Comments about PoOC thread #18
Posted 05 September 2007 - 12:31 PM
@cyborgakadjmoose, did you know how cool your character is? I would hardly say she is a Oblivion character, she's just like something we would see in WOW!
@Highpressure: Trevaia is very welcome... and lovely shots!

Caine's Outfit - because evil assassins need evil looking gear!
Caine's album - contains tons of shots of... a evil assassin wearing evil looking gear!
Posted 05 September 2007 - 12:47 PM
Thanks Leomorg! Yeah...I based her off the Draenei from WOW. I think they are a very interesting race, and I had to try to make one for Oblivion (which is ten times better than WOW...).@cyborgakadjmoose, did you know how cool your character is? I would hardly say she is a Oblivion character, she's just like something we would see in WOW!
Karandras: Unknown language
What mod is this from?
"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."
My Deviantart
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Cool place for character names: www.behindthename.com

Posted 05 September 2007 - 12:52 PM

Thank you Sinharvest for the signature
Posted 05 September 2007 - 01:00 PM
Karandras: Unknown language
What mod is this from?
That is from the wonderful mod The Lost Spires
Awesome! Thanks!
"I don't recall using teleportation, yet there I was....alone...naked."
My Deviantart
My Myspace
Cool place for character names: www.behindthename.com

Posted 05 September 2007 - 02:17 PM

Click For My Screenshot Gallery
My Mods on TESNexus - deviantART
Thanks to Gizmodian for the wonderful sig!
Posted 05 September 2007 - 02:29 PM
I'll just save a lot of your screenshots and watch them as a slideshow with minimum time between the pictures (that might be a good idea

Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogroves,
and the mome raths outgrabe
Lewis Carrol "Jabberwocky"
Posted 05 September 2007 - 03:56 PM
Posted 05 September 2007 - 04:09 PM
I'm discussing a few last minute things about the shop, and then releasing! Yay!

Posted 05 September 2007 - 05:14 PM
You might want to try Adobe Premiere or Sony Vegas.Ah well so much for movies, windows movie maker won't save my project, gives some crap message about checking the save location, bugged pile of shite!
Edited by Treetop Smoker, 05 September 2007 - 05:14 PM.
Posted 05 September 2007 - 05:47 PM

@ Jazz JR - Definitely a talented kitty.

@ Radicus - She looks rather uncertain about holding that sword. Probably to her advantage.

naughty, naughty, naughty!

Aaww! I need that mod. Gonna go look for it now.... BTW, any idea when Tamriel might be getting pigs, chickens, cows,...

@ Sinharvest - cool armor. One wonders why there isn't more trade between the provinces. The empire doesn't really seem interested in keeping up it's strength either militarily, or economically. Maybe it is time for the Daedra to take over.
Oblivious citizenry. One of the top 10 reasons for the game's title.

@ VanOa -

@ Chiglet - Wow! That new male Dark Seducer armor by Kikaimegami looks ... wait a minute. These are my pics. Silly me. On to the next comment....
@ Soul Slayer - I see female armor now comes with even more distractions for the male NPCs (nudity)

@ Floydian1 - LOL psychotic chili.

@ Rogue Sun - Beautiful

And now to start on the new thread....
Posted 05 September 2007 - 06:34 PM
@ CapsAdmin- She's a true piece of art, very realistic looking girl

@ Chimera- Goldie is marvelous looking, one of the best wood elves ive seen so far, though Trinity is still my favorite of the bunch

@ Yorkmaster- I really like your character, she looks more like a real women then most other female characters
@ Hector- Nice story hehehe, but their chests are HUGE

@ Shadow- AMAZING shots, soooo shiny

@ Radicus- Bo has always looked unique to me, she's among my favorite characters here

Posted 05 September 2007 - 08:59 PM
I'm discussing a few last minute things about the shop, and then releasing! Yay!
Woohoo, now that is a good note to start the post off on

Useless fact of the day: There are currently about 2 billion us pennies in circulation.
Quote of the day: The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Word of the day: antiquarian \an-tuh-KWAIR-ee-uhn\, noun: 1. One who collects, studies, or deals in objects or relics from the past.
Hector the Hooded
Post #18: Well he looks like a downright gentleman, not bad for a Xivilai.

Post #33: Great story, and the pictures go really well with it.

Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: Any chance you have a character guide to your stories? I keep getting them all confused

Treetop Smoker
Post #19: I really like those goggles, they look great on her.

Post #21: Wow, those two look great together

Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: What earings is she wearing?
Post #20: Quite nice

Post #23: Now that is an awesome shot

Post #29: ooooo shiny guns

Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: What pose is this??
Rogue Sun
Post #22(video): That video is awesome, now I with there was going to full version of the movie

Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: A good site for uploading high quality videos is Stage 6, They don't restrict the quality or the length of a videos.
Post #24: She looks amazing. For her age I would have to say late teens to early twenties, the large eyes make her look younger than she is (Something I noticed with anime characters)
Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: Just an observation really, I wish there was a way to make it so when a shot is sharpened and then shrunk it wouldn't get so messed up.
Post #25: I agree, that madstone is a little distracting

Post #26: A double post? Oh well, the deer makes it all better

Post #34: Nice video and nice music to go along with it

Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: With all the creatures that wander in there you might wanna open it to the public as a zoo

Post #27: Let's see, was it a softglow filter you used on this shot? it looks a bit brighter than the original.
Post #31: I still say she is a Vampire, now more than ever

Post #35: Nice flare though shouldn't it be up in the sky?

Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: just an idea, when something is super bright (like this ) It might not be the best idea to brighten it up

Post #28: Really liked the Dragon rider clip, the flight test you might have wanted to remove the swimming sound

Post #39: Awesome shot.
Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: Was this shot gotten by taking the shot near dawn or some other method?
Post #30: I am including this for the sake of being complete but next time perhaps you could try posting a picture? Also I might be going out on a limb here but think you could register? It would make it much easier for me to give proper credit if or when you some pictures of your own.
Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: I really don't think this needs any more of my time.
Post #32: Even if they were "semi-boring" as you claim I still like them

Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: Have any plans to release that race?
Post #36: That is an amazing, You were able to parry two blows at once

Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: Is that red on the sword an effect of the lighting or did you edit it in?
Post #37: It has been awhile since it last happened but this amazingly awesome shot made my jaw hit the ground

Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: Sounds like ou have the "hide in plain sight" skill

Lady Blue
Post #38: I love that outfit she has

Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: Say, that picture looks suspiciously like a repost...

Ryu Doppler
Post #40: Well that sure looks warm, should be useful the next time some cat leads you off into a frozen mountain range

Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: From what mesh was your new cloth wrap made from?
And the end of another post....here is the point where I talk on and on about nothing useful or important but merely do it fill space. Which in fact is kinda ironic since the space wouldn't be their unless I type something in it

Thank you Sinharvest for the signature
Posted 05 September 2007 - 10:18 PM

And also welcome back!
@highpressure: Damn! Now thats what I call firepower! Wouldn't want to mess with her on a bad day!
@Yorkmaster: Your tweaked nord certainly will impress a lot of ladies, thats a certainty! Well done!
@Chimera: Very impressive collection of fine ladies. Suki and Goldie and Trinity all look lovely.
@Floydian1: Quite a collection of Shineys you got there. Reminds me of how rich one can easily get in Oblivion. Sia seems to be having a good time too!

@greatfool1: Heh, the Adoring Fan get to have all of the fun in that movie! Well done!
@Soul_Slayer: Nice pictures of your girls as always. This picture got my attention in particular. The glowing eye and all. Keep it up!

@Ginnyfizz: An Altmer Orc? Well that certainly is a new one. Kudos to Chairon de Celeste.

@Hector the Hooded: Hector seems to have quite a nice little niche for himself. Course, being Lorkhan I would expect nothing less from the Trickster. Hope he can get that whole Dagon mess under control though. But then I start to wonder...what will Hector do after Dagon???
@Rogue Sun: Very nice movie, even if it was only 2 minutes long. The only bad thing would have to be the Fraps logo, but thats really about it. Great job!
@CapsAdmin: Wow...just WOW. That is great work! Very great work!

@cyborgakadjmoose: I don't think Chandrakanta is boring at all. She definitely one of the most unique characters here!
@Shadow: I know what you mean by juggling games and such. I must have replayed several games in the past few days. Bioshock and Crusader Kings got me currently hooked, as well as...Tecmo Super Bowl 2006 update fan-hack.

@Radicus: Well, Bo seems to be having quite a nice little day. Looks real serene.
@Lady Blue: Ah, Erika certainly is looking real lovely today. Is this a past present picture? You thinking about doing a full story for Erika? She certainly seems to know a few people from her past so I'm just wondering. Unless those are random people of course. Your other pictures are great as well. She seems to like her share of tight fitting outfits too. And in this picture she seems to be quite relaxed. Daydreaming perhaps?

Shivering Isles mesh. Originally part of the Patchwork Shirt (Path = DLCShiveringIsles - Meshes.bsa, meshes\clothes\lowerclass\sedementia\m). One big problem is that cloth wrap is actually part of the underling shirt. By great fortune though, the Vertices between the shirt and the Cloth aren't connected at all, so it was just a simple matter of deleting everything that wasn't part of the cloth. And with the right adjustments, it fits quite well with the cape.Ryu Doppler
Post #40: Well that sure looks warm, should be useful the next time some cat leads you off into a frozen mountain range![]()
Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: From what mesh was your new cloth wrap made from?
I can't claim the originality of that idea though. Navarris from the Bethesda board was working on his Ranger's Shroud, which took the similar idea I had with my own armor, and attempted to make some Ranger's armor based on the popular Hashshashin armor, and a sort of Fits-All-Cape using the Normal Capes and Cloaks mod which looked something similar to my character's own former tweaked cape. You can view his first attempt here.
However, in his latest attempts, he went about using the Patchwork Shirt chest as a base, and building off of that. Producing this as a result, although it suffers from gaps in between the mesh bits because I guess they weren't rigged correctly. Seeing this a light went off in my head on how to revamp my own character's gear. So I separated the cloth, scaled it, and fitted it accordingly until...bam! Sweet Spot!
I still need to rig it right though. The neck portion doesn't really move realistically at all, since it was never rigged to do so to begin with. I might also have to scale the texture down a bit.
Edited by Ryu Doppler, 05 September 2007 - 10:18 PM.
If one is to control their nature, then they
must accept both the light and the dark.
Doppler's Armory - I'll do something...eventually...
Posted 06 September 2007 - 12:24 AM

Prepare for trouble, and make it double...
@ highpressure - Very cool looking robes

Will Andras tell me a secret if I come closer?

If one expects the unexpected, then the unexpected should become expected.
There's a new sheriff in this town,...
@ Yorkmaster - Is that how they keep the dust of the streets off their clothes?
I think they will be impressed.
Makes for a really neat effect
@ Floydian1 - Very interesting. It hhas a puzzle-like look to it.
muchly pretty
@ greatfool1 - That was great! Reminded me of the dances at some of the sci-fi conventions I've gone to.

@ Ginnyfizz - Her body is a trellis for a lovely plant
@ Hector - Classy and sexy all rolled into one package. Jump on this one while you can Lady Blue.
Excellent story and pics
@ Rogue Sun - Wow, wow, and wow again. I got chills down my spine. You definitely have the right touch with the movie type videos.
@ CapsAdmin - I would guess she's about 17
@ Chimera -

Very pretty characters
@ cyborg - Very cool character
@ shadow' - Hold on tight. We're in for a bumpy ride, and they don't serve peanuts
@ Radicus - lovely scene
@ Lady Blue - A lovely character
@ Ryu Doppler - Love the starry night
Posted 06 September 2007 - 01:06 AM

Post #181: Hmm makes me wonder what he is pondering
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: What is he pondering?

The more detailed the instructions, the better. For some of us at least.Well, here goes nothing. I'm going to try to explain the best I can on how to add smoke.

These completely off-topic links are especially for you, kalia. Enjoy<snippety>

Thanks for the tips gf! These would probably also work when taking stills as well.Something I should mention for anyone wanting to try a video with companions (I will put this in the SS Guides):
A few tricks that would have saved me some time - all the girls and AF are companions (from Divine Avenger). My pc is not in it because he is the badass dude and he didn't fit in to the theme. So the trick is to start the animations in the general area you want them to dance (or doing whatever), and then have your pc out of sight just below the floor in the middle of them (using TCL, of course). This will have them less oriented in one direction or another, especially in terms of their gazing. Just be careful when you TCL and move your pc because if you go too far below the floor or elsewhere, all the companions will try to follow him and all their animations will be reset to none.
Also, there are some new emote animations that can be added to your other animation to make them look surprised, etc. (Link is in thread noted in prior post.)
Edit: Also, my lighting sucked. It seemed fine at the time, but when the video was compressed, it looked pretty bad. So make sure you have lots of light. Also my editing sucked, but oh well... that is a whole other matter.
Useless perhaps, but it would be nice to have that ability. The growing limbs back, not the eating one's own limbs. (btw, are you on myspace?)Useless Fact of the day: When under extreme stress, such as when held in captivity, some octopuses will eat their own arms, which grow back.
I'd visit more often, but find CI rather confusing to navigate.Ehr... nice screens, as always... just make sure to pass by CI forums and say hello there too!

Sounds like a diplomat in the making. Or one of the world's grestest producer/directors if that trailer is any indication.No my course work probably sucks the creativity out of me: I'm a Political Science major, though I am a theatre minor (don't ask...). Thanks for the tip about the program, I'll have to look into it.
I am in complete agreement. Be great to see something Oblivion on the big screen, and probably totally doable with today's technology and as a trilogy. Just need a good enough screenwriter, a studio willing to take a small chance, and the blessing of Bethesda to get that ball rolling.,snip> still can't wait to see a feature film of Oblivion

Posted 06 September 2007 - 04:39 AM
Useless perhaps, but it would be nice to have that ability. The growing limbs back, not the eating one's own limbs. (btw, are you on myspace?)Useless Fact of the day: When under extreme stress, such as when held in captivity, some octopuses will eat their own arms, which grow back.
Well I am sure some of these are useful to someone (after all, I believe that no information is useless) So it is more a general name than truly useless facts (I do have some of those

Oh and yes I do have a myspace account (created due to the whole stolen screenshots issue) however I never use it.

Thank you Sinharvest for the signature
Posted 06 September 2007 - 12:33 PM
Thanks Lady Blue!@ Shadow- AMAZING shots, soooo shiny

Thanks Karandras! It's a shot I have always wanted to do, but never managed to do it. Hooray for pose mods!Shadow'
Post #36: That is an amazing, You were able to parry two blows at once![]()
Suggestions/answers to questions/questions: Is that red on the sword an effect of the lighting or did you edit it in?

To answer your question, I edited the red in the sword. Came out pretty well IMHO.

Glad I'm not alone.@Shadow: I know what you mean by juggling games and such. I must have replayed several games in the past few days. Bioshock and Crusader Kings got me currently hooked, as well as...Tecmo Super Bowl 2006 update fan-hack.
Nice screens by the way! Good Job!

Yeah I'm going through several games and awaiting some new ones in the mail (Gamefly FTW!) to try out. All while keeping up with school. It's madness!
THIS IS SPAR- *is shot*

Er..okay?@ shadow' - Hold on tight. We're in for a bumpy ride, and they don't serve peanuts

I'm gonna say thanks if that was a good thing.

(Sig by Sinharvest)
The official Oblivion Screenshot Ninja

Posted 06 September 2007 - 02:48 PM
Chapter 9: Secret alliance with the Dragon.
"There, right over that hill is the warp bad!" Hector said, cooler than the snow upon he stood. "Well, it better be!" Caria yelled, "My feet are killing me me!". "I carried you half of the way. Uphill." Hector said. "Well, your built for manual labor Iggy!" Ithen squealed. "Shut up, Ithen." Replied Dho.
"Stop your bickering!" Hector said with his booming and commanding voice.
"Ah! Here we are! Everyone leap!" Ellea said. "Ithen, Dho, Ellea - show Caria to her room. And tell her to mind the guards, they're under my command but the have recently become quite.....testy." Hector told the three. "Ughh...." Whined Caria, "Not more hocus pocus mystery!" "Ah, but mystery is all around you my dear. Espically here, be sure to get Ellea to show you the waterfall...you'll enjoy that." Hector said, winking at Ellea."
"Ahh.....sweet padded throne, how I have missed you..." Hector thought to himself.
No sooner had that lovely thought finished than had a unique figure appeared in front of him
"My...my lord Lorkhan" Said the beautiful, Golden and Blonde figure kneeling to the ground. "Rise, Razihel." Hector said, and with that she stood on her feet.
"Lord, I have bad news - Mehrunes Dagon plan is currently in execution, his forces will soon assault this Stronghold, you've already lost two others." Razihel said, without even taking a moment to catch her breath. "Damn! Damn it all!" Hector yelled, shaking the large castle itself. "Tell me, Razihel, where is Gisele? She should have arrived days ago." Hector asked her, "My lord...went Hinsman Keep fell....Gisele was captured. But Gisele keep did not fall to Mehrunes Dagon!" Rhaziel exclaimed. "WHAT? How does my Captain get captured? Who? Dagon will pay with his blood for this!" Hector yelled. "My lord... it was not the work of Dagon. This was the work of Sheogorath." Rhaziel said, not looking Hector in the eye. "Oh? Ohohoho! Excellent!" Hector's grimace now turning into a smile.
Rhaziel's confusion grew by the moment.
"ITHEN!" Hector yelled. "Yes my lord?" Ithen said, teleporting right infront of Hector. "Here are my orders - I have to leave with Rhaziel....we have a rescue mission. Your duty is as followed - protect Caria, I sense we will have unwanted guests." Hector told her. "It will be done my lord" Ithen said, giving Hector a squeeze and wink before she left.
"RHAZIEL. We march to Brellach, to save your sister and my captin." Hector said, in a oh-so official tone. "Yes my lord!" Rhaziel said.
Soon, the guests and guest of honor would arrived. Too bad they won't be staying.
OK, whats this shop your doing?
Hector's new tattooed HO is thanks to me. Good pics, good story
The download is no longer public. Somehow the file has 15 downloads and some really really familar faces on this board
Edited by Flucidity, 06 September 2007 - 02:53 PM.
A rare beauty in the north, she's the finest lady on earth.
A glance from her, the whole city falls; a second glance leaves the whole nation in ruins.
There exists no city or nation, that has been more cherished
Than a beauty like this.
-Han Dynasty poet Li Yannian
Flucidity's Texture Resource
Posted 06 September 2007 - 03:22 PM
You know i was thinking about doing a story for awhile and i might, though that kind of stuff is hard work i think. Ill take a few shots and see where it leads to =D@Lady Blue: Ah, Erika certainly is looking real lovely today. Is this a past present picture? You thinking about doing a full story for Erika? She certainly seems to know a few people from her past so I'm just wondering. Unless those are random people of course. Your other pictures are great as well. She seems to like her share of tight fitting outfits too. And in this picture she seems to be quite relaxed. Daydreaming perhaps?
About the daydreaming thing, if you can daydream in the imperial city prison, then sure

@Karandras- Yeah, in a way its a repost, though its an alternate outfit one that i never posted before