Drinking problem? Nah! When you travel as much as Ryu does, it's quite relaxing to sit back and enjoy a cold one.Ryu Doppler
Post #175: Be sure to watch the skies on your visit, darn cliff racers...
Post #187: Ever consider you might have a drinking problem?
Suggestions/questions/answers to questions: Any chance you have a link to that mod? For some reason whenever I look for it I can never find it (and when I am not it seems to be everywhere)

Silgrad Tower Forum release thread (v2.5).
My first thoughts...the place is HUGE! I mean they already say it's big (9 times the size of Cyrodill, wilderness that is...or so I think...), but you just can't understand until you see it in-game. You could wander around aimlessly for in-game days and still be in the middle of nowhere. When I first arrived I made the choice of not getting directions from the Dunmer near the entrance. Would've stayed lost too if my Framerates didn't start to plummet from the VWD objects of Soluthis & Reich Parkeep in the distance. When I was done exploring there, I finally decided to get the directions, which at this point are nothing more than quests and associated quest markers for 2 places (and some instant transport portals). One big peeve was that it didn't have Worldspace map, but from what I've read there going to add a rudimentary one in the v3.0 release. It also didn't seem to have direction markers on the local map for the worldspace as well, but they came back when in an interior? Likely just a simple glitch.
Pretty fun to mess with but still has a bit to go. Seems to install fairly clean as well, with only a few ugh areas. But they are easily taken care of before copying the files over.
Edit: Now that I think of it...wasn't Hector semi-working with the TES4: Vvardenfell team? How's that going so far?
Edited by Ryu Doppler, 13 September 2007 - 12:43 AM.