s)Post #2Picture 1Comments: I must say, She does not look happy at all
Things that pop into my head: Is she supposed to be evil? Her expression says yes but the fact the light is white says no.
ChigletPicture(s) Post #3Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Post #5Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Comments: Very nice posing in picture 3 of post 5, it really does look like he is whispering in her ear.
Things that pop into my head: Why is it Aubret's face seems half light and half dark? Is she a Glass half fun kind of person?
Hector the HoodedPicture(s)Post #4Picture 1 Picture 2Picture 3Comments: (pic 1)He is huge

(pic 2) I am sure he is just showing off his nice rings, not trying to give the finger to every single person who sees the picture, right?
Things that pop into my head: How did you get those veins and burns? Just add them using GIMP/Photoshop?
Treetop SmokerPicture(s) Post #6Picture 1Post #12Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Comments: Beautiful as ever

Post 12 was really good, the lighting went perfectly with the outfit
Things that pop into my head: Haven't I seen this picture before?
Shadow'Picture(s)Post #7Picture 1Picture 2Post #9Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Picture 5Picture 6Picture 7Picture 8Picture 9Picture 10Picture 11Picture 12Picture 13Picture 14Comments: All very nice, 3,5,9, and 10 and my favorite of Post 9

Post 7 also looked amazing

(though for different reasons

Things that pop into my head: Hunting down hero hopefuls sure isn't very nice

Though I do think the blood in post 13 should have been a bit thicker (at least close to the corpse

Floydian1Video(s)Post #8Video 1 (Youtube)
Comments: Nice "little" battle you had there

it was a bit hard to see at times but most of the time I could tell what was happening

(By the way, Very nice idea using one of your pictures as a link

Things that pop into my head: Why was it a few seconds in her wings got those strange red lines on them? was that blood?
GinnyfizzPicture(s)Post #10Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Comments: Parade her charms indeed, she looks lovely.

Oh and hats off to Flucidity for those awesome textures
Things that pop into my head(that are fit to post): You can be court marshaled for drooling? I am doomed
JazzJRPicture(s)Post #11Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Picture 5Short Story
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Picture 5Comments: I like him

(Although he really should work on not being caught

Things that pop into my head: Is the order of those pictures right? Based on their names you posted them as 1,3,4,2,5

(Holy Slaughterfish!

So what are everyones views on the new style? With there only being a few posts today it seemed a good time to try out my new ideas

The main thing it fixed from the old one was the problem I had when I said things like "All of those shots are awesome" and then only linked one. This way they are still organized and yet still has plenty of options for comments. Oh and the change from "Suggestions/questions/answers to questions" to "Things that pop into my head" fixed the minor problem of me being unable to think of a questions or come up with suggestions

So, like it? hate it? Wish to burn it alive? Promote it to a saint?
Edited by Karandras, 14 September 2007 - 06:46 PM.