It was an easy job - track down the kindred hunter, kill him and be accepted back into the clan,
even as daywalker caitiff.
Yasemin knew she should be glad, but just couldn't shake off the feeling something was terribly
amiss here
- her former superior had almost looked troubled when they met when he handed and
against her habits she had scanned his mind - and though Ercan was able to hide most
of his thoughts she sensed that hardboiled clan elder honestly feared for her very existence.
After that the next piece which didn't fall in place was the fact that her target, a hashashim and Bhaalit
ghul only known by the war name Ocatius (true funbarrel he was, to name himself after a Tremere
Lord ...) almost semmed to have wanted her to find him - in a place with no witnesses and without
his lifeguards...
[img width=800 height=600]http://i174.photobuc...edAndKin_01.jpg[/img]
It was an easy job - track down the kindred hunter, kill him and be accepted back into the clan,
even as daywalker caitiff.
Yasemin knew she should be glad, but just couldn't shake off the feeling something was terribly
amiss here
- her former superior had almost looked troubled when they met and he handed over her orders
and against her habits she had scanned his mind - and though Ercan was able to hide most
of his thoughts she sensed that hardboiled clan elder honestly feared for her very existence.
After that the next piece which didn't fall in place was the fact that her target, a hashashim and Bhaalit
ghul only known by the war name Ocatius (true funbarrel he was, to name himself after a Tremere
Lord ...) almost seemed to have wanted her to find him - in a place with no witnesses and without
his lifeguards...
True it seemed that guy was expexting her ,which came as no suprise given the Hashashimi intelligence
network - and true the ghul had put up quite a fight, but... it was almost as if he had held back most
of the time, as if he was cursed with a deathwish spell...
Yasemin knew there was only one way to find out the truth ... and it meant waving her chance to
rightfully call herself an Assamite again goodbye. She shrugged, and after tying the dead hashashim
up like a hogpig, pulled the wand of kin resurrection out of her bagpack and pointed it at the corpse...
[to be continued]
True it seemed that guy was expexting her ,which came as no suprise given the Hashashimi intelligence
network - and true the ghul had put up quite a fight, but... it was almost as if he had held back most
of the time, as if he was cursed with a deathwish spell...
Yasemin knew there was only one way to find out the truth ... and it meant waving her chance to
rightfully call herself an Assamite again goodbye. She shrugged, and after tying the dead hashashim
up like a hogpig, pulled the wand of kin resurrection out of her bagpack and pointed it at the corpse...
[to be continued]
Edited by ChaironDeCeleste, 27 August 2007 - 02:57 AM.